Chapter 9
Getting Acquainted
(A/N Wow. Sorry for the delay! This has been a horrible season. I'm struggling with my new fish tank. I got most everything right on water parameters, however, my ammonia is high, and I just found out that the plant bulbs I put in the water didn't want to grow and had started to rot. I'm fighting algae and my fish are acting sick. I'm pulling my hair out. Hopefully, I can buy a snail to get rid of the algae. I'm tired of adding chemicals. I just want my fish to live and not dye on me. I also already fought a case of ick and I don't I don't know what do. I can't bring the ammonia down and I'm using an ammonia remover. I give up.)
(Last Time)
Hyorinmaru… Back down, Toshiro ordered as he felt the ice dragon slowly retreat but still linger in the back of his mind.
Yes, thank you. Now… Hmmm… Yes, yes… A genius through and through but you haven't gotten where you are on brains alone, now have you? Although, you love to learn knowledge isn't what you seek. No, Ravenclaw is not for you, the old hat mused with a humming tone. You are iron willed and steadfast. You've certainly already seen your fair share of battles and pain. You have a drive to do what's right and to get things done. You welcome challenges and you don't back down. Yes, I know just where to put you.
Toshiro knew where he was going without even having to ask, which was what he had planned to begin with. A wash of relief came over him as he waited for the hat to call out its verdict. At lease he made into the right house.
"GRYFFINDOR!" The Sorting Hat roared.
(Present Time)
The table decked out in red and gold cheered and clapped. The hat was removed from Toshiro's head as he stood. He made his way down to the applauding table as the next student was called. He found that Ronald has saved him a seat. He quickly took it. Donald looked rather happy to have at last one person he knew in the same house as him. Their attention was quickly drawn to the front as one by one the other first years were called and put into their houses.
Finally, the last child, a girl, stood as she walked down to Hufflepuff. McGonagall grabbed the Sorting Hat and stool before walking off. A mere moment later an elderly professor stood. His beard was rather long and white as he looked out over the student body. He cleared his throat lightly.
"To our newcomers, welcome," his voice was clear and he stretched his arms out wide. "To our old hands—welcome back! There is a time for speech making, but this not it. Tuck in!"
The students broke out into applause as Dumbledore took his seat once more. Then finally the feast began as food appeared out of thin air before them. Jack was a bit stunned by it. Holly had told him about how meals were severed but he wasn't expecting what sat before him. There was all manner of food sitting on the table. This was unreal. Toshiro was a little surprised but quickly got over it as his upperclassmen quickly took to filling their plates. Donald seemed quite happy with the menu and was filling up his plate quickly.
"Don't you think you're putting too much on your plate?" Toshiro inquired as Donald shook his head.
"Nope! I'm going to enjoy this," Donald beamed, grabbing a gravy boat and pour a good bit on his meat. "I only get to eat like this on holidays."
Toshiro shook his head and portioned out his meal a bit more. He wasn't going to waste anything on his plate. He noticed that he felt as though he was being watched. He looked over and saw the ghost that was near Harry and his friends studying him. The ghost quickly turned when a girl with bushy hair got his attention. Toshiro slowly went back to his plate. Hopefully the ghost wouldn't blow his cover. He wished, however, that he knew what the conversation was about but he was too far away to make out anything.
Jack had a slight feeling that he was the odd one out as not a soul would really look at him unless it was to give him a weird look or make an off color remark. He knew his odd looks were making him stand out. He also had a feeling that it was because he was new to the house, he didn't have one friend, and that he was also a "transfer" from another country. He just quickly filled his plate and ate. Maybe he should make the first move? It couldn't hurt, could it? He turned to the 3rd year boy to his left.
"Hello, I'm Jack Faust," Jack smiled as the boy just rolled his eyes.
"And I'm supposed to care?" the boy replied sharply.
Jack went to make a quick reply but knew that those particular words might set off a bomb he didn't want to go off. So he just bit his tongue and went back to his food. He looked at as the 7th year girl to his right. Maybe she would a bit more social?
"Hi, I'm Jack," he said, putting his hand out to her. She looked at it before turning from him all together. "Same to you…"
At last Toshiro had Donald to talk to. Hey, maybe he could find Annabel and sit with her at least. He tried to find her from his spot at the table. There were just too many students to make her out. He wanted to get up and sit with Toshiro but figured that might not be such a hot idea right now. He needed to get acquainted with his house first before he just wondered off to another house's table. Especially, the Gryffindor's table.
A little ways down he saw a blond boy with a pointed face looking down at him with some his friends. Jack turned back to his food once more. He wasn't overly fond of their smug looks. A couple of moments later he felt someone standing behind him. He slowly turned to see the same boy and a couple thugs standing on either side of him.
"Hey, Yank," the blond said with a not so sweet smile. "I'm Draco Malfoy and this Crabbe and Goyle."
"Yeah, I'm Jack Faust," Jack said, studying them. Jack knew they were up to something.
"Okay, then, Faust… Seeing as how you are new here my friends and I would like to assist you, given that we are in the same year," Draco said with same sick smile. "We can show you the ins and outs. It also doesn't hurt either that I'm one of the house prefects."
Jack just gave him an awkward smile as the two thugs seemed to move in a little too close. As much as Jack would like get in good with someone high on the pecking order he had a feeling it was going to be more of a forced relationship. Not something he was looking for. He didn't want to be forced into being "friends." But it might get him where he needed to be. It was a good opportunity after all. He had seen the name Malfoy a couple of times in the newspaper, most likely the boy's father. He just had to know when cut his ties with Malfoy and his friends.
"Sure, that sounds fine," Jack answered. "I really appreciate that, thank you, Malfoy."
"Then you are welcome, Faust," Draco said with a smug look. "Tomorrow I'll show you around the school and to our classes. Just stick with me and my friends. You won't regret it."
I'm betting I will regret it… Jack hummed in his head as Draco, Crabbe and Goyle turned and marched off.
Jack let out a hard breath. That was… Strained. He knew that Draco and the others were going to use him for something or another as he was the "new guy." He turned back to his meal. This was going to be a long evening. Hell, a long year. He started picking at his food. He seemed have lost appetite a bit more after talking to Draco and his rather large followers.
Toshiro kept feeling the eyes of several ghosts on him. He'd catch a couple of them whispering to each other and giving him sideways glances. Oh, they knew about him but they were keeping it to themselves; at least for now. Hopefully, he'd be able to get audience with them sometime tonight and get a few issues cleared up before things got too carried away. He also started to get assaulted with questions about himself. Some questions he was more willing to answer than others. He still came off as rather cold at times when he was getting annoyed.
After Draco had talked to Jack suddenly those around him, that had originally ignored him, were now talking to him quite a bit. This was awkward. Now he was getting bombarded with all manner of questions. Why did he transfer? What was America like? Why was his hair so white? And like Toshiro some questions were easier to answer than others.
Slowly the grand meal started end as students stopped eating and started chatting more. This seemed to be the cue that Dumbledore was looking for. He got to his feet once more and looked out over the student body. All chatting stopped and the air become silent. All eyes were now on him. He drew in a breath.
"Well, now that we are all digesting another magnificent feast, I beg a few moment of your attention for the usual start-of-term notices," the headmaster's voice echoed off the stone walls. "First years ought to know that the forest in the grounds is out of bounds to students—and a few of our older students ought to know by now too. Mr. Filch, the caretaker, has asked me, the for what he tells me is the four hundred and sixty-second time, to remind you all that magic is not permitted in the corridors between classes, nor are a number of other things, all of which can be checked on the extensive list now fastened to Mr. Filch's office door."
Jack grumbled as Dumbledore continued to rattle on about this and that. Ha, like he'd actually make time to read over that silly list. More than likely half of those things were the caretaker's pet-peeves. He glanced over at Toshiro who as usual looked very astute listening to every word the old wizard had to say. Toshiro was obviously going to at least a pet to one of the teachers. He hated to say that but the boy was unbelievably good. Holly just praised him left and right. It did make Jack feel jealous watching Holly give Toshiro so much glory. Suddenly there was a light applause around him. Jack just mimicked the others as he was at loss. He had lost what the Headmaster had said and was just following the other students. Maybe he should tune back in to the old man.
"Tryouts for the House Quidditch teams will take place on the—" Dumbledore voice trailed off.
He turned to look at another professor clad in pink. It was an odd sort of pause. Now what was going on? Jack was more lost than before. He bit his lip a bit as looked up at the front of the Great Hall. He then heard the pink woman, Professor Umbridge, mocking clear her throat. Now that was a bit rude. She then got to her feet obviously she had something to say and it couldn't wait until the Headmaster was finished. Dumbledore was bit taken aback by her actions. He slowly sat back down but some of the other professors looked quite surprised as this pink thing just interrupted the headmaster like that. She had an odd sort of grin on her face.
"Thank you, Headmaster," this pink creature said, "for those kind words of welcome."
Her voice made Toshiro's skin crawl. It was rather high-pitched and girlish. It was obviously a put on to make her seem sweet and kind. It was sick to be honest. Toshiro glanced over at Jack . He was eyeing like she was sort of monster. In all honesty she might just be. She cleared her throat once more and continued in that sickeningly sweet voice.
"Well, it is lovely to be back at Hogwarts, I must say!" her smile was not helping. "And to see such happy little faces looking back at me."
Honestly, woman, no one is happy to see your ugly pink butt, Jack thought, grimacing.
I don't like her. I truly don't like that woman, Toshiro mused, rubbing the bridge of his nose.
"I am very much looking forward to getting to know you all, and I'm sure we'll be very good friends," Umbridge stated, happily.
Jack looked a little sick and Toshiro's eye started to twitch. There wasn't a snowball's chance in hell that were ever going be "very good friends." This pink thing was really laying it on thick. It was too much of a show. Once again the woman cleared her throat again. That was getting on Toshiro's nerves.
"The Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards to be of vital importance. The rare gifts with which you were born my come to nothing if not nurtured and honed by careful instruction," Umbridge rattled on. "The ancient skills unique to the Wizarding community must be passed down through the generations lest we lose them forever. The treasure trove of magical knowledge amassed by ancestor must be guarded, replenished, and polished by those who have been called to the profession of teaching."
Ironically she paused and turned to bow towards her fellow professors, as if she was giving them great praise. Actually she was just mocking them. Toshiro felt the need to leave but he knew better. He needed hear everything this pompous windbag had to say. He knew something was up as he had seen her a few times in the newspaper. She was a Ministry official and this was not settling right with him. She, yet again, cleared her throat. Toshiro's eye twitch intensified as she started rumbling again. What was with that throat clearing?
Jack rolled his eyes as the pink monstrosity kept right on talking about this and that. He was only half paying attention at this point. He knew Toshiro was mentally taking notes so he'd just ask the boy genius about all this later. He yawned dully as her large frog like mouth continued to dump nonsense as far as he was concerned. He noticed that he wasn't alone in his boredom as most everyone else had tuned her out as well. She was nothing much now but annoying background noise and annoying was putting it lightly. When finally she stopped Jack turned to see her sit back down.
Dumbledore was the first to clap, although it was rather strained. The other teachers slowly did the same following him. They were not amused at all by that speech. Dumbledore once more got to his feet and looked out into the throng of students.
"Thank you very much, Professor Umbridge, that was must illuminating," Dumbledore said, bowing back to her before picking up where had original left off. "Now—as I was saying, Quidditch tryouts will be held…"
Toshiro ran a hand down his face pausing briefly at his chin, letting out a sigh. That woman… He wasn't going like her. Not one bit. In all honestly he would rather be locked in a room with Aizen than be in the same building as that thing. He turned to Donald who looked a little more than lost as to what just happened. Being the child of a couple of squibs he might have been out of loop somewhat. Even with Holly's help Toshiro still wasn't fully up to speed either but he knew enough to get by.
"What was that about?" Donald asked, shaking off his stupor.
"Oh, just the Ministry just sticking its nose where he doesn't need to be," Toshiro answered, dully. This is not going to end well. I'll have to keep my eye on this woman as much as I don't want to…
"That doesn't sound too good," Donald said, looking worriedly at Toshiro.
"It's not," Toshiro answered back.
Then, suddenly, the hall was dismissed. Toshiro needed to catch up to Jack but he knew Donald would tag along with him. He got up with Donald right behind him. Toshiro started by Harry and friends.
"Hey—hey, you lot! Midgets," the redheaded called out, his eyes focusing on Toshiro's white hair.
"Ron," the bushy haired brunet snapped.
"Well, they are, they're titchy…" he quickly answered
"And you're being very rude," Toshiro snapped at Ron. "You shouldn't address anyone as such."
Ron looked surprised but the girl had a bit of a smug smirk on her face at the fact that someone had agreed with her. Ron didn't seem to please at all as he and Toshiro glared at each other.
"Thank you! See, you can't call them that. Now, first years! This way, please! I need all first years over here," the girl called out.
More first years started to gather around them and Toshiro found that he was indeed the shortest of the lot. He managed to lose Jack in the crowd. That was aggravating. He needed to catch the winter spirit. Suddenly the group of first years started to follow Ron and the girl out of the hall. They were most likely headed towards the Gryffindor dormitories.
Toshiro exited the hall trying to find Jack but just didn't have the height to look around. Suddenly he felt someone pull on his robe. He turned to see Jack. They stepped out of the door and off to the side.
"So now what?" Jack asked. "I don't like how this is going."
"I don't either but listen. We can't really talk here," Toshiro said, noticing some strange looks they were getting. "We need to get to our houses. However after the others have fallen asleep we need to meet somewhere because we need to talk to the ghosts."
"But where do we meet? I don't know anything about the layout and you don't either," Jack pointed out.
"Those stairs," Toshiro pointed to the stairs that all the students were climbing. "Meet me at the top around 12."
"If you're sure," Jack nodded. "Catch later you then."
Jack quickly ran off. He somehow spotted Annabel and followed her. Toshiro needed to catch up with his own house. He somehow managed to find Harry just as he was walking out. He noticed the strange looks the teen was getting. Although he was getting some strange glares of his own, especially after talking to Jack. He quickly caught up to Harry and started walking beside him. Harry looked down at his left to see a head of white, spiky hair.
"What are you doing here? You're supposed to be Ron and Hermione," Harry stated.
"I got a bit confused and the lost the group," Toshiro replied, crossing his arms. "You're from my house so what difference does it make?"
"I suppose it doesn't. We are going to the same place," Harry said with a half-smile, rubbing the back of head. "And you're…?"
"Hitsugaya Toshiro," Toshiro answered following Harry. "And you are Harry Potter."
"Yes," Harry nodded. "It's kind of hard not to know…"
From there the conversation fell short as Harry continued to lead the way. Toshiro wasn't too sure about the moving staircases. He had read about them but this was a bit… Well, he just decided to watch Harry and figure how to navigate them.
When they finally made to the top of the steps they found a large portrait with rather plump woman waiting from them. Harry paused as he looked at the woman. He didn't know the new password. He looked down at Toshiro who was indeed waiting for him to let him in.
"Er… I don't…" Harry said, looking back at the portrait
"No password, no entrance," the Fat Lady replied, looking at both of them.
"Harry, I know it!" someone said from behind them.
They both turned to see a boy hurrying towards them. It was Neville Longbottom Harry realized. He looked to be a little pleased to see them.
"Neville?" Harry said as he came to a stop.
"Hi, Harry, and…" Neville said, catching his breath a bit his eyes falling on Toshiro.
"Hitsugaya Toshiro," Toshiro said with a bow.
"Hello, I'm Neville Longbottom, nice to meet you. I know what the password this time," Neville said, not sure if he should bow back or not but instead he held up an odd looking plant. "I'm not going to forget this one. Mimbulus Mimbletonia!"
"Correct," the Fat Lady said as her round portrait swung open.
Harry climbed in first followed by Neville. Toshiro walked in last and took in the room that greeted him. Everything in the room was decorated in the house colors of red and gold. There was a roaring fire in the fireplace making the room a little too warm for his liking. The furniture was certainly well worn and could use some fixing up but the atmosphere was inviting. He decided to have a look around now that he was in. He noticed a set of twins also redheaded setting up some sort of fliers. Curious as to what it was he walked over to them and looked at them.
"Hello," one of the twins said, looking at Toshiro. "Come to check out some of our goods?"
"I would recommend the Puking Pastille," the other twin said. "Best way to get out of class."
"Night, George, Fred," Harry said, walking up a set of steps.
"Night, Harry," they replied in unison before returning to the young first year.
"Or better yet we can sell you the complete Skiving Snackbox," the first twin spoke again.
"It as everything you need. The Puking Pastilles, Fever Fudge, Nosebleed Nougat, and Fainting Fancies," the second answered not missing a beat.
"No… No thank you," Toshiro said as one of them pulled out one of their Snackboxes. "I would prefer not use such methods to get out of lessons."
"Oh, sure, you say that now."
"But wait until you getting Professor Binns' boring history class."
"Or worst yet, Professor Snape's potions class."
"You being a first year and all…"
"…we'll cut you deal on the Snackbox."
"That is creepy… Again no. I don't want that," Toshiro said, taking a few steps back.
"Are you sure? You're going to be missing a good deal."
"If you'd like we can give you a sample of one of them."
"No thank, I'm fine without them," Toshiro said, quickly turning and started up the same steps the other boys were taking.
This was obviously the boys' dormitory but he had no idea where his room was. While he was looking around he heard an argument farther up the corridor. He heard Harry's voice in that. He might as well keep looking for his room. He might as well as try a door and ask. He could get direction from someone. He decided to not knock the door where the argument was coming from. The door opened revealing a fourth year boy. He looked wide eyed at Toshiro but the shinigami just bushed it off.
"I'm looking for the first year rooms," Toshiro asked.
"Oh, yeah, try the first few doors," he said, pointing back down the hallway. "I've seen you before. Yeah, you were in papers not that long ago. You were that albino staying at the Leaky Cauldron."
"Yes," Toshiro almost groaned. "Thank you."
"Hey, wait," he said, ducking back into the room and quickly came out with a camera. "Can I get your picture? It's sort of a hobby of mine. I'm Collin Creevery by the way."
"I'm not overly fond of having my picture taken," Toshiro quickly answered as the boy looked disappointed. "Perhaps some other time?"
"Okay, but you will let me sometime, right?" Collin asked smiled again a bit hopeful.
"I'll think about it," Toshiro said, walking back down the corridor.
Toshiro arrived back at the start of the corridor. He might as well see which dorm he was in. He knocked on the first one. A freckled face boy opened the door. He just stared at Toshiro's hair.
"I'm trying to find what dorm I'm in," Toshiro said as the boy focused in more on him than his hair.
"Well, it's not this one. All the beds have already been taken," the boy said as Toshiro nodded.
"Thank you," he said as the boy half waved and shut the door back.
Toshiro moved on to the next one. Once again he knocked on the door and another young round face greeted him.
"Hi," the boy said.
"I'm looking for my dorm," Toshiro spoke.
"I'd try the next one down. I think someone named Donald was looking for you," the boy stated pointing to the next door.
"Thank you," Toshiro said as the round faced boy ducked back into his dorm.
Toshiro made his way to the next door and knocked on it. It flew open quickly as Donald and other boy peered out. Donald had look of relief planted on his face as he stepped back to let Toshiro in.
"Where did you go?" Donald asked as the other boy shut the door. "I was about to ask the prefects to go look for you."
"I got turned around that was all," Toshiro answered finding his trunk. "I found an upperclassman and he guided me here. You had no reason to really worry."
"Oh," Donald said, biting his lip.
"Hi, I'm Matthew Muir, nice to you meet you, Hee-tsu-guy-ah," the boy said, grabbing Toshiro hand and shook it rather roughly. "You know, I've you see and that other white haired bloke in the Daily Prophet."
"You don't say?" Toshiro said, taking back his abused hand. I can't wait for that article to just blow over.
"Nice room, right? It's just us three in here," Matthew said, looking at the large room. "Gives us a lot more room for our own things. Most rooms usually have 5 people."
There were indeed two empty beds. His bed was located not far from the window, which was good for him. He walked over to it and peered out. The window had a fairly nice view of the grounds. He knew it would be better come daybreak. But this gave him the advantage should he need to make a quick escape for any reason.
"I don't know about you guys but I'm getting in my night clothes and getting to bed," Matthew said, walking over to his trunk. "I mean, breakfast is early and classes start right after."
"Not a bad idea," Donald said, opening his trunk and started going through it, pulling out his PJs.
Toshiro followed not long after. He sat his wand down on his night as he took off his robe.
"Wow, that's an interesting wand," Donald said, looking at the red and white wand sitting on the nightstand. "What's the wood made out of?"
"Dragon blood tree with Kappa shell," Toshiro said, taking off his shoes before getting on the and close the drapes back to finish changing. "The handle is alabaster."
"That sounds right expensive," Matthew said, taking off his shoes. "Mine's just plain old maple with kelpie hair. Oddly enough it stills smell like maple."
"Sycamore with dragon heartstrings," Donald said, holding up his. "I wonder what classes are going to be like? I can't wait to write my parents about what house I'm in. It'll surprise them."
"Most of my family are Gryffindors so it won't surprise them at all," Matthew said, happily, pulling off his shirt and put on his night shirt. "Hey, Hee-tsu-guy-ah, why you hiding out? It's not like you've got something we ain't seen before."
"I, uh…" Toshiro voice trailed off. He was covered in several scars that he didn't feel like explaining. "I'm just self-conscience and leave it at that."
Normally he didn't care about his scars when he was those he knew and trusted. His scars meant he survived his battles and continued on. But here was a different story. Everyone thought he was just normal child. It wouldn't look right to display his scars. It would raise a lot of questions. Not only that but for his age group he was very well built; something else that would come off as strange. What normal 11-year-old would have well developed biceps and triceps? Not to mention well defined abs? Not many that he could think of.
"Oh, c'mon, it can't be that bad," Matthew said, walking over to Toshiro's bed. "Is it a cultural thing?"
"Yeah, that's it," Toshiro answered. Not really but we'll go with that.
"Well, that's fine, I suppose," Matthew said, sitting down on the spare bed across from Toshiro's bed.
"Wow, is it really getting to be that late?" Donald asked, looking at the clock. "It's nearly 10 o'clock."
(Slytherin Boys' Dormitory)
Jack wasn't too sure about this. He wasn't overly fond of the location of the dorm he was in. He was in a dungeon, which meant he was underground on top of that he was practically underwater as he looked out of the window. He kept on eye on the clock. His four other dorm-mates were fast asleep. One of them was sawing logs just a loud as he could. It was close enough now. He got up quietly and closed his curtains. He took off his crystal and hid in his trunk. No one could see him now. He he even transformed his staff back to its original state. He slowly snuck out of his dorm room and back to common room.
He looked around. He remembered following Annabel here. She told him the password and how to get into the house. Her whole attitude towards him changed once they were in the same house. It was sort of funny really. She gave him a brief tour of the common room and where his dorm was. She was also kind enough to give him a brief history of the house of course Draco also added in few things. Oddly enough Jack trusted Annabel a little more than Draco and it wasn't because he had met her first. He knew Draco was up to something.
Anyway, he hurried out the door and started his way back up to ground level. He couldn't wait to get out. Hopefully, they could get something cleared up and figure what to do. He sighed as made his way up and out of the dungeons. Now he just needed to remember how to get to those steps. He had to admit he was happy that normal people could see him unless they believed in him. He already passed Mr. Filch as he was hurrying to the steps.
He got turned around a couple of times but managed to find the steps. He hurried to them. He was just now midnight. He looked around for Toshiro and couldn't find him. Did he beat the Shinigami? He started up the steps and looked around.
"Hitsugaya? Hey, Hitsugaya?" he called out.
"Up here," Toshiro said, perched on small edge near the ceiling.
He was nearly invisible. The only thing that stood out was his white hair. He was dressed in his traditional uniform, which really blended him well into the shadows. He soundless landed in front of Jack. Strapped to his back was sword that was almost as long as he was tall.
"What's with the get up?" Jack asked, looking at the black garb the Shinigami was wearing.
"This is what I usually wear," Toshiro stated adjusting his sword. "I'm just not wearing my captains' cloak. I left my gigai in the dorm. Less people are likely to see me in this form although wizards are notorious for seeing reapers regardless."
"Oh, okay… So what now?" Jack said, resting his staff on his shoulder.
"We need to locate the Hogwarts ghosts," Toshiro said, looking up at Jack.
"Fun times with that one," Jack hummed with a bit of yawn. "Also, look, I'm sorry I didn't get into Gryffindor with you."
"No, it's fine. Actually it's better this way. Holly said a lot of supporters for Voldemort come from that house," Toshiro stated. "You're also in the same age group as Harry Potter. This is good. This is what we need."
"Okay, if you say so," Jack mused as Toshiro closed his eyes. "So how are we going to find them?"
"Let me concentrate," Toshiro ordered as Jack grew silent.
It took less than a minute as long white ribbons started to circle them. Jack had never see anything like that before. It was sort of creepy as they moved a bit like worms free-floating in the air. Did Toshiro do this? Toshiro then reached out and grabbed a few of them all at once. He opened his eyes as the ones that he didn't need vanished.
"What was that?" Jack asked as a smirk slid over Toshiro's lips. "That was totally different and little weird."
"They're Spirit Ribbons," he said, looking down at the ribbons that were fading his hand. "They're this way."
Toshiro took off with Jack right on his heels. Toshiro went down several corridors and up a few flights of stairs. Jack almost ran into him when Toshiro would pause to make sure he was going in the right direction. Finally they came to a part of the castle that looked quite deserted. It was also darker. Toshiro made a small ball of energy to light their way.
"Are you sure they're here?" Jack asked in a low voice. "I'm not even sure where we are."
"They're here," Toshiro assured as he continued to lead the way. "This way.
Jack continued to follow Toshiro until they came to a corridor that veered off to the left. There was a door at the far end. So they were in there? They hurried to the old rotten door and they could hear voices coming from within.
"This is it," Toshiro said in a low voice.
"Okay, do you want to knock or do you want me to knock?" Jack asked, gripping his staff tightly.
"I'll do it," Toshiro said, raising his hand
He curled fingers and hit the old door. Pieces of wood fell off in chunks. There was no response. Toshiro reached for the rusted handle and pulled the door open as best he could the hinges were so rushed he couldn't open it very far. He slipped in and Jack just making it though. The room apparently led down and a faint light was coming up. Also the voices were clearer now.
"I'm telling you we need to report that—that thing to the Headmaster," one voice shouted out. "It does not need to be inside these walls."
"What then? We start a school wide panic attack?" another voice blurted out. "I say we figure out what the reaper wants and let him leave peacefully. Dumbledore is already under enough attack as it is. How do you think it will go if that Umbridge woman learns that a reaper is roaming the school halls?"
"But the Baron could be right. Never once has a reaper dared to enter the school," a woman's voice that time. "This cannot bode well. What if He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named put the reaper here to cause unrest?"
"I'd like to be the one that drives him out," another voice said. He almost sounded happy. "Can I? Can I? Oh, it will be so much fun!"
"You say that now but wait until you get your head cut off, Peeves, and trust me I know what feels like," another male spoke. "I say the best thing to do is to talk to the reaper. They are intelligent, after all. There is no reason why we can reason with him."
"I still say we should report him," the first voice boomed again.
"I can't take this arguing! Whenever we get together all we ever do is argue," another female voice sounded off almost as if she wanted to cry and scream at the same time. "I should have just stayed in the lavatory."
More voices started to come up from the base of steps, furiously arguing. Obviously there were quite a few ghosts down there. Toshiro led the way down the old stone staircase with Jack carefully following him.
"We should take a vote on the matter," a fat ghost dressed as a friar called out over the yelling. "I believe that is that best thing to do."
"Yes, a vote," another ghost covered in blood. "That will decide what actions should be taken against that reaper!"
"Very well! All in favor of reasoning with him raise your hands," the friar said again.
Several hands went up and the friar started to count them off. He even counted the two hands raised on the steps when he suddenly paused and looked back. He jaw hung slack and his eyes grew wide. The other ghosts quickly followed his gaze and were surprised to see the reaper in question seated beside another entity. The ghosts quickly backed up away from the stairs. The Fat Friar was shoved forward as Toshiro and Jack looked down at them.
"You wanted to be the diplomat," the Blood Baron growled out.
"Y-yes…" The Friar said, slowly step up. "Um, yes… M-Mr. Reaper, sir…"
"If it will make you feel better I have no intention of harming any of you," Toshiro said, looking down at them. "I'm just an observer and a visitor to this school."
"How do we know you're not lying?" the Baron snapped. "A reaper can't be trusted."
"I swear I am not lying," Toshiro stated, boldly. "I am not here to harm. I am actually here to help. I was asked by European division to come and observe the whereabouts of the Dark Lord. I am Captain Hitsugaya Toshiro of the Far East division."
A murmur arouse from the ghosts. Toshiro didn't know if this was a good thing or a bad thing. A woman slowly stepped up and stood just behind the Fat Friar.
"What help can a reaper be?" she asked in soft but agitated voice.
"It depends on the situation," Toshiro said, taking a couple of step down. "I know of Lord Voldemort—"
"You dare speak his name," the Friar choked out and the others seemed just as shocked.
"For crying out loud it's nothing more than a name! You guys try treat it like it's a curse word somewhere on par with the word 'fuck' or something," Jack stated, jumping down off the steps to the floor several feet below. "Look, we're just here to help, honest."
"You know, I don't think I've actually heard you swear before," Toshiro said, walking of the last of the steps.
"Oh, I've got the whole spectrum I just don't like to use it, especially around kids," Jack hummed. "But to put all of this bluntly the captain and I are here to protect the children—and staff—from any attacks that may come for the Dark Lord. Personally, I really don't want to be here but it's my duty as Guardian to protect children."
More muttering came from the cluster ghosts. This was indeed odd. A Reaper and a fabled Guardian here in Hogwarts? Just what was this world coming to? They continued to chatter quietly among themselves until Toshiro cleared his throat, getting their attention again.
"Thank you. Now, Jack Frost and I would like to make a few things clear," Toshiro said, looking at the ghosts before him. "We, as I'm sure you've noticed, are posing as Hogwarts students. Myself being a Gryffindor and Jack as a Slytherin. As such for the most part we would like you to treat us as any other student here. However, you can aid us if you hear anything about the Dark Lord via the other students or staff."
"And why should we help you?" the Baron bit out.
"Do you really want to cross a reaper?" Toshiro reminded him and the ghost backed down.
"And on that note… Anyway, we just want all of you to be an extra set of eyes and ears for us," Jack said, looking out at them. "And please don't blow our cover. I'm to be called Jack Faust while I'm here, so don't call me Frost. We're the good guys here. We want to protect the school. So any help you give us will be appreciated."
"You're really Jack Frost?" Another ghost questioned.
"The one and only," Jack said, thrusting his staff in the air as snow started to fall from the ceiling. "I'm the Guardian of Fun!"
"He's also a known trickster so I'd watch him," Toshiro said out of the corner of his mouth.
"Oh, wonderful. We've already got one as it is," the same ghost replied. "That would be Peeves our resident poltergeist. Who, now seems to have gone missing. I am Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington, the Gryffindor Ghost."
"I believe most of the house calls you 'Nearly Headless Nick,' is that correct?" Toshiro questioned.
"What? Why are you called that?" Jack asked as Nick pulled his head showing that it just hanging on by small flap of skin. "WHOA! I'm sorry I asked… I really am. Oh, wow…"
Toshiro let out a light chuckle as Jack gave him a dirty look. He walked into that one.
"You're a jerk," Jack grumbled.
"Not the worst thing I've been called," Toshiro said with a light sigh. "Anyway, that's all we wanted to discus with you. Just to keep our identities a secret and to aid us. We have no intention of interfering with any of you personally. You are to carry on as you normally would but just keep an ear out."
"Is that all you'll require of us?" the woman ghost asked again, looking rather unsure.
"Yes, that is all," Toshiro nodded. "If we need anything in particular we will ask."
"You are welcome to come here again should need a place to talk to us or just amongst yourselves," the Friar said. "This is one of our little areas that no one ventures into."
"You can't just—OOF!" The Baron was cut off.
"They're here to help! Besides, young Faust is in your house," the Friar stated, after elbowing the Baron a bit in the stomach.
"I don't mind if you come back down here," a young female ghost said, sliding up beside Jack. "You should come to my lavatory sometime. It's on the first floor. I won't mind at all if you came, Jack."
"Okay," Jack muttered as she smiled at him, adjusting her glasses.
"I'm Myrtle," she smiled, acting a bit bashful.
"Nice to meet you, Myrtle… We need to get back to our dorms now," Jack said, taking a step back. "Thank you all, for hearing us out."
"Bye, Jack," she waved at him, in flirty manner
"Bye," he said, quickly flying up the steps.
"We will help you as best we can, Captain," Nick stated.
"Thank you, good night," Toshiro said, using his shun-po to catch with Jack.
"I think Jack likes me…" Myrtle said as the others moaned.
"I think you're delusional," the Baron grumbled as she made a sour face at him.
(A/N Ugh, finally I have chapter finished. I'm not only fond of this one but at least I got it out there. Sorry for the long wait. I wanted to get it before Christmas but that didn't happen. Anyway, please review and check out another short story I'm working on, called the Permafrost. It's just small little two shot. I'm revising the second chapter I didn't like how it was going so it will take a while to get chapter 2 out for Permafrost. Thank you, please review.)
Millie M. Banshee