Bonjour! Once again enjoyed your wonderful reviews, faves, and follows. You guys make me continue writing which is why you should continue reading Get It Right... ENJOY!

Previously on Get It Right

Pulling up the covers he looked at the ceiling thinking about Kim. Even if I did have feelings for her. Which I dont! She still doesn't believe in love... but maybe I can change that.

Jack was currently taking things out from his walk in closet, in search of finding a specific red medium-sized box. He wasn't why indeed he would ever want to find that box and take a look at his past but there was something telling him to do so.

"Yea, found it!" Jack said happily, as he finally found what he was looking for. Behind his many clothes and many boxes with several things in then that Jack clearly didn't care much about, was the red box.

Taking it in his palms he shut his closet door and made his way to his bed. Blowing off the dirt that was covering the box, he examined it.

Jacks Pov

I was looking at every nook and cranny and saw many marks covering it, the markings we made when we were kids. This box holds many memories some pleasant others not so much, but for some strange reason I wanted to relive those memories.

The markings were drawings. Drawings made by Tyler, Kim and me.

Now I know what your thinking. 'I thought you hated Kim when you were little?' and I did back then... but there were a few rare times where we would get along.

Tracing my fingers on the box I look at each and everyone of the drawings.

A little girl who was supposed to look like Kim, in which she drew herself, holding a flower on her right hand. Tyler on the left side of her was holding up a baseball bat,while the other hand was wrapped around Kim's shoulders, in which he also drew himself. On the right side of Kim was me, which I also drew myself holding Kim's little hand.

I chuckled remembering how the drawing reflected in what really happened.


"Come on dude," 9 year old Jack said to Tyler. "stop missing and actually hit the ball this time!"

"It's not my fault you throw the ball wrong!" 9 year old Tyler yelled back.

"I do not throw the ball wrong, you my friend are just to slow to hit it!"Jack fired back at him.

"Oh no you didn't." Tyler said making his way towards Jack.

"Oh yes I did." Jask said walking towards him as well.


"Take it back!"

"No! You take it back!"


"You take it back!"

"No you!"

"Dude take it back!"

"GUYS!" little 8 year old Kim yelled. Finally making the boys stop their ranting and focus on the small blonde walking towards them.

Kim was playing with her dolls under the shade of the tree near the field where Jack and Tyler were playing baseball but was rudely interrupted when she heard screaming. Fed up with it,she walked closer to them hoping to get their attention. It worked.

"Why are you screaming to each other like that?" Kim said putting herself between the two boys.

"He told me my throwing sucked!" Jack yelled poining a finger to Tyler.

"Right after you told me my hitting sucked!" Tyler yelled back pointing his baseball bat towards Jack.

"Nah ah!" Jack yelled

"Yah ah!"

"GUYS!" Kim screamed again making them stop once again.

"You guys are best friends for crying out loud! Best friends don't bring each other down, they bring each other up. So both of you shut up and go back to a friendly baseball game with your best friend. Okay?" Kim said looking at both of them.

Both thinking about it looked at each other with a straight face that was until they cracked a smile making a laugh escape their lips. Thinking how stupid the fight was.

"I'm sorry dude, I just really want you to make it into the baseball team." Jack said to Tyler with Kim slowly stepping out from between them.

"I get it and I'm sorry too. I'm just nervous about this whole thing." Tyler said to Jack.

"Friends?" Jack said holding out his hand for Tyler to shake.

"Best friends." Tyler said handshaking Jack.

Giving each other a bro hug, Kim just stood there with her little arms crossed smiling at her amazing work. Tyler pulling back from the hug, left to the other side of the field to continue the game. Leaving Jack with Kim.

"Thanks Kim," Jack said giving her his signature smirk.

"Don't thank me, you just needed a little push. That's all." Kim said smiling.

"No, that not all. I mean it, thank you. Jack said genuinely looking directly in her eyes.

Jack's eyes left hers for a while to look for something on the field. Finally he saw what he was looking for and ran straight to it, leaving Kim with a cofused looked wondering 'what in the world is he doing?'

Grabbing it, Jack ran back to Kim putting the mystery object behind his back.

"Close your eyes and hold out your hands." Jack said.

Unsure at first Kim did what she was told.

Jack waving his small hands in front of her face to make sure she wasn't looking, placed the object on her smaller hands.

"Open them."

Slowly opening them, afraid what could possibly be on her palms 'Come on it's Jack were talking about here! He could have put a spider on my hands!' Kim thought , but was really wrong. Where the supposed spider was supposed to be, instead there lay a white rose.

Kim's heart fluttered and she had no idea why.

"Aw, it's beautiful." Kim said holding the rose closer to her face. "Thank you Jack."

Kim said walking closer to Jack with her rose in her right hand, while her left hand was hugging Jack around his back.

"No need, you deserve it." Jack said returning the hug, pulling her closer.

Breaking up the hug Jack walked slowly back towards the field where Tyler was practicing his swinging.

"And Kim!" Jack yelled turning around.

"Yea?" Kim screamed back still holding tight to the rose.

"Your more beautiful than any rose in the world!" Jack screamed back smiling before returning to Tyler, continuing the game.

To say Kim was very awe struck by what had just occured. Smiling to the ground smelling the beautiful rose, she made her way back to her place under the tree going back playing with her dolls. Only with a much bigger smile.

End of Flashback

I don't know why we went back to hating each other the next days and now that I think of it I honestly don't know why I hated her in the first place. Shaking my head knowing I will never remember why, I opened the box.

"Woah," I say as I take a look to many Knick Knacks, letters, toys, anything that a little group of children would have. Setting everything out on his bed, he got a closer look.

Letters we sent to each other, Kim's dolls, Tyler's baseball cards and mine as well, etc. But what really caught my attention were some photos covered by many letteres. Photos showing Tyler and I playing video games, Kim twirling in a yellow dress, Tyler with a baseball bat, me doing a hand stand, Kim kissing my cheek, Tyler and me- wait what?!

WHOOSH! there goes chapter 5! hope you guys enjoyed it as much I enjoy writing for you!

until next time.

-Stay Fearless