Hello! Sup! Heya! Bonjour! any other language that means Hi! Here is another Kick story! It was going to be a one shot but it was to long for one so why not a story?! Anyway... ENJOY!

"I hate you Jack!"

"Same here Kimmy!"

"Why don't you just jump off a cliff?!"

"Why don't you drop dead?!"


"Yea, that's what I thought walk away Crawford!"

Little 9 year old Kim stomped her way towards her house, which happens to be across from the Brewer's residence, in her yellow dress now covered with mud after her encounter with 10 year old Jack.

Kim and Jack never got along, heck they wouldn't get along even if you gave them 100 dollars. It felt like it was in their nature to make eachothers life miserable. You'd think how much hatred can they have for such small children but wow, their hatred was like a wildfire getting larger by the second.

No one knew exactly how this fued started but it sure seemed like it wouldn't end. Everyday it would be the same. Kim enjoying her time outside with her next door neighbor, who also happens to be her 8 year old cousin Tyler, and her day would be destroyed by the one and only Jack Brewer. Kim loved Tyler to bits, though she despised one thing about him. Tyler happens to be the best friend of Jack.

When spending their time out Jack would suddenly come join them, ignoring Kim's protest, and hungout with them making Kim's sunny rainbow day into lightning threatning to struct any moment.

"Mommy!" Kim said on the verge of tears.

"Kim," her mom's head popping out of her room. "Oh my goodness! What on earth happened to you?" She asked before brushing her hands through Kim's mud covered dress.

"Jack Stupid Brewer happened!" she said taking a seat on the kitchen chairs before crossing her little arms.

"Again?" Kim's mom Karen said pulling Kim's dress over her head leaving her in just her undies and flats. "Why can't you two just get along?"

"Ewww no!" putting a disgusted look on her face. "Jack is always a big meanie to me and never leaves me and Tyler alone to play!"

"But Kim their best friends, sweety." Karen said wipping the smuges of mud Kim had on her face.

"Tyler can find a better best friend than that trash!" she said with her arms still crossed. "I wish he would just leave! Out of this town! Out of this state!"

Karen just looked at her little 9 year old daughter dissaprovingly. Little did they know Kim's wish was about to come true.

"I got to say Kimmy," Jack grinned beside the moving truck. "Im going to miss you least of all."

Today was the day little Kim has been dreaming of since she meet Jack. The Brewer's are finally moving and Kim couldn't be happier!

Apparently Jack's father, Todd, got a huge promotion at his job which caused him to have to move to New York to be closer to his job. Not wanting to leave his wife Bella and his son Jack behind, he decided they would all be moving with him.

"And I got to say Jackie," Kim mocked before poking his nose. "I won't miss you at all."

Rolling his eyes Jack walked up to Tyler and hugged him for atleast two minutes both not wanting to let go.

"Promise to keep contact." Tyler said releasing from Jack's grip.

"Dude of course we'll connect eachother on the playstation everynight!" Jack said grinning.

"Sweet! Now I can beat you from the other side of the world." Tyler said laughing.

"Oh your on." They hugged one last time before getting on their truck.

Kim, Tyler, Karen, and Kim's dad Mark stood out of house waving to them goodbye. Before dissapearing to the other side of the road Jack stuck his tongue out to Kim, in which she happily returned.

"Yay!" Kim said running into her house. "Jack is finally gone! Let's go out and celebrate!" extending her hands laughing at herself.

Throughtout the years Tyler has still kept contact with Jack both not mentioning Kim in which Jack could really careless. Kim pushing away everything she remembered of Jack and having him completely gone out of her mind was pretty happy with how everything seemed to turn out.

Both Jack and Kim completely forgetting about one another continued on with their lives. Elementary was over in a blink, Middle School was finished, and both had now entered their second year in High School. What can they say? They were loving life and having fun living it. It was that one day in summer before entering their third year in High School that left Kim wide eyed and speechless.

5 years later...


"Come in." 15 year old Kim said. Kim has to grown to be such a beautiful and lovely teenager. Her long lushes blonde hair cascading down her hair, big doe brown eyes, flawless appearance would make any teen boy swoon over the blonde beauty. Taking part in Karate, Gymnatics, Cheerleading, Cross Country was mainly the reason of her beautiful figure that every girl would want.

Mark opened the door seeing Kim jamming to music while practicing her cheer moves.

"Hey can you lower that down I need to tell you something." Mark asked nervously.

Pressing pause, she sat down at the edge of her bed looking up at her day. "What's up pops?"

"Well," he said taking a seat beside her. "You remember that Brewer kid?" seeing her confused face he continued. "Jack?Umm... Jack Stupid Brewer?"

"Oh yea," she said snapping her fingers. "What about him?"

"Umm how do I say this... their back." seeing Kim's wide eyed reaction he continued. "Todd's job got him to continue his work here so they moved back but not in the same house though, but wait here's the funny part." awkward silent moment. "They invited us to dinner tomorrow!" he finishes smiling hoping it would ease the tension.

"What?" now standing up she stood above her dad. "Im not going no way! No how!"

"Kimberly Crawford." Mark said raising his voice and standing up. "You will be going and that's final. It's been 5 years for heaven's sake! Dont you think it's time for this childish acts to end. Now I don't want another peep from you. Be ready by 5 o'clock tomorrow." he finishes before leaving her bedroom.

"Great." flopping down her bed she let out a huge sigh. "Is dad right? I mean I'm 15 already! I guess it's time to bury the hachet, no matter how hard it is."


Right now the Crawfords were outside the Brewer's household, or mansion, yup mansion fits it better. To say Kim was speechless. Living big Brewer, Kim thought. In that second the door opened to Jack's mom Bella.

"Oh my gosh!" she said motioning for them to enter. "Its been to long! How have you guys been? Oh my Kim how you have grown?! Todd get in here!" questions were thrown as they made their way to a HUGE kitchen.

Karen, Mark, Todd, and Bella were all laughing and chatting away while Kim was bored out of her mind. Bella noticing this told Kim, "Jack will come in a bit he's at his friends house playing football. Why don't you make yourself comfortable and watch some tv or you can play some basketball outside while you wait for him?" Bella said smiling in hope of them having a moment. If you havent noticed Bella was a huge kick shipper!

"Umm, okay thanks Mrs. B." Kim said grinning relieved she doesn't have to be there with the grown up anymore.

Making her way to the front door and out the front porch she noticed a basetball net. Sweet! she thought. Looking around she finally spotted the basketball and began shooting some hoops.

"Yea! 3 pointers all the way baby!" Kim said excited has she got nothing but net in all shoots. Little did she know that shout caused a praticular brunette to turn around making him miss the football and hit him in the head making him fall down, still looking at the blonde figure playing at his house.

TA-DA! Surprisingly this is a true story. Throughtout the story i'll mention how both of us fit into the story and so far this really did happen.

Anyways... hope you liked it!


-Stay Fearless