"I'll have you know that this is the height of fashion in London right now!" The Doctor exclaimed after Peri had once again complained about his wonderful outfit.
"No it isn't!" Peri snapped back.
Several worlds away from the bickering duo, Lucius Malfoy sighed wishing that he didn't have to constantly be at the forefront of fashion in order to maintain his image. In the years since the end of the war, the Wizards and Witches who hadn't served the Dark Lord had grown more optimistic, and their clothes had begun to reflect this.
After adjusting his purple and blue cravat and tugging down his bright orange waistcoat, he critically examined his outfit in the mirror before he set out for the Ministry. As soon as he could wear more conservative colors and still be in good taste, he would be setting fire to this brightly colored rainbow barf that was currently passing for a frock coat.
Kicking aside the House Elf who was still adjusting his lime green spats, he made his way out the door.