You Could Have A Husband
Ok so this story is coming to an end and I don't know how long before my one of my other Lexie's stories - The Truth - finishes as well. But seriously love writing about Lexie and Mark - so I'm taking requests. I will not do any death ones though and if you have read Grey's stories before I don't really do smut either. However if you have read my Grey's stories before or any of my stories you will have gathered that I like secrets. Of course I may not write any of the requests , or I could write all. I have just remembered that I have to other Grey's stories going at the moment. So any requests might wait but if you read my stories you know I have lots of working progress stories at once. So yeah pm me any requests and if I like them you may find them on my profile.
Chapter 4
"We need a witness," said Mark.
"Huh?" asked Mark.
"We need a witness to get married," said Mark.
"Well everyone at the hospital hates us," sighed Lexie.
"Derek will do it," said Mark.
"Huh?" asked Lexie.
"I texted him, he'll meet us there in half an hour," said Mark.
"Really?" asked Lexie. "I thought he told you to stay away from me."
"He did but I guess he's seen that I really love you. At least I hope he has hope he's not coming to talk us out of it."
"Hopefully he's coming to be a supportive friend," smiled Lexie.
"Hurry up at get ready. Our appointment is in hour and the mid morning traffic is going to be nightmare if we don't leave in the next ten minutes," said Mark.
"Yes sir," chuckled Lexie, as she went to finish getting ready.
Minutes later Lexie came out of the bathroom dressed but with a long coat on to cover up her white dress. She didn't want Mark to see until they reached the judge who would join the in marriage.
They drove to the court house, well Mark drove, hand in hand. True to his word Derek was there with a smile on his face.
"I never thought I'd see the day you got married," he laughed.
"So you're ok with it?" asked Lexie.
"Yeah I was acting for Mere when I told Mark to stay away. She was worried Mark would sleep with you and then move on. She said you would get to attached something about your heart living in your vagina," said Derek.
"She did say that," said Lexie.
"Did she?" asked Mark.
"When I was dating Alex after you a couple of weeks ago," answered Lexie. "She walked in on me naked in Alex's bed."
"That was me," said Derek.
"So it was," blushed Lexie.
"Ok enough of the talk we have a floor to get to," smiled Mark.
In what seemed hours but was meanly fifteen minutes Lexie and Mark were in front of a judge reciting there vows. They opted for the standard vows. Within minutes Lexie was no longer a Grey she was a Sloan.
"Guess we really are brothers now," said Derek, as he congratulated the pair.
"So what are going to do about the hospital?" he asked.
"Go in with our rings on and I am now Dr Grey - Sloan," smiled Lexie.
They did just that. They didn't listen to the whispers and the comments or the bets. They listened to their hearts. Eventually the haters all came round. Meredith and Callie. It didn't take Alex long to get over the hurt and he eventually found love with one of the new interns Jo Wilson.
Mark and Lexie went on to have two kids Susie (after Lexie mom) and then Michael (Mike). Now Lexie was in her last year of fellowship. In just a few short days she would be a full attending in Seattle's Graces Plastic Department. With two more Sloan's due in just a few months her family was complete and her life was going well.
The End