New chapter! I realized the last chapter was really short so hope fully this one will be a bit longer

Jade's pov

I was sitting in the back of the smelly old truck with I'd say about ten frightened girls. They were all crying, shivering or clinging to the girl next to them. Usually I would say they are weak for withering in fear like this. I couldn't say that now though, not with what I've been through even in such a short amount of time. Only god knows what terrors they have been through and how long they have been struggling to survive this awful life. I know their fear, I can see the look in their eyes that scream for help and I know deep down what they are feeling.

Without pre-meditation, I started to sing. I have no idea why, maybe I thought it would help if I could bring a quiet peaceful tune to this dark, terrifying ride. Only one song came to mind in that moment. It was a song I very rarely sang because it's usually just another stupid peppy mainstream song. However, I change it around a bit when I sing it. I get rid of all that up-beat dub step nonsense and sing it for the tune and the lyrics. So that's what I did.

You shout it loud, but I can't hear a word you say

I'm talking loud, not saying much

I'm criticized, but all your bullets ricochet

You shoot me down, but I get up

I'm bulletproof, nothing to loose

Fire away, fire away

Ricochet, take your aim

Fire away, fire away…..

I noticed that as I sang these first few tentative verses, more and more of the girls quieted from their sobs and quivering. I took that as a good sign so I continued with the song.

You shoot me down, but I won't fall

I am titanium

You shoot me down, but I won't fall

I am titanium

Cut me down, but it's you who have further to fall

Ghost town…

Haunted love…

I noticed a small voice close to my left side humming along in between cracks in her voice. I could hear the collective breathing of everyone on the box truck as they became more and more calm. Each lyric of the song allowed them to let the panic go.

Raise your voice

Stick and stones may break my bones

I'm talking loud, not saying much

Shoot me down, but I won't fall

I am titanium

Fire away, fire away

Ricochet, take your aim

Fire away, fire away

You shoot me down but I won't fall

I am titanium

You shoot me down but I would fall

I am titanium

The humming voice was singing with me now and a few others sitting across from me were too. I felt Eve grab my hand in hers and squeeze it as if to say 'thank you'.

I am titanium

I am titanium

Stone hard, machine gun

Firing at the ones who run

Stone hard though as bullet proof glass

You shoot me down but I won't fall

I am titanium

I finished with almost everyone singing along weakly. I know it wasn't much, but it seemed like it helped them. It helped all of us honestly. In that moment, we came together as a group, supporting each other's pains. I know it sounds lame, but anyone would feel the same way in my situation.

Just then I felt the truck underneath me come to a halt. A couple of girls gasped and a few began crying or shivering again. We heard the clanking of a key in the lock of the back door. With a flash of sunlight the door rolled open leaving us staring at our captors and a new house of horrors.

Beck's pov

I knew my chances were slim of finding Jade, but I couldn't just sit around and hope someone else finds her. I had decided to search the areas around town that they may have passed. My first stop was a gas station about two blocks from where jade was taken.

I marched into the convenience store and up to the clerk ready to ask some serious questions. The man behind the desk looked up at me surprised when I slapped jade's photo down in front of him. "Have you seen this girl?" I asked bluntly.

The man slid the photo towards him with his index finger and looked carefully at it. "That's Jade" he said easily as he slipped the picture back to me. "She comes 'round here lots of times. Haven't seen her recently though. What happened?" he questioned as he crossed his arms across his chest.

"She was kidnapped" I explained quickly wanting to get as much information out of him as possible. "So when was the last time you say Jade?" I inquired as I took my picture back and put it into my wallet.

"Oh my, it must have been two weeks ago" he answered knowing it wasn't exactly what I wanted to hear. I nodded solemnly and thanked him for his time before exiting the shop. I stopped to hang up a missing person's flyer on a telephone pole before hopping back into my truck.

Without missing a beat, I turned the key in the ignition, shifted into gear and sped out of the lot, leaving the run down gas station in the distance. I wouldn't give up searching for her, there was just no way. I continued driving until I made it to the next public spot, a Wal-Mart. I knew it was a long shot that anyone would have seen her here but I would be damned if I didn't try.

Jade's pov

We were rounded up inside the building in a small room with a big wooden table in the middle of it. It looked kind of old and used but somehow, nice. We weren't allowed to sit in the seats but the table even though they were already dirty and stained. They treated us as if we were diseased animals lining up to be slaughtered.

They counted us up, having there only being ten of us it didn't take long. Then they brought us to yet another empty room and left us there to rot. I felt the girls' eyes on me as if they were waiting for me to say something. I looked up and met Eve's eyes for a second before she looked away with a look of pity. Was she sorry for me? I didn't understand the logic she seemed to have. She had been here the longest, she was still alive, and somehow she was still proud.

Suddenly an unfamiliar voice piped up from somewhere behind me. "You have a beautiful voice" said the voice. I turned to meet the mystery admirer and found myself looking at a short blonde haired girl who still looked healthy. She must be as new as I am, I thought to myself. "Thank you" I responded still a bit dazed from the new room and situation.

"My name is Sophia" she spoke again, "what's yours?" She seemed sweet I thought as I turned more towards her. I never really liked sweet girls, they reminded me of Tori but like I've said many times before, I'm a different Jade here.

"I'm Jade" I say before panning the rest of the room with my eyes. "What about you guys? What are your names?" I asked hoping to somehow bond enough with them all to make a sure fire escape plan.

They went around the room each tentatively saying names, "Nicole, Emily, marry-Anne, Sam, melody." I scanned their faces seeing who seemed most fearful. They would be the weakest links simply because they may be too scared to help everyone escape. I didn't feel bad about thinking this either because my first and only priority was getting out of here alive.

I was about to establish some kind of pact to get us all out of there when assface walked in carrying a gun in his right hand. He stared at us for a moment before telling us to form a straight line in front of him. One that was done he directed us into various rooms at gunpoint.

When he got to me he smirked and pointed his gun at a white door at the end of the hall. I walked passed him expressionless trying not to make eye contact. "Pick up the pace newbie, you're gonna have a lot of customers with that ass" he said with a cackle. I wanted to look back and give him the death glare, I wanted to punch him in his stupid, unshaven, face but most of all I wanted to reach into my boot and pull out those scissors and stab the hell out of him. I didn't of course, there were guards around who would seize me and then I wouldn't have my weapon. This waiting game was killing me.

I reached the door and turned the slightly rusted, gold knob and entered the room warily. The room was simple with white wallpapered walls that were slightly peeling on the edges. There was a queen sized bed in the center of the room pushed up against the wall. There were no windows or other doors besides the one I had just walked through. There was, however, a side table next to the bed with a single drawer.

I walked closer to the only two items in the room to inspect them closer. There was a cooking timer on the top with a sign made of notebook paper taped down next to it. The sign read 'one hour per customer or pay extra' in bold print. I shivered at the sight of the old looking sign and opened the drawer. Inside was littered with various types of condoms, half a bottle of lube, three quarters of a bottle of water and a blank crumpled piece of paper.

I moved slightly to the side to inspect the bed. I leaned down to inspect the grimy sheets a bit closer. They smelled like dirt and sweat and were a shade of white that wasn't quite natural. I checked behind the headboard for bedbugs and was surprised when I found none. From there I ducked underneath the frame just expecting dust bunnies. However, what I saw was out of the ordinary. It appeared to be a loose floorboard. I reached for it and wiggled it ever so slightly and it popped right off!

I was about to get a closer look at the secret compartment when there was a knock on the door. I jumped up as quickly as I could and stared down the door expecting the person to enter. "We've got guys coming around pretty soon so get ready" stated the voice at the door before heavy footsteps led him away.

I let out a shaky sigh and rung my wrists in my hands, naturally terrified. I knew what this was; I knew what was going to inevitably happen. I knew it was coming too, I guess I had just hoped I would break out before this point. I was too nervous to even think about the floorboard. I paced the creaky floor as tears stung my eyes.

I reeled my fingers through my hair repeatedly as I walked back and forth. The only person I'd ever had sex with was Beck and I was not ready to do that with anyone else. No way in hell was this happened. My breathing quickly became erratic as I thought about it more and more. There was no way I could just kill the guy, assface would hear and would come rushing in. he would probably shoot me right between the eyes right then and there.

I rubbed my arms up and down trying to get rid of the seemingly permanent Goosebumps but to no avail. I heard the do knob jostle and turn and I whipped around to see him. The door opened slowly and he walked in looking just like I expected.

I swallowed hard as I took in his appearance. He was a bit taller than me with a bear belly. He had a scruffy shin strap and tousled brown hair. His red shirt was stained and faded and his jeans were frayed at the bottom. Our eyes met and he smirked venomously at me before advancing towards me.

Beck's pov

I had placed flyers all over town and been to practically every public place I could think of and still no leads. I wanted to give up for the day and just sleep for once but I had to keep pushing until I absolutely couldn't take it anymore. One more stop I kept telling myself just one more stop. Ask one more person just hang in a little longer.

I pulled into a truck stop off of the highway and adjusted my seat back so I could catch some sleep but found myself struggling with the task. I hadn't slept in a couple of days so I knew I needed some shut –eye bad. Even so, I couldn't close my eyes for more than a few seconds.

With an exasperated sigh I clambered out of the truck making sure to grab some flyers from the passenger side. I strode towards the rest stop with a slight drag in my step. At this point I knew sleep would never come naturally, so I set out to buy some sleeping pills.

As I got closer the McDonald's and other various fast food joints that were linked to the gas station, I drew up my signs. I taped to anything metal and stapled to anything wooden. I walked into the mini mart and grabbed my desired medication before slumping over to the cashier's desk. I handed him my merchandise and, by muscle memory, the pictures of Jade and Carlos. "Have you seen either of these people?" I asked defeated, already knowing the response.

The man behind the desk scanned the pills and bagged them before even bothering to look at the photos. Once he plucked them from my hand and gazed at them an expression of shock appeared on his face. He looked up at me in disbelief and said, "This man, I see him around all the time, what's happened?"

I was shocked as well that someone actually knew who he was and had seen him. "This man, his name is Carlos and he kidnapped my girlfriend and countless other girls! Please tell me if you know where he might be!" I pleaded frantically. This was the closest I've gotten to finding Jade, and probably my only chance to track Carlos.

"uh…oh gosh it was a while back but I think he was working some job out of the old brick building out on McGovern street" he answered me, handing back the pictures.

"Thank you so much!" I exclaimed before rushing out of there as fast as I could. I'm coming for you baby.

Jade's pov

I clenched my fists around the yellowing sheets on the bed. I was curled up as much as I could possibly manage, hugging my knees so close to my chest that it was hard to breathe. I was staring at the side of the end table that was next to bed. I focused on a series of tally marks that were carved into the side of it. I didn't know what they stood for, it could have meant how many days the last girl was here or maybe the number of guys she was forced to be with.

More tears fell onto the soaked blankets beneath my head. My hair was a knotted mess and my lips were dry and cracked from the unwanted affections of him. My whole body ached as I sat up on the bed and collected my clothing from where they lay around the room.

After slowly dressing back into the only sense of normalcy left in my life, I walked back to the end table. I squatted next to it and reached into my boot searching for the scissors. When my fingers brushed against the cold metal, I pulled them out and placed the tip to the old wooden table. I scratched a single line next to rest of the tallies and sobbed.

So that's it guys! This chapter took way to long but it's also about twice as long as a normal chapter so I'd say it's worth it! Anyway please review, thanks!