Author's Note:

Italics=thoughts in this chapter, and there is another time lapse...of two months. Please review and I will see you with a special guest at the end of the chapter..."COME BACK HERE BUNNIES"

It took me two months. TWO MONTHS to find my way around this god forsaken town. I mean two months. With all the twisty turns, and alleyways, and double backs, and just random dead ends I'm amazed that anybody knows where they are in this town. I haven't seen much of bird boy, or the Batman, but no news is good news right? Except that Joker escaped from Arkham, again, and was put back in Arkham...again. They need to get better security. I mean really? Just Really?

I loop around to crime alley, climbing up a fire escape, and hopping into a broken window. Being careful not to cut myself on the broken glass I find the map that I bought a few weeks ago, and look for Wayne Manor. Of course it actually isn't on the map, but I find the street that all party invitations go to. Being sneaky has its perks after all.

Today's the day. Oh god I'm nervous. I mean sevenish years what if he thinks I'm a stalker, or a creeper or I don't know. I pull on my leather jacket, and kick the rest of the broken glass shards before climbing out again, and jumping down. I slip through alleyways, and what not.

Lucky I started early it will take me a few hours to get to the Wayne Manor, and I still have to get back. Two hours later I am standing in front of the Door. It is giant, and a whole lot of other stuff.

God I shouldn't do this I mean what was I thinking, oh shit somebodies at the door, what do I do oh crap. I ring the doorbell, and it opens almost automatically.

"Uh hi. Um I am really sorry to interrupt, if I am interrupting, and I am probably going to sound ,like a crazy stalker person, but I really need to put something to ask and I have to ask if Jason Todd is here." The guy who opened the door was a butler. A British butler, like one of those people you would see in a James Bond movie. I bit my lip, and I stared at the man. His expression was one of shock, and he looked appalled.

Oh shit, I mean how more stupid could I be. I mean really els? Really?

"May I ask who you are?"

"I am one of his friends from his home town." I probably sound like a stalker.

"Master Jason is no longer with us." What the fuck does that mean? No longer with us, but the way he said it was down, not proud, almost as if he was...dead. Oh no.

"Oh my god, um I am so sorry for your loss. Um...thank you for your time, and I am sorry to have been such a nuisance." I turn tears starting to run down my cheeks. No you have to be strong, you can't cry, you can't. I can't cry. How could he be dead. How? Just how. He was alive, he was alive. Now how could you be gone Jason? How could you be gone?

I had ended up back at the docks. A truck zoomed by, carrying three guys, I saw a shadow come over the truck before landing on the hood.

"No your anything but good." Batman

AN: I am really sorry for the short filler chapter, but I can't get this super long fight scene, but it will be up soon, and I know slight cliffy,

And I'm super super sorry for not updating when I said I would and please don't hit me with a crowbar *cowers in fear*