Hey guys. I'm writing my own version of "Ben drowned." It will never be as good as the two ladies who gave me the inspiration to write it. Check out their stories before you read this one. They are BorderCollieChihuahuaGirl98 and Hummingbird713. Also check out their other stories because they are really great. Especially "The Kokiri series" from BorderCollieChihuahuaGirl98 and Hummingbird713's "Legend of Link." By the way, when Ben isn't seen, his words are italicized. This is in Link's Pov so his thoughts are out of quotations. Enjoy.


-Link's Pov-

I just got back to normal from being a Deku Scrub, thanks to the Happy Mask Salesman. He's kind of creepy with that smile stuck on his face. How can someone smile like that all the time? My cheeks hurt when I smile for too long.

"Please retrieve the mask from that imp for me." The Happy mask salesman asked of me.

"I will try my best." I reply.

"Thank you. You just have to believe." I nod and leave the room with Tatl. So, where to first? I head to the part of clock town where Tingle is, floating on a balloon. He must have some sort of thing wrong with him. He's shorter than me and way older. He is kind of creepier than the happy mask salesman… somehow that is possible.

"Hey, it's Ben." I turn around and I see the leader of the bombers gang, Jim, running away. Ben? Who's Ben? I follow him, it's not that hard to catch him.

"Hey, Jim." I grab his arm.

"Let me go." He looked right into my eyes and calmed down. "You're not Ben. Sorry." I let go of his arm.

"No, my name's Link. Who's Ben?" We sit down.

"He looks exactly like you, except, his eyes are different. He tortures everybody here. He knows you're here, he knows where you are, he knows everything about each person. What they're afraid of, what they like, what they don't like."

"Do you know where he is?"

"No, we know what he looks like and that he comes at random times. He watches everybody constantly. We have no idea where he is. Some of us theorize that he channel's his energy through Skullkid. Though he doesn't torture us, like ben does."

"When did Ben start coming around?"

"He's been here forever from what I can tell. He was here before I was born. You are fresh meat, he'll go and mess with you once he's ready. Be careful." The boy got up and ran off. Ben's going to come after me, huh? Well, I'll fight him, I need to save these people. Getting rid of Ben will help them. First, I need to deal with that moon.

"Is that really what you think?" I look around. I see nobody. Then, a boy emerges from the shadows. "Hello."

"I'm guessing, you're Ben?" I say.

"That's right." He does look exactly like me. Though I can see the malice in his eyes. He definitely has murder intent in them as well.

"So, I hear you torture the people of this world, huh?"

"Yes, thanks to little Jim for telling you that much. Though, it's impossible to get rid of me."

"Nothing's impossible. If you want, after I'm done with my quest here, you can come to Hyrule with me. You need friends."

"You're right, I do need friends. Want to be my friend? We can play my favorite games."

"Sure, but, after my quest. I need to save this world from the moon falling down."

"Ha, you're a dunce. I rule this land. I can stall the moon from falling so we can play our game, then you can stop the moon."

"no, I'd rather stop this before I play any games." I start to walk away.

"You will play my games, now." There was a flash and I'm suddenly in some weird psychedelic room. I look around. Where am I?

"Tatl?" I don't see her. "Where are you, Tatl?" I look around, but she's nowhere to be seen. I spot Skullkid. "Hey, Skullkid. What are you doing here?"

"You're not sure why, but you apparently have a reservation." Reservation for what?

"For our game silly. You were under reservation since you stepped in Termina." He can hear my thoughts? "Of course. You're in my domain, I can hear the thoughts of every person."

"Go to the lair of the temple boss?" A voice asks.

"No." Nothing happened.

"Go to the lair of the temple boss?" The voice asks again.

"I said no." I reply.

"Go to the lair of the temple boss?" and again.

"I said no. No means no, I don't want to."

"Go to the lair of the temple boss?"

"Fine." My vision went white and I appeared outside the Clock Tower. Normally the dog would be running around, there would be people around, guards would be guarding the exits, but there's nobody. I walk around a bit. Someone's watching me. Probably Ben. I don't have my sword, I just have a bow. There's a weird song playing too. The song is in the air, it's disembodied, nobody is around playing it, yet it's being heard. It sounds like the beginning of Saria's song, but it changes. It's so weird. I walk to west clock town. The walls and the ground was gone, it was like it was invisible. I heard the Happy Mask salesman's laugh. He must still be here. I have to find him. There has to be someone here. I run through the area.

I know that at least the boy with the Keaton mask has to be at the laundry pool. I make it there, and he's not there. Darn it. I walk up to the laundry pool and look at my reflection. I look a bit more pale than usual. I hope I'm not coming down sick. Maybe I'm pale because I'm a bit scared right now. But, I've been in worse situations than this.

"You're gonna die." I hear a voice whisper in my head. "You're done for, helpless, hopeless. Nobody is around to hear you scream. Nobody cares about you." I cover my ears, close my eyes, and I yell,

"Stop it!" The voice stops. I open my eyes. I see the happy mask salesman staring right at me. I try to back up, but I can't move. Someone help me!

"Sorry, but the game isn't over. We still have more to play." I started to glow green and then suddenly, there was a statue that looked a lot like me, only it had a creepy smile on it's face and it's eyes were cold and soulless. I finally could run. I ran as fast as I could, though the statue kept following. It won't stop following. As I was running, I almost tripped several times. I need to get away. I need to find a way out of this. I stop running. I just realized something, maybe Ben is trying to get me scared and run away so the moon can crash into Termina. I won't let it.

"You're not going to get to me Ben. I will stay in Termina to stop the moon from falling down. If you don't send me back to real Termina right now, I won't be your friend anymore!"

"Hahahahaha, you are an idiot. This is real Termina, I just made all the people temporarily disappear. This is all real Clock town. I just want to play a simple game with you. I have no friends. You said I needed to get some friends."

"Yes, but you can't treat your friends this way. They won't want to be your friends if you scare them half to death."

"What do you know about friends, huh? After all, your best friend, Navi, left you in the dust. She left you behind, all alone. The reason you're stuck here is because of her. You couldn't hold on to your friends, but I will never leave your side, Link. We are friends. I won't leave your side like she did." I look down to the ground. He's right, Navi did leave my side, it's her fault I ended up in this mess. She wasn't my friend after all. A tear rolls down my face. I look around, the statue is right there, staring at me and I jump when I see in. I yell in surprise. "Ha, ha, that was hilarious."

I start running again. I know I said I was going to stay strong, but that statue is just too damn creepy. I run into a swordsman's dojo and I run to the back. Maybe the statue won't find me here. Then, I started glowing green again, the statue is there. I can't get out, it's blocking the door. I hate this statue, why can't it leave me alone. I move around the room.

"Leave me alone."

"Oh, so you want to be left alone, huh? Whatever happened to you trying to find someone here? You are contradictoring yourself."

"I think you mean, contradicting."

"Whatever, I'm still a child ok. I have been for decades."

"What exactly happened?"

"You have to finish the game to find out." Maybe if I find out what happened to him, he'll be nice.

"I'll finish your game."

"Excellent." I ran out of the building and out the door, only to find I'm in the tunnel of the Bomber's gang hideout. The statue is gone. I spoke too soon. I started glowing green and I started running, I know the statue is behind me. I just keep running. Suddenly, I can't move. A redead screams and I black out.

When I finally realize where I am, I'm on top of the clock tower. I see the skullkid. He says nothing to me. What do I do now? I feel for my sword, but I only feel the feathers of the arrows. Ok, I'm curious. I pull out an arrow and grab the bow. I aim and hit Skullkid. He doesn't react. Huh, maybe I'll try again? I fire again. Nothing. Ok, I will try one more time. I fire another arrow and hit him a third time.

"That won't do you any good. Hee, hee." I suddenly feel myself being levitated.

"Put me down!" My entire body suddenly feels on fire. I scream out and I fall to the ground and I still feel myself burning. I pass out again. When I wake up, I'm right where I was before. I slowly walk forward, toward Skullkid, but when I get close enough, I'm levitated again. "No, not again!" I feel the familiar yet still just as painful burning feeling and I fall down again. I want this to be over, please, just let it be over. When I wake up again, I'm right where I was again. What do I do? If I hit Skullkid with arrows I'll be burned again. If I try to approach him, I'll still get burned up. I try to find my ocarina, maybe if I play the song of time, I can go back in time. I play the song of time, A- E- G- A- E- "Ah!" I scream out again, I'm burning again. It hurts so much. I fall to the ground, The burning feeling goes away, but I can't move, I can't open my eyes, I can't make a sound. Please, someone help me. I'm so scared. I wish I could move, but I can't. I can feel a tear start to fall down my face. Please, help me.

Ok, so how was that? There will be more chapters soon. I promise there will be more chapters. Like I said, check out BorderCollieChihuahuagirl98 and Hummingbird713's Ben drowned fanfictions. They are what inspired me to write this. I hope this was enjoyable and more chapters definitely will come soon. Review, and I will give you a preview of the next chapter.

Over and out,
