Kurt woke up slowly, drifting into consciousness, and into a warm embrace. His sleep fogged mind didn't care who it was, it was just nice to be held, so he nuzzled in closer and tried to enjoy it. He would have loved to stay exactly where he was for a little longer, but his face as itchy from tears, and with every passing second he came closer to remembering exactly whose arms were around him. He knew it would be awkward for both of them if Sebastian woke up with them in this position, so he started his subtle escape.
"Kurt, would it kill you to quit wiggling? It makes it hard to sleep." His voice was far too clear for someone who was just waking up.
"How long have you been awake?" Kurt asked, trying to contain his blushing.
"Long enough. I had hoped you would be one of those guys to talk in their sleep. But you're like a rock. Well, a rock that drools." The bed shook slightly with Sebastians laughter.
Kurt sat up, rubbing his eyes, and subtly checking his cheek for drool. He found nothing.
"I do not drool." he announced with a glare to the other boy who just shrugged, looking innocent.
"I know. But I made you check didn't I?" He stuck his tongue out childishly, before stretching his arms above his head. "What time is it anyway?"
Kurt lent over the side of the bed to grab for his jeans, before remembering that he had left his phone buzzing away on his bedside table, then quickly remembering why he had left it there. He let out a sigh and sat back on the bed. He could only imagine how many texts and voicemail messages would be waiting for him when he got home. He definitely wasn't looking forward to it. Feeling the hairs on the back of his neck rise, he realised that Sebastian was staring at him, probably waiting for the time still.
"Guess I left my phone at home." He announced, slipping his jeans back on before sitting back on the bed, now only topless.
"Odd for you, I thought you'd be glued to it, Blaine always said..." the trailing off wasn't nearly as awkward as the silence that followed as Kurt turned to face him. Sebastian had expected hurt to be shining in Kurts blue eyes, not the burning anger that met him.
"Blaine always said what?" Kurt's voice was practically a growl, that sent nervous shivers through the other boy. Sebastian had never seen Kurt angry before. Possessive and bitchy, sure, but never really angry. He could feel himself shrink in on himself as he prepared a response.
"He just said you used your phone a lot. That you were always getting texts and stuff." He could feel his voice shake, but he didn't care at the moment, the boy in front of him was down right scary.
"And when was this?"
"I don't know, during the last school term I think. Just before Nationals maybe?"
The silence returned with a vengeance, and Sebastian couldn't help but wish he hadn't said anything at all. That he had just pretended to be asleep and let Kurt run away like he knew he should have. Then Kurt sighed, and suddenly he just seemed sad again. Like all of the anger had boiled him dry.
"He swore he wasn't going to talk to you after the slushie. How long has he been lying to me?" and with that, it was like everything had bubbled over, and Kurt sobbed.
The noise was heartbreaking. Easily as bad as last night, and Sebastian didn't even think before he scooped Kurt backwards, back onto the bed, and into his arms. It was like all the fight had blown out of him as he cuddled into Sebastian's chest, crying heavily. He made shushing noises, and stroked through the other's hair, but there was really nothing that he could think of to say that wouldn't just be a lie. This wasn't really a situation he was used to. He was always the one that made nice boys like Kurt cry, but he was never the one mopping up the tears.
They stayed like that until Kurt's sobs stilled, and his breathing steadied. It felt like hours. The air was thick with tension, until Kurt looked up at Sebastian, and smiled sadly.
"I feel awful." He said "I really want a shower."
Sebastian just laughed at this, and pointed to the door that Karofsky had pointed out as the bathroom.
"I'm sure he wouldn't mind you borrowing his shower, then when you're feeling better, we can head down to the cafe, and get a free breakfast." Kurt nodded, his smile looking a little less forced, and shuffled himself off of the bed.
"Hey Kurt." It was barely a whisper, and he didn't really know why he'd said anything, but regardless, Kurt stopped, and turned. "You know, you can talk to me if you want. I don't mind."
Kurt smiled, and for the first time that day, it resembled a real one.
"Thank-you." He said, and strutted off into the bathroom.