Epilogue: A World All Our Own

Another day... Another reality... At last the world makes sense to Harry as he lays beneath his master, and a soft 'take me' comes from his mouth. Everything is as it should be.

'Even if I say it'll be alright...' Luna backed out of becoming a vampire in order to become a dementor beside Death of Innocence. 'Still I hear you say you want to end your life...' Instead, Hermione, who started dating Rip Van Winkle the day after they saved him, became a vampire about a month later. 'Now and again, we try to just stay alive.'

Part removed but the fully intact piece is uploaded to AO3.

"Ina!" Harry whines, staring directly into the strict woman's eyes without flinching. "I want to stay here with Master!"

"You are going back to school!"


"Back to school!"

He sighs and mutters a 'fine', then turns his attention to the silently laughing vampire. "Alu... can we go back to Paris?"

"Maybe for Christmas."

He giggles and launches himself into the elder's arms. "Okay!" Snuggling into the red coat, he thinks, 'maybe we'll turn it all around 'cause it's not too late; it's never too late. It's not too late; it's never too late'

And it's true. For the great vampire, Dracula's Matryoshka, nothing's impossible, nothing's too hard or too late. It's never too late for anything... After all, he's got all the time in the world.

Ring around the Rosie
I want the dead to know me
I'm not scared to
Show my face to them

Ring around the Rosie
You should have listened to me
Now they are around us
And you will die

Ring around the Rosie
Pocket full of posie
Ashes, ashes
They all fall down...

Well, it's over now! Took me bloody long enough. Anyway, hope you all enjoyed the series!