Curfew: Definitely rated T for teen pregnancy and scenes.
"Kitty will tell ya that it was because those idiots spiked her soda and she was stone-cold
drunk, and Kurt will tell ya that his animalistic instincts took over," Rogue stated firmly, "but I
don't believe any of it. He loves her and she loves him. And that's the reasoning behind this
whole fiasco,"
Disclaimer: Hey! Guess What! The creators of XME called and told me that they want me to own the show!. That's code for no, my lieblings
Kitty Pryde's ecstatic cry rang through Xavier's Institute for Gifted Youngsters as she practically flew through her door, down through the floor to the ground level, and lept down the staircase, nearly falling but recovering swiftly. All of the mutants and instructors were crowded around the dining table for dinner when the petite mutant phased through the nearest wall, her phone held triumphantly in her raised arm, eyes sparkling, trademark high ponytail swinging as she bounced to a stop.
"What!?" Logan jumped at her tone, which he mistakenly took for panic, but he calmed
when he saw her radiant smile.
"Jason River's party is back on!"
The high school students all reacted immediately, talking excitedly. Jean actually
screamed, and Evan and Kurt both punched the air in excitement. Professor Xavier raised his hands and quieted the buzzing mutants.
"Kitty," He started with a slight frown as the girl took her place between Kurt and Evan.
"What is this party?"
Kitty made sure to maintain her picture-perfect posture; she knew, as well as the other students, that how she phrased the party plans could spell life or death for their social lives.
"Well," she started in a professional tone, "every year, a senior throws a huge party for all of the upperclassmen. Jason Rivers, who is like totally loaded, was gonna throw this epic party. His parents were going on vacation for the week, and we'd have their country club to ourselves, but they canceled their trip last minute because their flight was cancelled," Logan immediately looked much happier, but his gruff look returned when Kitty continued speaking, "But, Jason just texted me that the party's back on cause his parents are going to chaperone it!"
Bobby and Sam snickered at her obvious lie. Jason's parents had actually picked a different location out of town last minute. But there was no way the students would be able to go without a supposed chaperone at the event in question. Kitty kept her gritted smile painted on her face, but Kurt could see a light sheen of sweat on her neck.
"When is this party, Kitty?" Ororo asked in a tempered voice, "And what time?"
"Well, it starts at nine and goes till, well, it really ends whenever everybody leaves. And
it's this Saturday."
Immediately the excited chatter began again, even more fervently this time. The instructors wisely saved their breath as the volume rose. Amara and Jubilee shrieked with excitement, Evan was whooping appreciatively, Sam was laughing heartily, and Bobby was singing a very loud, very off-key rendition of "Sexy and I Know It". Kitty and Kurt beamed at each other.
"This is gonna be legendary," Kurt grinned, his fangs flashing, at Kitty.
"I know, I'm, like, so excited!" She gushed. The two juniors,and best friends, were both pumped. The two continued talking about the party for the rest of dinner, at which point the Prof called for everyone's attention again.
"Okay, I've decided that you are all allowed to go to the Party on Saturday, as long as you
all behave responsibly and are all back at eleven o'clock sharp," before any of the students could interject, he lowered his stern gaze just slightly, his eyes flashing with severity, "No. Exceptions." Jean had to bite her lip to not argue for a later curfew, but the other mutants all glared
at her as if to say, just relax for now, we'll press the curfew issue later.
"Thanks, Professor," Kitty smiled angelically at him purposefully, making Evan and Bobby snicker. They knew what her angle was; the professor (and all of the instructors, for that matter) had a weakness for Kitty's famous puppy-dog face, and couldn't help but smile back.
Little did he know how much trouble this party would end up being.
"ROGUE!" Kitty screamed her best friends name hysterically. Rogue ran into the
room that the two girl's shared to see Kitty sitting on the ground, surrounded by various strewn
clothing. Her big turquoise eyes were wide with anxiety.
"Kit, what the hell's going on here!?" Rogue asked in shock.
"I don't have anything to weh-heh-ear!" The girl cried dramatically, throwing herself onto the ground in defeat. Rogue shook her head, smirking, but nonetheless walked over to the ghost
like girl.
"Well, ignoring all of the clothes piled around you," Rogue smirked, "I'll start from the
top. Is this for the huge party tonight?" Kitty sat up, worry still etched into her face. "You're going, right?"
"Yeah, of course" Rogue answered as if it was the most obvious fact in the world, "But I already know what I'm wearing."
"Lucky," Kitty muttered with sarcastic bitterness. Her gaze softened and she looked down at her hands, "I just...I don't want to look like a total geek."
Rogue studied the straight-A student with a smirk before rolling her eyes.
"Well," Rogue stood up, brushing her hands on her black skirt. "I think this calls for the
last resort,"
Kitty eyed Rogue with curious apprehension. "What exactly do you me-"
"JEAN!" Rogue hollered, her characteristically loud tone echoing through the hallways. In
a minute, Jean appeared with a towel wrapped around her hair, which appeared dark amber
while it was wet. She was also wearing her bathrobe and was carrying a bottle of bright
magenta nail polish in her hand.
"Why do I have a feeling that I'm about to get roped into something?" She asked with an eyeroll. Rogue ignored her.
"I take it someone's getting ready for Jason River's party tonight," Kitty tried and failed to
keep the sarcasm from her voice. Jean didn't notice, however, Rogue did.
"Well, he is a senior, and it is supposed to be the biggest party of the century," Jean
answered, ever the Prima Donna. Kitty and Rogue glanced at each other, fighting the urge to laugh. Rogue was the first to recover.
"Well, anyways, Kitty is freaking out because she doesn't know what to wear," she explained with the tone of a school teacher.
Jean eyeballed the small girl with an air of professionalism before she jumped up and
began to dig through the girl's closet. After five minutes, she emerged with a triumphant smile
and a stack of clothes on her arms. She began to lay outfits down on Kitty's bed and after a
moment, Kitty and Rogue walked over with interest.
"Not that one," Rogue immediately discarded one of the ensembles, "Too girly,"
"Not that one either," Kitty did the same, her movements slightly hesitant "Too Goth."
"What about this one," Jean laid the final outfit. Rogue and Kitty both glanced at it before Rogue's face burst into a grin identical to Jean's, and Kitty's jaw dropped.
"Uh…" She stuttered, blushing profusely, "I can most definitely not pull that outfit off,"
"Are you kidding!?" Rogue exclaimed. "You're gonna look amazing!"
"Yeah," Jean gushed, "You have to at least try it on!" Kitty exhaled loudly, "Fine," She surrendered, "Only because I know that you'll both keep pestering me if I don't."
"Damn right," Rogue laughed at Kitty's retreating form as she headed for the bathroom. The second the door slammed shut, the two girls grinned schemingly.
"Kurt's gonna die," Jean smirked knowingly at the Southern Belle who laughed.
"That boy's already head over heels for Kit; this is only gonna do more damage. Who knows, maybe tonight's the night they finally come clean and admit they like each other."
"I doubt that," Rogue laughed. Jean looked at her, perplexed, and Rogue answered her unasked question. "They can't admit they like each other if one of them doesn't know yet."
"-and then Rogue said that Lance broke up with her because she wouldn't…ya know…"
"Wouldn't what?" Evan asked obliviously. Kurt looked at him meaningfully and Evan's
jaw dropped.
"No way," Evan gasped, and Kurt nodded solemnly.
"She told him that she wanted to wait until it felt right and that she wasn't ready yet, so he broke up with her,"
"That would explain why she was in such a bad mood last week," Evan murmured. The
two entered the kitchen.
"Is everyone at the mansion coming to this party?" Evan asked.
"Ja, except Rahne and Jamie because they're not upperclassmen,"
"That's where all the girls are: getting ready," Evan thought aloud, before looking at Kurt
shrewdly, "I bet you're excited to see what Kitty looks like."
"Probably gorgeous," Kurt sighed, "But she'll never go for me. She's my best friend, and
I'm her best friend,"
"So, I'm stuck, in the dreaded 'Friend Zone'," Kurt brushed his fingers through his indigo
hair with a look of defeat.
"Dude," Evan stopped his best friend dead in his tracks, "Snap out of it! We are going to
Jack River's party! It's going to be the biggest party of the year! Maybe of our entire lives! This
is the perfect opportunity to make a move on Kit-Kat,"
"You're right!" Kurt jumped up with a fierce spark in his glowing eyes, "I'm the Fuzzy
One! Chicks dig me!"
"Exactly!" Evan stood up too, throwing his arm around his best friend.
"Tonight's the night!" Kurt told himself with feverishness.
"Tonight-we are men!" Even called, he and Kurt both staring dramatically into the distance.
"What are you idiots laughing about?" Rogue rolled her eyes as she, Jean, Amara, and
Jubilee strolled into the room. Rogue was wearing a black vest and skirt with chains, black biker gloves, and black pumps. She looked much more feminine than the two boys had ever seen her.
"You look…" Evan trailed off dreamily.
"…like a girl," Kurt laughed. Rogue slapped her half brother upside the head before
sitting at the table with Jubilee, who was wearing a tight yellow dress, and Amara, who had a
red halter top one with a black skirt. Jean was fixing her makeup in the compact mirror. She was
wearing a hot pink dress and she stood up at the exact same moment that Scott walked through
the door. He froze, mouth agape. She looked at him and smiled.
"Oh, hey, Scott," She grinned, "You look really handsome,"
"Uh…" Scott was star struck. Bobby, Ray, Sam, and Roberto walked through the door
after. Sam walked over to Amara, whom he was currently dating, and Ray walked over to Jubilee.
"Rogue," Bobby smirked, "You look really fine,"
Rogue slapped him and walked away, "I'm gonna go check on Kitty,"
"I guess I kinda asked for that, didn't I," Bobby muttered, rubbing his sore cheek.
"How's Kitty look?" Jubilee asked Jean. "I know that she was having trouble finding an
"She looks so hot," Jean assured the girl, "I found the best outfit for her, like, ever-totally different from her usual pink sweater and capris look. I call it Pin-Up Girl Chic."
Kurt and Evan looked at each other, and Evan noticed that Kurt was sweating.
"I dunno Rogue," Kitty's voice came from the staircase. She was indeed missing the comfort of her little pink sweater. She was starting to think that she ought to just stay home. Lord knew she wasn't much of the bombshell type. I have the sex appeal of a math textbook she thought.
"Come on, you look great!"
"Kitty! Come. ON!"
Rogue pushed Kitty through the doorway, and everyone's jaws dropped. She was
wearing a bright red strapless top that was fitted to her curves with boning. She had a tight navy blue and white striped skirt, and cherry red pumps. Her brown hair was smooth and shiny with elegant finger curls, and she had cherry red lipstick on that stood out on her porcelain skin.
"Mein Gott," Kurt gasped under his breath. Jubilee and Amara squealed with excitement, and Jean and Rogue grinned proudly of each other. Logan walked in the room at that moment, took one look at her, and laughed.
"Mr. Logan, what's wrong?"
"You look like you're eighteen years old, not fourteen!"
"I'm sixteen," Kitty pointed out. Logan froze, mouth slightly gaping. As much as he wanted to protect the girl he had become so fond of, his prideful nature forced him to fight his father instinct.
"Uh-fine-just, no boys," He turned to Kurt, "You. Make sure no guys…uh-look at her, okay?" And without waiting for an answer, he left. Kitty rolled her sparkling blue eyes and she, Jubilee, and Amara walked out of the mansion towards the garage.
"Damn," Bobby muttered, "Kitty's got Claws; she looks so hot."
"Uh…" Now it was Kurt's turn to be star struck. He'd always cared about Kitty in a way foreign to him, and only recently had he been able to pull together the realisation that he did indeed like her. Like like her.
"Let's go!" Scott grinned at the mutants. He, Jean, Amara, and Sam took Scott's
convertible while Kurt drove Kitty, Evan, Rogue, Bobby, Ray, and Jubilee in his light blue
"Hey, Kitty, isn't Jason that guy who asked you out Freshman year?"
"Yeah," Kitty blushed, smiling slightly at the memory, "He was such a geek back then,
and he was really awkward around me, but now we're really good friends,"
"Maybe something interesting will happened tonight," Rogue smirked, purposely trying to get a rise out of Kurt, but he remained in a stony position glaring out of the window. Kitty rolled her eyes and looked back out the window Jason's Country Club was about fifteen minutes away
from the mansion, and when they arrived at his huge, mansion like house, lines of cars were
already parked along the streets. Kitty and Kurt strode down the sidewalk and up to the giant
house. Loud dance music could be heard, and flashing lights were pulsating from inside. A ton
of their classmates were laughing outside, all holding red party cups. Kurt couldn't help but
wonder if there would be alcohol here. He shook himself mentally; of course there would be,
this was a teen party after all. It would just be a matter of not drinking it if he was offered.
When they entered, nearly a hundred students were walking around and talking loudly
over the thumping bass of the music.
"Wow! Kitty, you look great!" A group of Kitty's friends rushed up and complimented
her. The sixteen year old blushed.
"Like, thanks," She giggled. Then a familiar face weaved through the crowd, his eyes
directly on Kitty.
"Hey, Kitty," Jason smirked suavely at her, "You look really great,"
"Thanks, Jason," She flashed him a beaming smile, "This is an awesome party!"
"Eh, it's nothing," Jason brushed off the compliment, but Kurt could tell that he was really proud of the show he was putting on for all of the other teens. "Can I get you a drink?"
"Yeah, totally!" Kitty smiled, blushing. Jason smiled and grabbed her hand gently, leading
her downstairs to the basement, where sounds of laughs and music was coming. It was apparent that the wildest part of the party was down there. Kitty turned and gave Rogue, Jubilee, and Jean a thumbs up before descending the stairs out of sight.
"Hey," Kurt muttered to Rogue and Evan, "Let's go downstairs and get something to
The two looked at each other questioningly but went with Kurt anyways. The basement
was huge and dimly lit with pulsating blue and red lights. Hordes of teens were dancing on the
dance floor which was right next to the huge bar. Several pitchers of Soda were set up at the
bar. Jason led Kitty over to the bar where a bunch of his baseball friends were sitting.
"Hey, guys, this is Kitty Pryde," He introduced her with a gracious smile. The guys smiled
happily back.
"You were in the school musical the last two years, right?" One of the guys asked.
"Yeah, I was," Kitty blushed, her stomach churning. She couldn't shake the uncomfortable feeling of suspicion in her gut.
"You were so good!" They all chorused, trading scheming smirks with each other when Kitty was looking. Kitty blushed and twirled one of her curls around her index finger.
"Oh by the way, Kitty, this is Jake, Eric, Mark, Tony, and Jack. They're all on the baseball team with me," he introduced the boys, gesturing to each as he went down the line.
"Hey," Kitty waved shyly.
"I'll go get your drink," Jason smiled. Mark jumped up too. "I'll come with you, man," While Kitty was left to talk to the other guys, Mark and Jason ambled to the bar. "Dude, she is so sexy," Mark groaned.
"I know, right?" Jason smirked, proud of himself.
"She's a dancer, isn't she?"
"Then I gotta plan," Mark smirked, pulling out a bottle of Alcohol from his backpack.
Jason smirked too. "What are you thinking, man?"
"Look," Mark explained. "We spike her drink, get her super drunk, and convince her to
dance for us! It's genius!"
"And by dance you mean,"
Mark grinned devilishly. " Well, a little vixen like her ought to have a fair share of stripper
moves in her repertoire."
"Mark," Jason threw his arm around his best friend, "You are a genius," and they both
cackled with malicious laughter. Jason filled the cup of Cherry Coke halfway with the actual
soda and the other half with Alcohol.
"Think she'll notice?" Mark asked.
"Maybe," Jason replied as they approached the bar where Kitty was seated. "But she's
too polite to say anything,"
"Perfect," Mark smiled, "The polite ones are always the best drunk girls. A goodie-good like her is gonna get hammered off of a tablespoon of booze, let alone half a cup."
Kitty was nervously relaying a story about her dance show that previous week, at the request of the boys who were obviously hanging on to her every word. Jason sat next to her, resting his arm on the bar so that it was resting around her. He then handed her the drink, glancing quickly at Mark. "Here ya go, Kit."
"Thanks," She grinned and took a sip. Calm down, Kitty, nothing bad is going to happen. Just calm down and relax...