Cobra Draconia

By: MonkHerrick

"People Talking"

'People Thinking'

"Dragon Talking"

'Dragon Thinking'

Dragon using Telepathy


Warning(s): Rated M for language, violence, & to be safe.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Fairy Tail.

Chapter 1: Harry Potter or Cobra Draconia!

Harry stared at the purple snake with a smile (1). "My name is Cobra! I'm going to name you Cubellios." Cobra whispered as he clutched the snake close to his chest. "My only real friend." He whispered, as smiled happily. The snake hissed happily, as the red head rubbed a spot on the snakes back.

"AHHHHH!" The maroon haired teen screamed in agony, before collapsing and coughing up blood. "Damn it, what is wrong with me?" The frail boy asked as he struggled to stand on his own two feet. "I hate The Tower of Heaven!" He screamed at the top of his lungs before passing out. "This one is pathetic, he passes out after loosing s little blood." A fat man said sneering at the unconscious boy.

"We better get him to the infirmary he's barely breathing." A tall man said snarling at his fellow cult member. "All right All Right! Let's get the little runt healed up before he dies on us." The fat man said sneering at the boy, who was coughing up blood in his sleep.

Cobra stared at the place that the Poison dragon would usually sleep, and frowned. "Kaa-san?, Where are you? Kaa-san, please stop hiding now, you win! KAA-SAN!" The young man screamed as he cried for his missing mother. He started shaking when he realized he was covered in blood. Don't cry sochi, I'm still alive, All dragons were ordered to leave their students today, you can keep all the jewels & items I've collected over the years, including a book on different types of slayer magic.The Poison dragon said telepathically to her son.

End Dream

A maroon haired man gasped as he sat up in bed. Cubellios hissed happily as he fed her breakfast. "Well, we have a mission today, so let's go, Cubellios." The Poison Dragon Slayer said calmly, as he stepped out of the bathroom and walked towards his front door.

Cubellios slithered after her master, as he opened the front door. As the two made their way towards the guild to tell Makarov he was leaving for his mission, people shied away from the two. The reason people were afraid of Cobra was because of Cubellios, most people would think that for that reason alone Cobra would leave his snake at home, but nope, he cared to much about his pet no his friend his only friend to do that to his teammate.

Cubellios hissed at Cobra, causing the redhead to look at the purple snake bemusedly. "Someone new is town, let's go, the train leaves in an hour and we still need to tell the master we are leaving for our mission." Cobra told his friend softly.

Chaos was what Cobra walked in on when he opened the door to the guild hall. A giant was standing on Natsu. "Master, I'm leaving for my mission now, I'll be back in a week & a half." Cobra said calmly, as he turned on his heel and left with Cubellios slithering behind him.

"Who's that?" Lucy asked confused, as she watched them leave. "That's Cobra & his teammate Cubellios. He's a dragon slayer like Natsu, as well as a S-class Wizard." Mirajane explained happily. "He's also the most anti-social member of the guild." Gray said annoyed, as he sat down next to Lucy. "No he's not, he talks plenty." Mirajane said softly to Gray.

"Yeah, to you & gramps, but to everyone else he's a cold-hearted bastard, who doesn't cares about anybody else." Gray snapped, as he stood up and stormed off. "Cobra isn't the most sociable of people but that's because until he was fourteen he had never talked to anybody but Cubellios, so he doesn't know how socialize with others." Makarov explained as he sat next to Lucy.

End Flashback

The red-headed dragon slayer sighed as he leaned against a tree. "Let me deal with this, I am more than a match for Lullaby." He said calmly as he let Cubellios bring him down to ground level. "Cobra! What are you doing here?" Makarov asked shocked, as the redhead sauntered forward. "He's the Poison King!" A female guild master exclaimed excitedly.

The poison dragon slayer rolled up his sleeves revealing runes all along his arms. "POISON DEMON: HEAVEN'S JUDGEMENT!" A huge fist made of purple poison slammed into the giant wooden demon, destroying half of it. Natsu scowled as he, Gray, & Erza were told to stay back by Makarov. "CUBELLIOS, NOW!" Cobra roared loudly. Cubellios reared back her head and spat a large glob of poison at Cobra.


When the smoke cleared, it revealed Cobra with scales all along his arms (2) & legs. "You see a few years ago, I messed up a spell and was turned into a human-dragon hybrid, so now I use runes to conceal my scales. The only person who knew was Mirajane & Master Makarov." He called out, as he prepared a poison dragon talon strike. "YOU'RE NOT A HUMAN YOU'RE A MONSTER!" The giant demon yelled as Cobra hit him with a Poison Demon Claw Strike and completely destroyed him.

"YOU WENT OVERBOARD!" Makarov screamed as he pointed at the gaping crater in the ground. "Hn. Nobody told me that the building was important." Cobra said as Cubellios unfolded her wings and he stood on top of her. "I'm leaving." He grunted as the flew up in the air.

Author's Note:

(1): He decided to name himself Cobra since he didn't know his own name. He was always ill as a boy and had a lung infection at the time.

(2): Cobra's appearance when he is in Dragon Force only with lots more scales and his eyes have slit's in the middle like a snakes.