—Finn's POV—

I wake to the sound of an alarm, unaware of what today is. "BMO, snooze," I ordered, but to no avail. "BMO, I'm up already up. You can turn your alarm off now!" this was starting to get really annoying. Finally he stopped, just in time for me to crawl back into my sleeping bag in attempt to go to sleep again.

"Finn! Wake up!" I heard BMO shout.

"No ways mang, that adventure really burned me out last night." I replied.

"But Jake is on the phone!" I guess I missed the phone ringing while I was sleeping. I slowly got up from my bed to get the phone from BMO. "Jake?" I asked.

"Yo Finn! You said you be at the Candy Kingdom at noon!" I looked over at the clock hanging on the wall that read 1:07.

"Dang it's already one! Sorry man, I totes forgot. I can't believed I slept in that late, I'm always up at the crack of dawn!"

"I know man. I slept a little late, too. Just be here ASAP, and make sure to dress up!"

"Ok, I'll be there."

"By–" he attempted as a feminine voice in the background cut him off. "Hey Jake, is Finn coming?" I heard Jake shush the voice.

"Who was that? Wait, why are we going to the Candy Kingdom anyways? And why do I have to dress up? You never explained anything."

"Ha, you'll have to wait and find out, bro."...

"Alright, later" I said before I put the phone back on the receiver.

I went back into my room to look for something nice to wear. Hmm... I though. Do I even have anything nice to wear? I continued looking through piles of clean clothes. A few minutes later, I found a white shirt that I thought would suite. This looks ok... I went on another search to find some dressy pants. After a pile sorted through, I finally found some long black pants that I thought would look cool with the shirt.

I put on the outfit then found a wall mirror to check myself in. Wow, I said with a grin on my face. I actually look decent. Jake will surely be surprised. I should get BMO's opinion. " Hey," I said, " BMO, I need your opinion on my outfit."

I could hear the curiosity in his voice as he asked. " Why do you need my opinion?" as he walked in, I looked at him to respond, but he answered my question before I could answer his "Lookin' good! But what's the point of dressing up?" "Thanks, and Jake told me to. When I asked him, he said I'd find out later."

I put my bear hat on as I started to walk out the front door, but stopped and turned to look at BMO, "Do you wanna come with me? I'm going to the Candy Kingdom." "Sure!" he said happily. I placed him on my shoulders.
I hesitated to walk out. Apparently BMO noticed, "Well what are we waiting for? Lets go!".

I was eyeing my backpack and sword. "Do you think I should bring my bag and sword?" I asked. "What would you need them for? You wouldn't be dressed up if you were just going adventuring," he pointed out.

"I guess you're right," I said,"We'd better start walking if we don't want to keep Jake waiting even longer."
We then started off in the Kingdom's direction.

—3rd person POV—

At the Candy Kingdom, Jake and Princess Bubblegum were talking after he finished talking with Finn on the phone.

"Ha," he said to PB, "he's totally clueless."

"Good! I want him to be surprised when he gets here," She said, "but, why doesn't he know it's his birthday?"
He thought for a second before he replied "I guess he doesn't know what the date is. After all, we don't have any calendars in the tree fort."

"How do you keep track of the months? Doesn't time fly for you guys."

"It really does. I never actually needed to know, except of course for things like this," he said while shrugging.

The conversation went on for a bit until Jake took another look at his watch.

"Man, where is that kid!"Jake said impatiently while turning around to look at the gates in front of the kingdom.

PB looked, too, but saw no one, aside for the few candy citizens who also happen to be awaiting our hero's arrival.

Something popped up in the back of her head. She tried pushing it back, but just couldn't. A question came up with the thought, a question she really wanted the answer to, but felt it wasn't necessary to ask.

"Hey, you okay?" Jake asked. Noticing the "in deep thought" look she was wearing.

"Yeah, just..." she looked at Jake, "Jake... can I ask you a question?"

He looked at her curiously, "Sure, what's up?"
Peppermint Butler walked up behind Jake to grab their attention.

"Would you like a–" he noticed something peculiar about the Princess.

"Princess, where is your crown?"

PB patted the top of her head, but didn't feel anything. "Oh no! Glob dangit, I wanted to see his face when he got here! I have to go look for my crown! If he gets here while I'm gone tell him I'll be back soon," she said panicked as she ran off into the castle to look for her crown.

—Princess Bubblegum's POV—

How could I forget my crown!? It's the one thing I wear every single day, no matter what! What has been so wrong with me lately?

I ran up the front steps to the castle, through crowds of candy people.

I know what's been wrong with me. I just don't want to admit it, even to myself. There's nothing wrong with it... I just... can't get distracted by the little things. For the sake of my kingdom.

I look through the main room for any sign of what I was looking for. Hmm maybe it's still on my nightstand.

I walk up the stairs and follow the carpet to my bedroom. When I get there, I push the doors open. My feet find their way to my balcony and I look out to the front of the castle grounds. I notice a familiar person in a bear hat walking through the front gates and realise it's Finn.

Dangit, he's already here! I turn around and look in my room. My crown, sitting where I thought I'd left it. literally running to it, I put it back on my head and continue to the stairs.

I try my best to get to the bottom as fast as I can. We really need an elevator in this place.

I get close to the bottom of the stairs and step the wrong way, twisting my ankle in my heeled shoes and making me yelp as I let go of the bottom of my dress to put my hands out to cushion the fall. My reflexes were too late and my chin hit the ground.

Agh I'm so clumsy. I rubbed my chin as I got up off the ground. That fall really shook me. My ankle collapsed again before I was completely stood up.

Ugh, "I think I sprained my ankle," I said out loud to no one.
These stupid heels. My shoes are off my feet before I try to get up again, but my ankle still can't support my weight.

The best solution I can think of is using the wall for support, so I do. Gradually, I keep putting more and more weight on it. Soon, by the time I'm at the front doors of the castle, I can walk without using the wall.

—Finn's POV—
For most of the walk it was pretty silent. Well, not in my head. The more we walked, the more I couldn't stop thinking of the possibilities to what could be awaiting us there. Am I missing something? This couldn't possibly be for me, could it? I don't even know what today is. Is this just another party to celebrate Jake and I saving the princess again?

Man, I wish she wouldn't throw all of those expensive parties for us. She should know that we're besties, I wouldn't just stand aside and let anything happen to her. She means a lot to me... I can see the castle.

We progressed into the gates. As soon as we got inside, what I saw surprised me. I could tell BMO was thinking the same thing by the look on his face. This place is usually so peaceful, what could have caused all of this excitement?

People noticed me right away and started shouting things and running towards us. I couldn't understand anything they were saying, all of their words just ran together.

Finally, I spotted Jake talking to Peppermint Butler, and made my way through the crowd to them.

"Hey Jake! What's going on here? What's the big deal, and why are people yelling at me?"

Author's note: I'm sure this looks rushed, because I rushed it. I had worked on this chapter a throughout the day and I wanted to get it put up by the end of the day.
Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter, and there will be more... If I remember to put up more, and figure out how to do it. If you have any questions, concerns, comments or worries, or notice any mistakes, leave them in a review. Also leave me a review if you think I should continue this story.