A/N: Hey everyone!This is the last chapter so I hope you like you guessed whose wedding it is?If not you'll find out soon! I will give you a hint, it's not Itachi and Deidara.I will explain everything in this chapter.
Remember I have story ideas on my profile. Let me know what you think of them. I don't know when I'll write them but I will take my time and make them good. I know my last few chapters of this story hasn't been very good and I'm truly sorry. I tried my best though.
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Karin, Kabuto, and Oorochimaru were locked away someplace where they would never be were all slowly going mad with what was going on with hadd no one to talk too, not even each were kept in special cells that allowed no sound to come would sometimes pound on the door screaming to be let out, then crying she wanted her Sasuke.
Oorochimaru would just laugh crazily, saying he would get free and take the Sunshine once more. Sometimes he was was an eerie sort of quiet that would unnerve people who weren't used to it. Other times he would talk to himself as if he were talking to Kabuto about another experiment he wanted to do.
Kabuto would remain quiet, though there were times when he would speak as though he were talking to Oorochimaru or even Naruto. Sometimes he would just scream as loud as he could like he was being beaten. Each of them were having their own special medical thing happening. They were pocked an proded with needles, with strange things being pumped into them.
Itachi made sure the three of them would never be able to see the light of day again. Sasuke had helped in deciding their punishments. Everything they had done to his Naruto, they would have happen to them ten times was not going to let them get off easy. And so they were living through a hell created especially for them.
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It's been a year since Naruto and the twins were had recovered quite well with all the rest he was given. Sasuke had been planning something for a long time. He was finally able to do it when Naruto was stable enough after half a year. Now Naruto was standing nervously alone in a nice was taking deep breaths to calm himself. He wasn't fully healed yet, so he was trying to remain calm.
He couldn't allow stress to get too music began to play, making him scramble out and to the end of the short line of brides maids.T here was, Ino, Sakura, Hinata, and Neji as his Man of honor. Tsuki and Taiyo were happily walking down the long isle throwing petals to the floor. Plus they held the rings that were going to be used.
Naruto was still a bit scared as he slowly walked down the isle. Gaara was on his arm as he looked ahead. He saw Sasuke looking at handsome in a blackish blue tux, while Naruto wore a simple black tux with an orange tie. Gaara could feel him shaking as they walked. Gently Gaara squeezed his arm to show him it was alright. This calmed him a little, but not by much.
Naruto was just nervous and a bit scared. This was the day everything would become stared at him as they walked down the isle slowly toward a few moments they were by Sasuke. Gently Gaara slipped his arm from Naruto, then slipped Naruto's hand into Sasukes. After that he goes to his seat and smiles a very barely there smile.
Staring into each others eyes, Naruto and Sasuke smiles at one another. Gently the preacher clears his throat and begins the ceremony. It felt like forever, yet it was only a few minutes until he got to the I dos. First Naruto then hesitated to say I do. After a moment of just staring at each others eyes they kiss hen the preacher said.
Cheers erupted from everyone in the church. Making Naruto turn bright red as he pulls from the kiss. Sasuke just smirked and kissed him once more, making Naruto lightly whimper. After a few moments they part again then smile to was time for the reception.
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Taiyo and Tsuki were sitting at the table waiting on their mother to sit down. He was at the stove with a round belly making breakfast. Its been a year since the wedding and Naruto is was upstairs getting ready for work. After a few minutes Naruto sits down after placing the food on the table.
He gently rubs his belly looking to the twins with a big smile on his Sasuke was down stairs and sitting at the table they begin to eat. Naruto was eatting jelly and peanut butter on pancakes with ignored the looks he got from the other three. He was liking it since he had some weird cravings.
He was only eight months along. He was happy that he finally got to have the family he always wanted with Sasuke, Tsuki and Taiyo. They were thinking of names for the new baby. The baby had been kicking a lot lately and it was hard to get he loved every moment of it. Sasuke got up when he was done, kissed Tsuki, and Taiyo's heads then he kissed Naruto.
He heads out to work. Things were wonderful.
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A/N: Hey everyone!I'm going to end it here. I know it's short, but at least you got to find out what happened too the three bad guys. You also got to find out what happened with Naruto and Sasuke. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.