Money maker

I don't own Wreck it Ralph

This was a request from my big brother, if you read this then I hope you like it, same to everyone else here

Agent BM presents

An adorabeezle Winterpop Cartoon

Adorabeezle's lab of science presents: Money Maker

Adorabeezle walks into her lab wearing fancy clothes

"Hello there everyone, and welcome to Adorabeezle's lab of science. Now you might be wondering why I'm wearing all this fancy clothes and stuff, well I'm rich now. And no I didn't rob a bank or sell something or that stuff"

Beezle walked over to a machine

"Behold the Money maker machine, it's a very simple contraption to use. All you do is add some worthless coin in it like a penny or for me one plain old sugar rush coin into the slot. The coin is then processed through the machine and it comes out as hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of dollars"

Adorabeezle puts a gold coin into the machine and she is then showered with money

"See that, with my machine no one will go hungry, no one will commit a crime, and best of all, you're gonna be buying anything you want" said Adorabeezle as she walked towards a big tv

"For myself I've already bought this 100 inch flat screen tv, for when I'm working late at night and I want to watch my cartoons or news or movies and stuff"

She then walked to a statue of her

"Then I bought me a little art" said Adorabeezle

She walked past Wynchell and Duncan

"Then I bought a pair of angry donut policemen, then i- wait a minute, angry donut policemen?"

The 2 handcuffed Adorabeezle

"Professor Adorabeezle Winterpop, you're under arrest for counterfeiting" said Duncan

"Wait what?" asked Adorabeezle

"You have the right to remain silent" said Wynchell

The 2 started to drag her out

"Well it seems I'm in trouble now, I gotta go everyone, see you next time, I hope" said Beezle scared

"Quiet" said Duncan before knocking her out with a stick