Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I do not own Ghost Hunt; it belongs to the Mangaka TT-TT
Thank you to all the reviewers for Chapter 17: 14AmyChan, MzShellSan, Naruisawesome and Rycans!
Chapter 18 is up!
I watched as drops of rain drizzled along the pane of the cab window; drop after drop from the gloomy sky.
England; where rain is imminent.
Sighing, I turned my head to the other side to see Naru checking out different newspapers, most probably looking for stories on the recent robbery at the Davis mansion.
The smooth, fine tips of his hair fell into his eyes as he scanned the page, every so often stopping to scribble something down in his black notebook.
Glancing at my watch the time blared 19:00 meaning it was roughly 3 in the morning back in Japan.
Feeling drowsy all of a sudden I put my head back and closed my eyes, trying to drown out the noise of the rustling newspaper and the pitter-patter of the rain outside.
Focusing only on my own breathing I eventually fell into the oblivion of my dream world.
"-ai! Mai! Mai Davis!" A distant voice was yelling into my ear as I awoke.
Upon opening my eyes I was staring straight at pair of clear blue eyes.
"Hurry up idiot." Naru coldly voiced as he pinched his nose as he stepped out of the cab. He looked bedraggled and tired.
'Must have stayed up the entire ride' I thought to myself as I rubbed my eyes and stretched out. A small smile came to my lips as I remembered the dream I had.
It wasn't one of the usual case dreams but instead a normal dream about something that had happened.
It was from back when we just got married and we were both on the plane to England. Naru thoroughly engrossed in some telepathy book left me alone to my own boredom.
Next to me was an English woman who had quite a small child with her, and after starting with some small talk about how old the child was and how adorable he was, we were in a full-blown conversation.
My dream didn't cover the whole conversation but I remember it like yesterday…
"So his name is Will? Hello Will!" I pinched his cheeks as I cooed at her child.
"How old is he uh, umm-"
"Oh my name is Theresa, but everyone calls me Tessa." The woman- Tessa, cheerily replied.
"Oh and he is about 1 and half years old now. Quite a handful!"
I grinned at Tessa while putting my pinkie finger out for Will to play with.
"Hey Tessa, It must be great, being a mother that is."
"Yes, yes it is. Even though it is hard at times, being able to nurture and protect this little bundle of joy is all the happiness I need in the world, of course along with my love for my husband." Tessa replied as she smoothed out the little patch of black hair on Will.
"Oh his hair is black, that's a bit unusual."
Tessa laughed heartily as she turned around and started to rummage through her purse. She took out what seemed like a photo and showed it to me.
"This is my husband, he is South Korean. His name is Suho. Isn't he a darling?"
"Ah well that explains the black hair." I replied while holding the photo.
"You know I was surprised that you could speak English so well! If you want we could speak in Japanese as I am very much fluent in it as I am in Korean."
"Haha, I am able to speak English so well because of my husband over here. Hey Naru, introduce yourself!" I nudged Naru, as he sent me a silent glare before addressing Tessa.
"Nice to meet you my name is Kazuya Shibuya."
"Oh but Mai, I thought you said you were Mai Davis…?"
"Ah whoops, I forgot about that…ne Naru…can I tell her?"
Naru sighed as he muttered a quick "Yes" before getting back to his more important book.
I sweatdropped as I glanced at Tessa letting out a nervous laugh.
"Ha…don't mind him, once he gets into a book he won't stop. Oh and his actual name is Oliver Davis, though he uses the name Kazuya Shibuya in Japan."
"Oliver Davis…THAT Oliver Davis! Oh my gosh! Mai, how tremendously lucky you are! I have heard stories about your husband over there but I never knew he was so handsome!"
I let out another nervous laugh as I felt goose bumps starting to form on my skin from the sudden cold.
I nudged the angry Naru hard, silently warning him not to let his PK out like that; seems like we were annoying him.
"So….how was it when you first found out that you were pregnant?" I asked, deciding to change the subject.
"Haha, what do you mean how was it. Of course I felt immense happiness wash over me! Oh but I guess after a while I did feel a bit worried."
"Yes…I was worried that I won't be able to be a good mother. You see I barely knew my mother as she died when I was little, and so with the lack of a mother figure ever being present in my life I grew anxious about being a mother myself."
"And, so how did you address that?" I asked seriously.
"Well after telling my husband about it, we talked it over and eventually came to the conclusion that our worries about being a good father and mother were just proof of how much we already cared for Will even before he was born."
"That's very admirable." I smiled.
We talked and talked for nearly the whole plane journey during the times we were awake and as we left each other at the terminal in the airport we said our goodbyes.
"Bye Mai! I know you will be a good mother in the future!" She waved joyously.
"Thank you! It's been wonderful talking to you Tessa, bye-bye!" I jumped up and down on the spot continuing to wave until she disappeared out of sight.
I smiled to myself about dreaming about that, as I followed after Naru out of the cab.
We were at the door of the Davis mansion when all of a sudden light streamed through as the door flung open and both Naru and I were embraced in a tight hug.
"Mai, Noll it's so good to see you!" cried a high-pitched voice belonging to no other then Luella.
"It's nice to see you too Luella!" I laughed into her shoulder as Naru just grunted.
She let go and I saw that even though her voice sounded cheery enough her eyes were sunken and her smile was almost forced, a pang of hurt shot through me.
I then shook Martin's hand."It's nice to see you too Martin!" He gave me a small tired smile.
"Yes, it is good to see that both you and Noll are doing well."
Luella then ushered us in and soon enough after changing and settling in we were all in the living room discussing of course about Gene's belongings.
Naru had his black notebook out and was scribbling in cursive writing nearly everything that Luella and Martin were saying.
"So then we searched the house to see if anything was missing and at first nothing was out of place on the first floor except for the broken windows and open front door. However when we went upstairs we noticed straight away that Gene's door was open."
"And so you searched there first?" Naru inquired turning this into almost like an interview with a client.
"Yes, we both went in and were shocked at the lack of anything in the bedroom!
Even the bed, the wardrobe and the table were gone which they must have taken through Gene's bedroom balcony…nothing was left in the room…not one thing…nothing to remember him by…"
At that point Luella started to silently cry into her hands letting out small sobs every now and then. Martin gently stroked Luella's hair, then turned to look at Naru and shook his head, almost like saying 'Don't ask any more questions for now.'
Deciding that we had to get some rest, Martin sent us both to the bedroom to get some sleep.
Of course Naru being Naru, he went straight to the desk in our bedroom and took out his laptop and started typing.
I stood in the doorway unsure of what do, or whether to even say something in the fear of enraging Naru even more.
His shoulders were tense and his posture was stiff, speaking volumes of how his anger was lying on a very thin piece of thread.
Deciding that it would be worse to just not do anything as the coward's way out, I stalked across the room, dragged a chair next to his chair and sat at the edge of the desk.
"Mai, go to sleep."
His voice was cold and unemotional, as it has been ever since the day after he got the phone call from Luella about the situation.
The last time I actually had warm contact with him was when I placed my hand on his head, feeling the softness of his hair sift through my fingers.
Then ever since it's just been a constant process of brisk sentences, minimal contact and work, work, work.
"Don't argue." He enunciated sternly.
"I know you have an idea as to who did it, and probably a reason why, so tell me. I want to help." I enunciated sternly back at him, almost mimicking his voice.
"Dammit Mai!" He banged his hands on the desk as he shouted out, making me jump. "What part of 'Don't argue' do you not get?!"
I clenched my fist and gritted my teeth trying to prevent the tears stinging in my eyes.
Looking at him hard, I seemingly resigned as I stood up from the chair and walked a few steps. Then without warning and with a quick U-turn I went up to behind his chair, yanked his hands from the laptop and slammed the laptop shut.
Resting my fingertips on the edge of the smooth black device I spoke with newfound authority.
"Now. Naru. Listen. To. Me.
Since you don't want to share anything it seems like I am going to have to put forward my own theory.
I think that the woman who killed Gene, is the one who committed this robbery.
Why you ask?
Despite your hard efforts to be avoided by the media, a few articles have gone out. Like you said all those years ago, if she saw your picture she would be afraid and most possibly would try and kill you.
However, what we underestimated was her knowledge on the spiritual world. Knowing that you had the power to perform psychometry she figured out that you could easily just as well pick up one of Gene's belongings and see what happened.
So she decided to just take all of Gene's belongings. What she didn't know though was that you already had a vision and that in that vision all you saw was the figure of a woman, not even able to see the face.
Yet the questions remain: Who is this woman? Where is she? Why did she wait so long before deciding to take action and steal Gene's belongings?
Why didn't she come after you? And most importantly; Why take the risk after all these years?
So how about that Naru? Still want me to leave you alone to your own misery? "I let out a puff of indignation as I awaited a response.
Silence lingered in the air for a few moments before…
"Hahaha…ha…you really have gotten smarter Mai. Are you sure that you don't have some sort of telepathic connection with me?" Naru laughed, albeit insanely with both his hand clenching at my wrists.
"What?" I blinked in surprise at his reaction, not at all expecting it.
"How else were you able to conjure the exact same theory as mine? Of course we could be looking into it too deeply, and the situation could be simply that a rabid fan girl wanted everything of Gene's to comfort her, but after thinking about it and adding everything up, that killer's motive would be the strongest.
I have had this theory in my head for days and it has been eating away at me.
I guess I got too caught up in my past self who was desperately trying to find Gene and Gene's killer. Yet her you are Wifey…bringing it out into the open. Thank you."
"Let me help you Naru." With that I leaned over and kissed Naru on the lips, bringing my hand into his soft black hair, entangling my hands with it. Similarly one of his hands sifted through my hair while the other pushed on my neck and brought me closer.
"Hehe" I started to giggle into the kiss as we broke away.
"What's so funny wifey?"
"Oh I'm just laughing at the thing I am going to do next."
"Huh?" came the surprisingly unintelligent response from Naru as I swiftly moved my hands to Naru's back and legs and then scooped him up.
"H-hey Mai, what do you think you are doing?!" He tried to shift as, I with much effort, carried him to the bed and plonked him down.
"Whew, that really is much harder than it looks." I grinned evilly as I then climbed into bed and whispered hotly into his ear; "You need to sleep, my damsel- no my melting ice-cube in distress."
I winked at him before then proceeding to kiss him fully again on the lips.