Author's note: I don't own CCS, Clamp does

Chap 1: Who and where is your girlfriend?

At Li's mansion

-"Who and where is your girlfriend? When will you introduce your girlfriend to us?"-said a middle-aged man with brown eyes known as daddy, his name was Syaohien

-"I don't have anyone so I won't"-said a young handsome man with messy chestnut hair and amber eyes known as son, his name was Syaoran.

-"If you are gay, at least you should show us your boyfriend"-said a middle-aged beautiful woman known as mama, her name was Yelan

-"Mom, I'm not. I'm real man. I don't have anygirlfriend 'cause I don't like them at all"-said Syaoran as he felt tired and angry

-"Stop being cool, Syaoran! You have to find a wife and give Li clan an heir. You have to know what a real love is. You have to learn how to love someone truly. You have to take responsibility for your love. Be mature, Syaoran!"-said Syaohien

-"I'm mature daddy! I just hate girls who always chase after money, don't know how to do anything but make up, shopping and waste money. Of course, women in our family are exception"-explained Syaoran as he thought of girls that he'd ever met bitterly.

-"Don't think of them like that, Syaoran! Everything has their exception."-chorused parents

-"May I leave? I have much work to do"-Syaoran said as he rolled his eyes unpleasedly

-"Yes, you can!"-agreed Yelan as she nodded her head

This was precious moment that Syaoran had been waiting for so he left quickly without looking back. He's too young to get marry, he's fed up with girls, he loved his work as CEO's Li Corp more than anygirl in the world. He was the man of work. He went to his own room, laying on his king sized bed as he thought about the conversation with his parents just awhile ago. "Stupid girls!"-he murmured through his gritted teeth. It was a girl had dumped him when they were at University that led to a hating-girls Li Syaoran like that. He never forgot her, so he never loved anygirl again. His first love was bitter. Now he erased "girl" or "girls" or "love" word from his mind to focus on the important meeting party the next day. Tomorrow he had to make a speech, he's always busy.

Mean while

-"I wish he would meet her"-said Yelan hopefully

-"Me too. Ah, I remember that she came back"-imformed Syaohien to his wife

-"Really? I can't wait until I meet her. I have to drag Syaoran with me, I will love-matching Syaoran with her"-Yelan was excited as she talked about her son and her future daughter-in-law

-"I'm afraid you can't. She is really busy because she's chef of Melin's Hotel and she's preparing for the party tomorrow. Beside she loves her job more than anyman. She always keeps busying. I don't want her to work too hard! She shouldn't stick herself into the kitchen. She should take a rest but she doesn't. I know both of us worry about her because we love her like our daughter"

-"In law"-Yelan completed his statement as she smiled brightly at her husband.

"She"? Who was she? We both know she was talent but was she beautiful? Were she and Syaoran meet together? Next chapter will reveal something!

Read and Review, my friends!