7 years. As the young man stood atop the peak of the cold and desolate mountain they call Mount Silver, he recounted the time that had passed since his triumph against the Elite Four and his rival Blue. 7 years since he started training his mind, body, and soul upon this wasteland. 7 years of strengthening his pokémon through intense conditions and dangerous situations. 7 years since his last contact with humanity.

So you can imagine just how surprised he was when humanity contacted him.

It all started when his Charizard flew down the mountain and into the pokémon center at the base of Mt. Silver. It was there on its monthly supply run. After all, not even the Pokémon Champion could last up there without food. The Charizard had walked in through the doors and dropped a box that hung around its neck onto the main counter. The nurse there, already knowing the drill, opened the box and took out the wad of cash stored inside. After that, she led the Charizard around to the back where a crate stood. It was about half as large as the fire pokémon itself.

Suddenly the nurse exclaimed, "Oh, I almost forgot! He has a letter that we received about 2 days ago".

She ran back to the counter and put the letter inside the box that the pokémon had brought in. She then hurried back to the waiting pokémon. "Here you go! You're all set," she said as she hung the box over its head.

The Charizard nodded in understanding and went over to the crate. It latched onto the sides of the box and flapped its wings for takeoff. It easily lifted the huge crate even though it probably weighed as much as a small Wailmer. It took off towards the cloudy peak of Mt. Silver, leaving the nurse behind as she stared in wonder.

About an hour later, the Charizard had returned. It was dusk at the time, though it was hard to tell the time of day in the constant snowstorm that raged upon the mountain. The young man was inside the cave, his home for the past 3 years due to his first cave collapsing after the 4th year of training. He was relaxing in his bed with his clothes thrown upon his makeshift table. When he saw his Charizard holding the box and looking at him, he merely nodded and closed his eyes to rest. The Charizard, however, wasn't finished with his duty.

Thud. The message box dropped onto the boy's stomach as the Charizard watched in amusement. Looking up, he raised an eyebrow in questioning, but opened the box anyways. He looked down and saw the letter with his name on the envelope in sharp handwriting.

He was surprised. Only 3 people knew where he was. The nurse at the pokémon center down at the base of the mountain was one (and she was sworn to secrecy lest she face the anger of a Pokémon Champion). Another was his mother. The third was his old mentor during his original journey across Kanto: Professor Oak. Opening the letter confirmed his suspicions.


This is Professor Oak. Now I know how serious you are so let's get down to business. There is a new challenge for trainers. It is called the Pokémon World Tournament. It brings together powerful trainers from all over the world and lets them compete against each other in order to find out who exactly is the strongest. If you're interested you've got to come down. Meet me in my lab as soon as you can. I don't know when this letter will reach you, but the tournament is a month away as I'm writing these words. Anyways, it's your choice.

—Professor Samuel Oak.

P.S. Blue is competing.

P.S.S. So is Leaf.

The trainer who was known for his calm and collected expressions couldn't help but grin. The Charizard's eyes widened at the unusual facial expression that emerged on his trainer's face.

A new challenge was waiting for him. Of course he wouldn't back down.

The trainer got up and went over to his makeshift table and began to put on his clothes as his pokémon watched from the side. The boy looked to his Charizard and waved his hand in circles in the air. The pokémon understood immediately and walked to the entrance to the cave.


The cave shook a little as a small avalanche triggered somewhere on the mountain. Soon, however, the boy's other pokémon returned one by one. First to come was a large turtle that stood on 2 feet with cannons jutting out of its shell. It was followed by a small, pink pokémon with a red jewel on its forehead. Next was a giant dark blue, bear-like creature with a gigantic, tan belly. After that made its way into the cave, a four-legged dinosaur with a dangerous, red bulb sprouting from its back appeared. Finally, his last pokémon returned. It was a small, yellow mouse that hid gigawatts of power within.

With his team reassembled and awaiting orders, he turned to the entrance. As he put his signature red and white hat atop his head, he muttered word.
