Kuro: Uh...so here is my 3rd chapter...I would have written more but I had to end this quickly because it was getting late and I am really tired...Thank you everyone for reviewing to my story, I really appreciate it :D Reviews always make me giddy and happy...
I also want to thank CieloFiamme for pointing out my mistake in chapter two about Tsuna being 4 and speaking like an adult...I tried my best to make his sound like a toddler so if it still sucks...I am extremely sorry...
Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN Katekyo Hitman Reborn OR Pokémon AT ALL! I ONLY OWN MY OC KENT!
At a Pokémon Center: 3rd P.O.V
"Here you go guys; your Pokémon are back in tip-top shape." Nurse Joy smiled as she handed the trio we all know and love, their Pokémon.
"Thank you so much Nurse Joy!" Ash, Iris, and Cilan happily exclaimed in unison.
As they started walking out of the center, Cilan pulled out a map that was given to them by Ash's old friend, Mewtwo.
"Hmm…all we have to go through now is the Sacred Forest, the route after it, take a boat across the Ocean of Illusions, and then we will finally reach Mt. Legend." Cilan spoke in one breath.
"We still have a long way to go…" Iris sighed.
Upon hearing the Sacred Forest being mentioned, Nurse Joy shot up from her desk, dashed towards the trio, and hurriedly grabbed Ash's arm to prevent him from exiting the center.
"W-wha?" Ash stuttered in surprise.
"I'm sorry but did I just hear you guys say that you guys are going to the Sacred Forest?"
"Uh…yeah?" Ash answered with a confused look. What's so bad about a forest?
"Really?" Nurse Joy asked once more
"Yes…?" Ash replied; still confused.
"You guys should really be careful then…" The nurse sigh.
"Why?" Iris asked.
"Well…about two years ago, the Sacred forest wasn't called that before, it was called Rowdy forest... Kind of a lame name I must say...no offense..."
"Why was it called that? And it does sound pretty lame...no offense..." Cilan asked as the trio turned their full attention to Nurse Joy.
"It was called Rowdy forest because of the ruthless Pokémon who inhabited it. The Pokémon would attack anyone who came into their forest; Pokémon and people alike. These Pokémon continued their acts until one day, a Pokémon trainer along with a basket, left the basket in the forest. The basket that was left at the center of the forest was filled with defenseless Eevees; their trainer had abandoned them in the forest where the Eevees could be easily targeted by the rowdy Pokémon..."
The trio gasped in shock. Why would a trainer do that to their Pokémon?
"And if you guys are wondering, the trainer abandoned his Pokémon because they were 'too weak'."
"What a jerk…" Iris commented.
"Yeah…" The two guys agreed.
'Now where have I heard something like this before... Ah! I remember now! Paul was the one that said something like that back in Sinnoh!' Ash thought to himself.
"Continuing on, most would believe that the Eevees did not survive but from what I have heard, the Eevees evolved at the last-minute without any stones or anything; they just simply evolved and defended each other. It was a miracle."
"How is that possible? From what I know, Eevees need special stones to evolve." Ash commented.
"Well, that is something no one knows for sure…anyways, once the Eevees had defeated the Pokémon in the forest, they became the god-like beings in the forest; all Pokémon worshiped them. The Eevees changed the forest. The plant life in the forest went from dead brown to lively green, the Pokémon became more docile, everything became even better and it was caused by only the 8 Eevees. Soon the forest's name changed to the Sacred Forest."
"Wow…" The trio simply said as they continued to listen to Nurse Joy's story.
"No one is allowed into the forest though…not like anyone could before…"
"Why is that? The forest is safer now due to the 8 Eevees right?" Cilan asked.
"You see, the 8 Eevees also didn't allow Pokémon trainers to go in and simply catch the Pokémon there. The Eevees made some type of rule in the forest that if you are not worthy or trust-worthy enough, even if you are just travelers who just need to get to the other side of the forest, all of the Pokémon in the forest will attack you to protect their comrades."
"Oh… and not to be rude or anything but…what's the point?" Ash asked.
"Oh yes, the point… anyways, after a poaching attempt by a group of poachers on the forest 2 months ago, the forest became even more active and the Pokémon would attack nearly every person they see; it's as if Rowdy forest was coming back. The 8 deities, a.k.a the 8 Eevees, also seem to put very high security around the forest, just as if they are trying to protect something. I heard a rumor from an honest traveler; who had survived through the forest, that there is possibly a 9th deity of the forest; probably, the 9th Eevee is what the other 8 are trying to protect…please be careful on your way."
"Thank you for informing us, Nurse Joy, we really appreciate it. We will be careful on our way, thank you very much," Cilan thanked the nurse as he and his two companions/friends walked out of the Pokémon Center.
"Be careful…" Nurse Joy warned once more, which unfortunately went unheard by the trio as the door closed.
At the Entrance of the Sacred Forest
"Gator Squad; Team A; Attack Mode…" A voice whispered out behind a tree as a certain trio got spotted from afar.
"…Well, there doesn't seem to be any Pokémon that would pop out and att- Gah!" Ash was cut-off as several Sandiles, Krokoroks, and Krookodiles popped up from the ground in front of him.
'You spoke too soon Ash…' Cilan and Iris thought in unison with a blank face; they too, had not expected a bunch of crocodile Pokémon to pop up in front of them.
Why oh why does the opposite of what you say always happen when you say it won't? Why do you always get jinx? Why do we always get jinx? Oh well, who knows, now back to the story...
"Leave intruders! You are not welcomed here!" Kent yelled as he stepped out from behind a tree with little Tsuna in his arms.
Tsuna stared at the three Pokémon trainers with a blank face. He examined each of them slowly. His eyes trailed back and forth until something yellow caught his attention. When Tsuna examined the 'yellow fluff-ball', he realized that it was a Pikachu; the electric mouse Pokémon that he read about in his Kent-nii's book.
"Pikachu! It's a Pikachu! Look Kent-nii! It's a Pikachu! Can I go take a look at him? Please~" Tsuna exclaimed happily and begged.
"But Tsuna, you said you wouldn't get close to the intruders, they can hurt you!" Kent replied sternly.
"I know but can I still go take a look at the Pikachu? Please, my instinct says they are not bad and they mean no harm!"
"I know that your instincts are always right and never wrong but anything can happen and I can't afford having you get hurt!"
Yes; Kent and every one else in the forest know that Tsuna's instincts are always right and if you don't believe them (Tsuna's instincts), misfortune will befall on you…
"B-but; please~" Tsuna used Puppy Eyes!
"Urgh…" Kent's HP got reduced to 30 from 50!
"Please~" Tsuna used Puppy Eyes + Tears!
"…" Kent's HP got reduced to 10!
"Pwease!" Tsuna used Puppy Eyes + Tears + Toddler Talk!
"…Geh… I give up, you win but you can only go if Sandy and Ax go with you okay?" Kent's HP reduced to 0! Kent has fainted, Tsuna has won the battle!
"Yatta! Arigatou, Kent-nii!" Tsuna jumped down from the raven-haired teen's arms and ran towards the confused Pokémon trainers; with his friends Sandy, the Sandile, and Ax, the Axew (1).
"Pika~ Pika~ Pika~ Chu~" Tsuna happily chanted as he was finally in front of the surprised Ash and Pikachu. Tsuna knelt so he could come face to face with Pikachu.
"Hello, Pikachu! Hey, do you mind if I touch your Pikachu?" Tsuna asked Ash.
"Uh…sure, I guess…"
"Pika…Pi…" Translation: "Oh no…Ash…" (2)
"Axew Ax!" "Sandile Sand!" Sandy and Ax both said in unison. Translation: "Don't worry!"
Tsuna began to gently pet Pikachu. Pikachu seemed to relax a bit.
"Wow your fur is so soft! Your Pikachu is very healthy! You are a great trainer Ash-san!"
"Thank yo- wait, how you know my nam-"
"Your Pikachu said so!" Tsuna happily replied.
"Pika/Wha?" Translation: What?
"Hehe, you guys look funny and yes, I do know what Pikachu is saying."
"But how?" Cilan asked curiously.
"Hmm…well…I'm not really sure…I just know that I can understand Pokémon ever since the time I woke up…"
"What do you mean b-"
"Ah! I almost forgot my real purpose here! Ne, ne, can I ask you some questions Pikachu?"
"Pika… Pikachu..." Translation: "Sure... I guess..."
"Yay! Thank you! So…why is it that you, your trainer, and his friends want to go through the forest?" Tsuna asked in a calm and not hyper-active voice as his eyes glowed orange(3).
"Pi…" Pikachu was a bit freaked out by the sudden change but he answered the now orange-eyed boy's question anyway.
"Pi… Pika Pika Pikachu Pi Pikachu Pika Pika Pi Pikachu Pi," Translation: Well… In order to get to our destination, we have to go through the forest to get to Mt. Legend; we got invited by our old friend, Mewtwo, to go to the meeting held at the mountain as the human representatives,"
"Oh I see then…You are telling the truth; you are not lying…" Tsuna's eyes reverted back to honey brown as he stood up.
Tsuna turned around cupped his mouth and shouted out to his beloved Kent-nii, "Kent-nii! These trainers are the human representatives for the Mt. Legend meeting that nii-chans, nee-chans, and I are preparing to attend to!"
"Really? Okay then…I guess we can let them in…Gator Squad; please tell Umbreon-sama about this; don't forget to tell him that Tsuna was the one that confirmed this okay."
"Krok/Sand/Krook!" Translation: "Yes sir!" And in a flash the Gator Squad, disappeared into the ground once more. A few seconds later, a Krookodile popped up and trotted towards Tsuna.
"Krook, Krook!" Translation: "Umbreon-sama said 'okay'!"
"Oh okay then, thank you for all your hard work!"
"Krook!" Translation: "You're welcome" And once more in a flash, the Krookodile disappeared into the ground; but not without giving Tsuna a smile of gratitude first.
Tsuna then turned his attention back to the trio behind him.
"Hehe! Umbreon-nii gave an okay! Come on let's go! It's getting pretty late so I guess you should stay with Kent-nii and I for the night!(4)" the gravity-defying haired boy said before motioning the trio to follow him.
"Okay then, thank you very much." Cilan thanked as he and his friends followed the small boy.
"Hehe! You're welcome!"
And so, as the sun slowly went down and the moon slowly came out, Ash, Cilan, Iris, Kent, and Tsuna went into Kent's cabin to rest for the night.
Kuro: ...So how do you like the chapter? Please review. Also, I know that Tsuna doesn't speak like a toddler is supposed to do like in other fanfics but I will explain why he talks like this in the next chapter. If you have any questions that you want to ask me, feel free to PM me or post it in your reviews too :)
(1) I am sorry for the lame names but I don't have any other ideas at the moment...
(2) I wonder if you knew this but I think there was an episode in Pokémon where Pikachu is always the object of being petted and sometimes the people who ask to touch always go over board so that is why I believe Pikachu is traumatized.
(3) It's kinda like HDW mode but since Tsuna doesn't know what it is since he lost all of his memories and all, he believes that his eyes and instincts can become a lie detector.
(4) In chapter 2, it probably makes you think that Kent's cabin is small but it is actually big and has a bunch of guest rooms. Kent has built his cabin with a bunch of guest rooms so that the trust-worthy travelers who needed a place to stay for the night could stay.