"My name is Sam Puckett...and I haven't been this happy before in my life." My face began to warm collecting towards my cheeks. Blushing was the worst thing that could possibly happen to me right now. Taking a chug of the sparkling liquid in my glass I continued. "You could've asked me numerous times as a teen if I'd envision myself standing here or if I thought Samantha Puckett, that lost and troubled kid, could deserve such happiness. To be surrounded by life-long friends and family.." This was way harder than I thought, I could feel my hands shaking beside me and I could feel my eyes start to water, but I wasn't going to break down, I couldn't. Was it too late to change my mind about this dumb toast? What was the worst that could happen? It was as if she was reading my mind, I felt soft hands glide into mine, squeezing and trying to reassure me. I glanced down, looking into her warm caramel eyes was all I needed. After all these years she still made me melt, she still caused those butterflies in my stomach. I squeezed her hand back. "You're so beautiful..." I whispered out sharing my thoughts only with her. It's like everyone else in the room wasn't there. She was all I needed.

"Where was I," I looked back into the crowd of guests. Our hands still interlocked. " Oh yes, to be surrounded by amazing friends and family, it means the world to me...to us. We're happy that you could come and support us on one of the most wonderful days of our lives. I remember falling hard for her all those years ago, all it took was a motorcycle, a burrito, and a garbage truck to bring us together." Everyone got a kick out of that last part and I felt a small pinch. Shoot, she did tell me not to mention that. Too late now.

I gave her an apologetic look and raised my glass. "To an amazing, long, adventurous life with the woman of my dreams...Catarina Valentine." Everyone stood up raising their glasses. Cat stood and I wrapped my arm around her waist pulling her closer. I can't believe just hours ago we were getting ready for this whole thing to start and it had passed by in a flash. She smiled showing her dimples and I swear I melted every time.

A hand plopped down onto my shoulder and it was one of my groomsmen or whatever you want to call it. "Hey Sam the cake is here I thought maybe you and the Mrs. would like to cut a slice." He walked us over to the white frosted cake with velvet roses, it came out surprisingly well. Cat picked up a piece and before I could tell what she was doing I felt the frosting slide down my cheek.

"Oh! You asked for it Red." I pulled her close before she could escape and grabbed a small chunk of cake, I didn't want too much to go to waste, this cake looked delicious.

"No! No, Sam okay I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" She tried wiggling out of my grasp but her begging wouldn't get her out of this. I smushed the cake onto her face and she just stood still eyes closed and face full of cake. I took this chance to kiss her and to my surprise, she kissed back. She was usually very private about PDA but I guess she was making an exception. There was small woo's and whistles causing her to push away a little and turn in embarrassment. After all these years she was just as cute and innocent as she had been in high school.

"I love you, Catarina Valentine," I whispered into her ear as I held her close.

"Sam...we are married now." She nuzzled closer to me. "Call me Catarina Puckett." She giggled and pulled apart heading over to Jade who held a towel out for her to clean her face with. I stood there for a minute dazed at what she had said.

I never once thought that I, Samantha Puckett would have a family of my own. This day had successfully made me feel emotional, happy, and had made me cry twice...no three times.

Once when I first saw my beautiful bride walking down the aisle in her white laced trimmed dress.

Twice when I gave my speech.

Thirdly, now.


Hey there readers, I wanted to do a little update on this story. I really enjoyed writing this and decided that adding an update would be nice. I just wanted to let everyone know that Sam and Cat are definitely in a good place in life and are living happily. I want to continue more stories so I hope you check those out and give me feedback or even requests. Thanks as always for reading I hope you enjoyed this small little add-on. Let me know what you think of it.