Quick Author's Note: Hey guys sorry for the 3 months hiatus. i got two classes that require writing and as you may guess it took away all of my motivation for writing, i did draw fanart (not of this story but rose x doctor in general) I finally managed to sit my butt down and write this. it's going to be a bit wobbly, but i hope you guys like it.
Wibbly Wobbly Stuff
As he gaped at what clearly was a Time Lady and her regenerations they smiled and together they said "Hello."
He fell on his bum, out of relief or shock or both, he wasn't sure.
Immediately after they burst into a golden shower leaving behind a confused young woman, whose blond hair was tied in a ponytail. she looked confused at her surroundings.
When she landed her eyes upon him she smiled and rushed over to him.
"Dad" she said as she hugged him, shocking him even further.
"I'm afraid you must be mistaking me, dear." The 8th Doctor said as he petted the poor confused young woman.
She pulled back and looked at him tilting her head side ways, "No, i'm right, You're a past incarnation of the Doctor, Yes?"
"I am the current Incarnation and perhaps the last." He responded pulling away from the young woman and stood up dusting his pants, and coat.
Smiling the young woman was about to respond when, a familiar sound reached his ears, turning on the spot he ran, closely followed by the blond young woman, he got there just in time to see his space ship disappear completely, leaving him stranded. He fell to his knees. Just as the blond woman reached him.
"What is it? what's wrong?" she asked as she saw the empty alley way.
"Someone just stole my Tardis." he told her not knowing why, "How is that even possible?" he asked no one.
The Valeyard watched as Rose and her variety of incarnations appeared before his 8th incarnation. His memory of that time solidifying. completely unlocking that memory. What happen next, he remembered. Jenny would appear, and his Tardis would be stolen, by him.
He rushed to the spot where he had hidden his Tardis, way back then. Searching the top of the Tardis, where he tended to keep a spare key, he found it key, unlocking it and making his way in.
Taking a moment to admire the interior, he shook his head at the fanciness of it all. book shelf and a nice comfortable sofa his eighth and seventh self immensely enjoyed,before his ninth self had cuked it into space right after regeneration.
The Valeyard made his way to the consul looking at the old familiar buttons and levers, while muttering under his breath "frivolous prick"
Regaining his memories on piloting this Tardis he quickly began the dematerialising, before putting in coordinates into the Tardis.
If he couldn't have Rose Tyler, no one would, even if it meant destroying the whole of creation.
The way to go about it was to save gallifrey a paradox of that magnitude would destroy and unbalance all of the universes. It would cause this universe to become a black hole like thing sucking up the other universes until there were none.
But first he needed to pick up a couple of incarnations that would could fooled into falling into his trap. After all his past incanation will need some sort of incentive to save his home planet. looking at his future might do the trick.
The 10th Doctor was trying to once again save history, Queen Elizabeth could have possibly been a Zygon. He was trying to lured her/it into a trap. He knew Queen Elizabeth would have his head once she heard of what he was doing, and of the rumors he would create for her; which after getting his plan together finally dawned into him as to why she would want his head during his brief time with Shakespeare. But in order to preserve history he found no other way but to get unsavory rumors of her while she was in Scotland in disguise, in her attempt to root out corruption.
Anywho the Doctor was currently "seducing" the Zygon Queen Elizabeth, in front of the court at a very public ball in the middle of the dance floor. It was as they were dancing that he heard it, and spotted it, the transparent Tardis materializes in front of the many noble men. QUick on his feet he bent forwards dunking the Zygon Queen Elizabeth, causing everybody to turn their way, as he kissed her for all to see. Effectively distracting and freezing everybody in the court room.
"Guards!" a loud shrill voice resounded the room as just as guards burst into the ballroom causing all the nobles to panic. the Doctor let go of the Zygon Queen Elizabeth, with an apology. he looked up and spotted and very angry Monarch staring straight at him.
"OFF WITH HIS HEAD" she yelled and pointed directly at him, the guards began making their way to him through the throngs of panicked court members. His Tardis too far away and feeling panic seize him, he made a dash for the barely arrived Tardis.
Just as an Old man peered out, the Doctor pushed him back in again rushed to the controls and began the dematerializing process.
The Valeyard had missed his mark by how long he wasn't sure. as he pulled his head out to see, hoping it would be his tenth self after having lost Rose, he instead noticed he landed in a ballroom filled with panicking court nobles running this way or that. Before he could do anything else he was shoved aside by his younger self, in his haste to escape the guards.
Huh so this must be his future self after leaving him and Rose behind the other universe. he smiled inwardly.
This one will do just fine.
Before making their way home Rose and the Doctor wanted to change and bathe. Jack insisting in joining wither them both or one or other was locked in a room until they were done.
The Doctor feeling like it was time for a fresh start, after coming out of the shower, he took his old professor coat, and his overalls, and placed them in his storage closet, within he saw his old scarf, and question mark vest.
He felt that new chapter in his life was opening up. He was once again a father, it was time to be a bit more mature. With that thought in mind he pulled out a purple coat that went down to his knees, a nice matching lighter purple vest, putting on his newest purple bow tie, and dark pants, he looked himself in the mirror. Yes this felt great.
Fixing his still drying hair, then giving his bow tie a nice tweak, with a final wink at his reflection, he made his way to the console room.
Where Rose and Jack waited for him to get there.
Rose had gone back to her white lab coat a pair of skinny jeans and boots, her shirt had lovely lace like pattern on the collar. Her hair was let down with just a hair band pulling it away from her face.
Looking him up and down Rose smiled, before reaching into her coat and pulling out a golden Pocket watch. The Doctor held still as Rose put it on him.
"belongs to grampa Wilf, i was going to wait until our anniversary but i think, it is more suitable for a beginning, so that we can't start keeping time of us being together." The Doctor smile and bent down to kiss her, which she returned the kiss.
"Not that I'm not enjoying this, considering that i have been trying to get you guys to do that for so long now, but i think we have parents to return to a baby." Jack announced as Rose and the Doctor pulled away smiling and turning to Jack.
"Alright co pilot Jack I am going to need you to help with the stabilizers and check on the propulsion, co pilot Rose you are in charge of coordinates and navigation, as captain i'm in charge of driving" ignoring Rose and Jack's snickering he pulled down a lever causing the Tardis to shake and for Rose and Jack to get to work still giggling..
Although not obvious Jack was actually a couple of years from their future, he had lost so much, being here with Rose and the Doctor, for some reason he felt as if he has never been gone. The pain was still there, he was sure it would never leave him, but something about being here with them soothed it to a more bearable point.
Smiling and giggling at the Doctor's expense, he wanted this back he wanted to run away from his past and problems to help people. To have his friend's back and to know that they will have his. to be surrounded by people who will not age.
Everyone was gone for about three years ago, Torchwood was gone, it's member dead or off living their lives. He couldn't have, wouldn't have ask for the Doctor's help, he knew that what happened everything was a fix point in time. He felt it, the signs were all there, even as he tried to fight against it. He lost, people died and he had ran.
Or so that had been the plan
He planned to disappear to run away but for some reason his Time vortex Manipulator landed him in the Tardis, he now realised that the Tardis herself had pulled him into her. Now he understood why, she knew what he needed was them. Rose and the Doctor his friends... his family.
He needed them, and he also knew that sometime soon in the future they would need him too.
Final Author's note: Please let me know if something is too confusing, I'll try to fix it.
Please drop a review, they motivate me to write.