Summer may be halfway over, but I'm not out yet. In fact, I'm enjoying it while it lasts (in addition to finally getting to play EarthBound from Super Nintendo, via Wii U Virtual Console), and I thought about starting the next fic in my revamped Diamond City Chronicles series. Oh, and as a side note for those who are new to reading said series, I recommend against reading any further until after you've read through the following two fics in chronological order: The Alien Wars, and WarioMan 64. Then you can start reading the DCC series, beginning with Super Contra World, up to Contra: Red Falcon redux.

It is a historical event, that no one will ever forget. Everyone thought Bill Rizer and Lance Bean, who would later live alongside Aaron and Ami as the Four Contras in Diamond City, ended the Alien Wars by killing Red Falcon. But five years since, the alien warmonger and his band of Hate Bombers were back! Only one of said rogue Bombermen, Blaze Bomber, was revealed to have been brainwashed against his will all along - he never was a Hate Bomber to begin with.

Nevertheless, the Four Contras fought hard on Dinosaur Land to save the day, free Blaze Bomber of the brainwashing curse, and beat back the evil Red Falcon Empire. Although Purple Basilisk, Axe Bomber, and Sniper Bomber were beaten once again at the time, Red Falcon survived his defeat to continue the Alien Wars another day...

And continue the war he did, but his return didn't last long, for the Contras attacked him and his followers at the source: Pandaemonium itself, a hellish castle that originally belonged to the Devil before Red Falcon had it modified into a colossal space station. It didn't stop our heroes from persisting onward, and eventually crushing the intergalactic empire of destruction for good...

...Or, so we believed.

"I'll pay the Contras and all their close friends back, tenfold!" ~Sniper Bomber

-Return of the Five Dastardly Bombers!-



At last, after five long years, Bill and I crushed the Red Falcon Empire, but we couldn't have done it without the help of our friends, including Aaron, Ami, and Blaze Bomber. Despite Red Falcon's death, however, Sniper Bomber and Purple Basilisk still live. At the very least, the, the universe, would know peace once again...but only until a while afterwards. We've heard from Cheerful White and his former rival, Cool Black, that there used to be a band of rogue Bombermen known only as the "Five Dastardly Bombers." Although they're already dead for I think two or three years, it's possible Sniper Bomber and Purple Basilisk might be working on their revival.

I wouldn't be surprised if they're also intent on resurrecting Red Falcon himself by any means necessary, but then again, who knows? I have a bad feeling about this, anyway. Speaking of bad feelings, there's a chance we might run into Arctic Bomber once again. Hopefully, though, she'll have finally learned her lesson and strayed from Red Falcon's path. As a matter of fact, I heard she got kicked out after repeatedly failing to stop us.


DISCLAIMER: Contra belongs to Konami, whereas Bomberman still remains a property of Hudson Soft as of March 1, 2012. WarioWare, on the other hand, is owned by Nintendo. Any songs "used" throughout the course of this fanfic are properties of their respective owners.