Author's voice:

I don't have a single excuse. I'm sorry.

Disclaimer: Own nothing, do you guys still like my story? ç.ç

At Gumi's. Saturday, 9am.

The greenette was sitting, watching TV all alone when she heard the doorbell.

' It was about time. ' She said, standing up and going to the door.

' Hey. ' She said, opening the door, to the nervous blond that was on the other side.

' H-hey, Gumi-chan. ' The blond said, avoiding eye contact.

Gumi frowned, ' Why are you acting like I'm some stranger, Rin? '

Rin flinched at the statement ' N-no! It's not like I think you're a stranger or something! ' She shout. ' It's.. just that... why... aren't you wearing any pants? ' She whispered the last part.

Indeed, Gumi was with a tiny tanktop that showed her stomach, almost her breasts, with only her panties, which was a stripped one.

Gumi made a gesture to let her in her house, she tilted her head to the side.

' Ha? Ah, this. I was watching an anime, you see, ' The greenete said, pointing to the television ' but it was just too damn HOT!, and then I took my pants off. '

Rin tilted her head to the side, frowned and looked at the greenete with a confused expression.

' I know it's almost summer session, and it's really hot, but wasn't that easier to just put a fan or to turn on the air conditioner? ' The blond questioned.

Gumi stared at the blondie, shocked.

' W... what?... ' She looked at Rin as if she was a crazy man almost raping her ' you.. you want me.. to make ALL that effort?! '

Rin facepalmed.

' Forget it. Put your clothes. You're still going to teach me, I hope? ' The blond sighed in relief when Gumi affirmated.

' Then let's get ready, shall we? '

The same time, at the karaoke.

The karaoke's manager stared with a blank expression at the trio on the ground. He poked one with his feet.

The man on the ground grouled, his voice faint. The manager kicked him again.

' Hey, even if you're sleeping, you need to pay the hour. ' The man said, angrily. He grabbed a bottle of water and thrown it at two boys of the trio.

The two boys jumped and looked at their surroudings.

' Where are we? ' The boy with long purple hair asked to his blue haired friend.

' I don't remember. ' The bluenette said, rolling to his side and shaking his other friend, still asleep. ' Hey, Len, wake up. '

The blondie barely opened his eyes and was shocked already. ' Where am I? Why am I with you? What did you do to me? ' He asked, covering his chest.

' Hey.. don't act like we drugged you or something like that! ' She bluenette said, terrified, looking at the manager that was picking his phone to call the police.

' Hello, 911?... Yes, there are these guys at my karaoke that drugged a little girl... ' He started.

' HEY! WHO'S THE LITTLE GIRL? ' Len shouted, standing up and grabbing the man's cellphone ' I'M A FUCKIN' BOY! ' He said, pulling his pants down. ' SEE? '

The man turned fifty shades of red and covered his eyes.


' But.. I'm a … man... ' Len tried to explain in vain, his hand trying to reach the - already at the caché – man.

' Good job, Len! ' The purple haired boy put one hand on Len's shoulder, and with the other, he gave thumbs up.

' And please put your pants on. ' The bluenette said, blushing a little.

' …. I so want to kill you right now, Kaito... Gakupo... ' Len said pissed.

They started to walk past the street, finally remembering little by little what happened last night.

The trio had left the school and started to walk around the city, looking for something.

' Hey, hey, which karaoke should we go? ' Len asked.

' What, are we really going to the karaoke? I though we were going to study. ' Kaito said.

' Do you really think that we can study every thing in just 2 or 3 days? That's absurd, Kaito. And here I was thinking you were the brighest one. ' Gakupo said, searching for any karaoke.

Kaito tried to complain, but was cut of when Gakupo said he finally found a karaoke.

' So, here we are! ' The purple haired boy said, happy.

' Seems... vivid. ' Kaito stated, looking the karaoke.

It was shinning every way it could. Plates everywhere signaling that they were open 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Some people leaving the place with cheeful faces, others looked like they had drank all day. Wait, wasn't that supposed to be around 3~4pm?

The trio entered the karaoke, and they wished they hadn't seen what they saw.

' Ya see'ic, err.. whut wz yo name again? ' A brunette talked with a silver haired woman, both in a pathetic state. The trio sighed when they realized who was the brunette.

' Ass' I wz sayin, shit! It's like... er... ' The silver haired girl stopped, looked to the corner of the room, eyes blank. She blinked once and grabbed something from her pocket. She read out loud, ' Seems like it's Haku... pff, silly name. WHO DID PUT THAT KIND OF NAME ON ME? ' She shouted, gulping a little of something that was inside the bottle she was holding.

' Wazn' that yo parents? ' The brunette asked, stealing the bottle from the other girl and gulping from it.

' No no, must've been Dell, SHIIIIT! I so want to fuck with his life right now.. Why the fuck HAKU? Do I look like someone as assexual as that chick, boy, woman.. dunno, shit!,... from Naruto? ' She said angrily, ' But... ' She stopped, and tears appeared in her eyes ' HE'S DEAD, YO KNOW? HE DIED WHEN I WAS LIKE, DUNNO, VERY YOUNG! ' She broke into tears.

' Shh... it will be alright, assexual person whose name I can't remember. ' The brunette said and raised her hand to grab the attention from someone who was passing by ' WHEN THE FUCK ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO OUR ORDERS? ' She asked angrily.

' Eer... excuse me? ' The person looked confused at the brunette.

' The fuck, the restaurant these days are just always like that... They can't even handle us a single bottle of sake... ' The silver haired girl shook her head ' yes. '

' Hey, hey... this ain't even a restaurant... ' The blue haired boy from the trio stated.

Finally, the brunette realized the stares she was receiving from the trio, and looked at them. She squished her eyes as tight as she could, as if she was trying to focus on something.

They got closer to them. ' Hey, what'cha doing here, Meiko? ' The bluenette was the first to talk.

She looked confused at the boy. After some seconds, she grinned at him.

' So today is you who are gettin' me back home, right? Sorry, can't remember ya. But seems that yo know mah' name so it's fine, I guess. ' The boy sighed.

' We came here to sing, you know, Meiko... Why the fuck do you think this is a restaurant? It's a karaoke, man. ' He said.

The brunette looked with a confused expression on her, she searched through the room, trying to remember where she was.

' The hell.. When did we get here, assexual person whose name I can't remember? '

' Why the fuck did he have to put the name HAKU? And Haku's just so strange.. and I'm a strange existence already, I have fuckin' white hair and eyes as red as my menstruation... ' The silver haired girl mumbled to herself. ' And HE'S DEEEEEAD! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO TAKE REVENGE? '

' No nonono, don't cry, here... Hey! You! Get me some sake! ' The brunette pointed to another person who was passing by.

' … ' The trio stared at them with some sweat at their foreheads. ' … Let... them be? ' The shorter one asked to his friends.

' … Yup... ' They were about to leave when the brunette stopped Kaito, holding his wrist.

' AAAAAAAAAH! I remember you! You the ice cream lover who can't get laid! ' She turned to Gakupo ' And you the creepy eggplant lover who can't get laid either! ' Then, to Len ' Oh, Rin, how are things with Gumi? '

' WHY THE HECK DO YOU REMEMBER RIN BUT CAN'T REMEMBER ME? I'M A MAAAAAAAAN! ' Len smashed her... HIS head against the wall.

' I'M SORRY IF I CAN'T GET LAID! ' The other guys tried to hold back tears, which, by the way, were already falling.

The two girl looked at them with some concern.

' No nono! Worry not, fellow friends who can't get laid and Rin! ' Meiko said and glanced to her silver haired friend, which nodded. ' The onee-chans here will teach you how to take all your grudges into one simple thing. ' She grabbed the bluenette's hands and grinned while putting something on them.

It was a small cup on shape similar to a shell. The kind of cup you use to drink sake.

' … we can't drink, we're minor. ' The bluenette stated.

' Aww, c'mon, it ain't illegal if you don't get caught. ' The brunette smirked and went to the cashier. ' I think this ain't a bar. What the fuck is this? ' she nodded when she finally processed that it was a karaoke ' Okay, I want to rent a room. What? This ain't a motel? Then what is this? ' Again, the cashier answered her. ' Ohh... then give me some sake. What? You don't have sake? This ain't a bar? Then what the fuck is this? ' By this time, the cashier was becoming pissed.

' I'm sorry, my friend here is a little... out. We'd like to rent a room to sing.. Until.. let it open, okay? Yes, for... one, two, three... Are you going too? ' He asked to the girls, which nodded. ' Okay, five people, please. ' The cashier bowed and gave him a key. ' Thank you. '

' Wait, are we having a party? THEN LET'S GRAB SOME SAKE! Hey, YOU! GET ME SOME SAKE! ' And yet another time, Meiko pointed to someone who was passing by.

' Don't. ' The bluenette grabbed her hands and dragged her to the room, followed by their friends.

They finally managed to get something to sing, but were surprised when the silver haired girl opened the door with a giant bottle of sake with her.

' What? Meiko said we were having a party! Here! ' She gave everyone a cup with some sake to them ' It's good to forget the stress, ya know? '

' Ahh, I'm all fucked up already, anyways.. ' Gakupo was the first to drink everything down with one single gulp. He was already becoming red, and even without being him, one could say that his vision wasn't very focused on anything.

' I'm a man already, so I can drink too! ' Len said, but was holding back until the silver haired girl pushed it all down to the boy's throath.

' …. okay. ' And then, even Kaito started to drink.

Their night was an enjoyable one, singing, laughing, drinking, dancing...

And now that they woke up,... Welcome, hangover!

' Oh,... ' Len was the first to talk something, with a slow and low voice. His head was having a David Guetta's show right now.

' That was what happened... ' The lilac boy said with his eyes half opened, trying to focus on what was only extremaly needed. His head was banging like the old movies from west.

' …. I'm so going to kill our teacher. ' Kaito was so angry that he almost couldn't feel his headache. Almost.

They had to stop once or twice to let Len puke everything he had.

Kids, please. Don't drink. Seriously.

With Meiko and Haku

Chills. Chills everywhere.

' Oh my God, was it right to run away from the crime scene, Haku? ' The brunette asked, looking desperate.

' Chill, they will never remember about ut being there, Meiko. ' The silver haired girl didn't mind a little. She gave minors a little too much of alcooholic drink, but it seemed natural to her living dangerously.

Author's Note:

AAAAAAAAAAND!... That was chap. 9 for you guys! How was it?

No Pou Chun this time, sorry! I had to update as soon as I finished this! I'm willing to do anything to regain your trust again!

So, if there's any mispelled words or any thing gramatically wrong, please, spare me.

I have to wake up 6am and it's almost 2am. I'm REALLY tired.

I tried to focus on the other couples besides Luka and Miku..

I can't ship Haku with Meiko, they're just... drink friends?

Sorry for the long wait, guys, seriously! I tried hard to write this, but I had just too many tests one after another, and other things that appeared...

I decided to use my classes that I don't need to pay much attention, like Sociology or Philosophy, to write this story.. and guess what! Chap 10 is half way! I think that until weekend I'll have chap 10 done.

I'm trying really hard to write this story! Please, don't leave me, I'll die if I don't get attention! TT_TT


Good night, morning, afternoon, dunno! To everyone!

Thanks for reading this, aaaaaaand,

See you all next chapter! :3