Hey! Sorry that this chapter took so long to come, but on top of having a serious case of writer's block, school started! (Ugh...) But I'm here now, and I have shout-outs! :D Shout-outs to: Depyriouse, missdomo121, SnowTamashi Ai, Artistic-Resonance, MakaEvansIsAwesome, Zane-Ice-Fairy, ili, and Brunette Beauty13. Now, to the story! Sadly, this WILL be the last chapter. 3; Don't cry, but if you want to, you can. It makes me feel good about my writing. XD

Maka looked around at everyone in the room. It seemed like what she said next would determine everyone's fate-whether they would spend the rest of their lives as humans, or live on in the sea like Enzo. In a perfect world, Enzo would agree to live with them instead, but Maka knew that he was too loyal to do that. She looked down at her soft, smooth legs-she would miss those. She would miss most about the human world and its features. Like grass, for example, she loved grass. And trees. Grass and trees. She suddenly realized how boring it was up on land.

"Well..." Maka sighed, and everyone turned their attention to her, "I can't just leave Soul and Kid and Black*Star and Crona!" They all looked at their laps and nodded in agreement. Enzo pursed his lips at them all.

"But I miss you, Maka. Doesn't that count for anything?" Enzo asked, obviously hurt that Maka preferred Soul over him.

"Yes, but..." she started, not wanting to finish, "can't you just go back and tell papa that we're better off here?" Enzo shook his head at her.

"Who would take his place as ruler? Who would be everyone's role model? Maka, you and your sisters are much looked up to in Atlantis. Why would you want to throw all that away?" Enzo took a deep breath and looked her in the eyes. It seemed as if he didn't care if any of the other girls came back with him, only Maka. And while that did make her feel special, it also pissed her off for some reason.

"Enzo, I don't like living in Atlantis! I like it here, where people aren't constantly whispering about me and pointing at me and trying to get conversations and autographs with me! They treat me like a celebrity when all I am is just the king jerk's daughter! And I think i speak for all of us when I say, I don't want to leave!" Maka exclaimed, clutching Soul's hand. He held a straight face but gave her a small smile when as she said that. Enzo's mouth formed a thick line as he furrowed his eyebrows at her.

"Fine," he muttered. Everyone looked up from their laps and stared at him, giving him their fullest attention. "I'll leave and tell your worried sick father that you four are running away from home just because you're simply too good to be treated too well. Half the people in Atlantis don't even have shelters. I hope you're happy." A wave of guilt suddenly washed over the girls as Enzo made his way out the door and dove into the crystal blue ocean. Soul sighed.

"I can't believe you chose us over him..." Kid said, staring out the window where Ezno used to be standing. Maka shrugged and looked at the girls. They all stared at their laps, even Patty, which was quite surprising. There was a still silence that didn't leave until Black*Star finally got up, stretched, and said, "Man, am I hungry! Somebody better get some food or I'll starve!"

Relieved that the awkward silence had disappeared, Maka nodded and stood up too, saying, "I guess I can make dinner tonight." They all nodded in agreement and walked to their rooms, probably to contemplate what had just happened. Soul went too, so it was just maka all alone in the kitchen. She sighed and prepared dinner, because she had a strange feeling that Enzo would be back eventually...Probably in the distant future, but she didn't really care. As long as she could stay in the white house with all these people, she was alright.

"I guess Enzo just doesn't understand what it's like..." she muttered to herself as she turned the stove on. "He just doesn't get what it feels like to be treated like a free ice cream cone on a hot summer day. Not that people want to lick me or anything..." She chuckled, Soul suddenly coming into her mind. She quickly dismissed the thought and went back to her cooking, feeling a little less stressed now that Enzo was gone and she could relax.

As she finished up and started setting out plates, a thought occurred to her: What if he does come back? What if he comes back and I don't like it? What if...what if he forces me to come back? Oh no...She bit her lip and walked down the stairs to the basement, where she found the four boys playing a video game and talking about who knows what.

"Dinner's ready," she stated, strolling over to the couch and leaning against it. They all jumped up from their seats and hurried up the stairs, making Maka giggle. She traveled up the stairs too, thinking about everything that had happened that day and trying to forget about it.


Maka walked into the living room of her new house and sat next to Soul. Just as she had hoped, their relationship was still fresh and never seemed to get old. The others were doing fine with their boyfriends, as far as Maka could see. They had moved out of Kid's sea of white after they finished college-er, after Maka finished college. They weren't married yet, but they were making plans already because Soul had proposed to her. Yep, everything seemed to be looking up for the couple. Maka never did have the luxury of going to a pool party, though. She didn't really care, as long as Soul was happy to lay by her and tan while the others swam.

They never did see Enzo again at this point. They did, however, receive a stone letter from Spirit. It was really short, just like everything written in Atlantis was. (Rock production was slow.) It told of how angry he was at her and how being a princess meant responsibility and blah, blah, blah. Maka didn't care what he said; she was happy, and that was all that mattered.

How sweet! Happy endings, yay! Well, thanks for reading guys! :D