Cracking your knuckles loudly, you thrust your hand unhappily into the hat before you and pulled a piece of paper out. You opened it, grunted, "Silence," and stood, stalking into the closet without looking behind you. You sat in the corner, facing away from the door and waited impatiently. You had no intention of kissing, fucking or so much as talking to whatever dick bag walked into this stupid closet. It even stank like sex in here and you hated it. You felt sick to your stomach. You wanted to go out and murder some children or something. Anything to be the fuck away from this twisted and horrible game.

Whoever it was that you chose walked into the closet and closed the door behind them, and you glared at the wall harder. You were determined not to care, speak or even move. A few moments passed, before you heard a soft females' voice address you quietly.

"Hey. _. I know you don't like this game. Frankly, no one really does, but it passes the time. Just muddle through it for Tobi's sake, yeah?"

You let out a harsh burst of air as response and crossed your arms over your chest. You knew full well who it was; the leaders' main bitch, Konan. Oh great. You wondered how many of the stupid idiots out there were creaming their pants, imagining all the hot lesbian sex that would be happening. Hah. Fat chance. A), although you preferred women to the snivelling excuses called men, you weren't looking for a relationship with any of the wastes of skin in this hell hole. B) She was Pein's little bitch, and you were more than happy to leave it that way. Ain't no way you were fucking with the boss' relationship. So you sat in silence, angry and annoyed and just plain tired. You wanted to go the fuck to bed. But nah, you were here playing this stupid fucking game that was meant for children just passing the hormonal stage. You rolled your eyes and tilted your head back against the wall. You wanted the time to go by as quickly as you could. But of course, SOME people didn't realize that you didn't want communication.

"How are you liking it here? Any problems with your room or bathroom or roommate?"

You opened your mouth to make a pissy retort, but thought better of it. "My roommate snores like a fucking motorcycle, my bed feels like I'm lying on the damn ground, and my bathroom smells like shit and mildew. But yeah, it's fine. Better then where I was before," you added softly.

Konan was silent for a minute before she asked tentatively, "Where WERE you before, if I may ask?"

You pondered this and stiffened when you noticed she had moved closer. This wasn't like Konan at all from what you've viewed of her. But hey. Whatever, right? It was obvious she wasn't going to let you be quiet and wait through all of this bullshit. So you might as well just satisfy her stupid curiosity. So, you filled her in on how you had been found wandering the streets of your village, wearing rags and starving. You had been picked on by some local bullies, and had finally snapped, using your bare hands and teeth to rip their throats out. It was then that you became what your village called, 'feral', and had been found by the Akatsuki and brought under their wing. Yeah, you were a fairly skilled ninja now, having learned many different forbidden and lethal types of jutsu, but you still preferred the raw sensation of tearing people apart with your bare hands. You smiled at the memories, then fell quiet, having reached the end of your little story. Konan was quiet for a moment, and you wondered if you had scared her off. But no, instead she just said, "Well that sounds interesting. I'm pretty sure you'll fit in just fine here."

You shrugged a little. "Eh. It's better than where I was at."

Konan giggled a little and mumbled, "Yeah, it sounds like it sure is."

You fell into a surprisingly comfortable silence, a soft smile on your lips. A thought came into your mind, and you asked it impulsively, curiosity getting the best of you, never mind how weird it would sound.

"So, uh, you and Leader-sama, eh?"

You could practically hear the female blush. "There's really nothing going on. We're close childhood friends, and I love him as if he were my very own blood. Those rumours of a romance between us are just that. Rumours. Why do you ask?"

You fell quiet. Yeah, you guessed that had been a little too forward and weird sounding. "I was just curious." You settled with. You heard her giggle.

With that, you heard her stand up. The door opened and light flooded the closet. She thrust her hand out, offering it to help you up and you took it hesitantly and stood up. Her hand stayed in yours for a little bit longer than usual, and she smiled at you. "If you need anything, come to my room. At any time. And I'd be more than happy to help you out."

She turned, dropping your hand gently and leaving the closet. You ignored the perplexed looks the group was giving you, and smiled softly to yourself as you exited. You could have sworn that she winked at you.

Well, now that you thought about it, there WAS a little issue that you wanted to get resolved tonight…