Avatar the Last Cock Bender

Jay3000: this is my first one shot and avatar fic and there is more to come as I plan to make one for some of the hottest Girls/women in the avatar world. I was

surfing the net and saw an Avatar the Last Cock Bender game and the idea came to me so I wrote this story base off the game with my own personal touch.

Hope you like it.


Cock Bending the ancient technique that come around once in a red moon. The moon gives one baby the power to Bend their Cock into any shape and size.

Chapter 1 Azula

A giant black drill crawled toward the titanic wall of Ba Sing Se. Several tanks flanked along it. As the drill moved, steam smoked out large pipes, and needle like

poles stuck in the ground. Then, a tower with a red cockpit folded up. Inside the cockpit, was princess Azula sitting on a throne. Ty Lee and Mai sat next to her.

"This drill is a feat of scientific ingenuity and raw destructive power. Once it tunnels through the wall our troops will storm the city. The Earth Kingdom will finally

fall, and you can claim Ba Sing Se in the name of your father," said the commander of the drill, "Nothing can stop us."

"Hmm, what about those muscular guys down there," Ty Lee said as she looked out the periscope to see Earth benders getting into trenches.

"Please, the drill's metal shell is impervious no form of earthbending can destroy this drill!" War Minister Qin said as he brusquely smacked the periscope back


"Just to be on the safe side, Mai and Ty Lee take the Earthbenders out." Azula ordered

"Finally, it is getting boring in here." Mai deadpanned as she ceased twirling her knife and stood up.

With the Avatar

Everyone hurried to the wall to let Toph and Aang earthbend them up it. Once they reached the top Aang showed them the drill.

"Let look for the person in charge" Katara said as they saw a solider.

"Stop right there" The soilder said

"We are here to help I Aang The Last Cock Bender" Aang replied

"What can I do for the Avatar?" The solider asked

"I wish to speak with the general" Aang asked the soldier who led them to General Sung.

"General we are here to help" Aang said

"I assure you Avatar, the wall is impenetrable" Sung stated. "It took a force of nature to bring down the old wall"

"What the old wall isn't strong enough" Katara replied.

"That's why I sent an élite platoon of Earthbenders to disable the drill" Sung explained. "I sent the Terra Team."

"That's a good team name" Sokka said. "Very catchy."

Everyone watched as the Terra Team attacked the drill. They created stone columns that pushed against the drill, attempting to slow it down. Then the Terra

Team was ambushed by two girls that exited the drill. One girl threw various knives at the Earthbenders, while the other attacked with her fists. Within minutes

the entire Terra Team was disabled by the two girls.

WE ARE DOOMED!" The general screamed.

"GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF MAN," Aang shouted as he slaps the general.

"Your right, I'm sorry," He said rubbing his cheek where Aang slapped him.

"Maybe you would like the Avatar's help now?" Toph said with a slight smirk.

The general's head went down, "Yes please," He said in a low tone but high pitch.

"I'm not should I want to help you any more" Aang replied

"Please oh mighty Cock bender help the small cock men of this kingdom" Sung said as he kisses Aang's feet

"Find I help on one condition" Aanng replied

"What I do anything?" Sung asked

"Don't ever do that again" Aang replied

Inside the drill

Azula, Mai and Ty Lee sat in their throne like seats, waiting impatiently for the drill to make it to the wall. War Minister Qin commander of the drill paced

confidently around the deck, sure of their impending success.

"How long is it going to take to make it to this stupid wall?" complained Mai.

"Shout up and be patient Mai" responded Azula suddenly Azula had a weird feeling.

"I will be back Commander Mai Ty Lee come with me" Azula said as they followed her as they pass the engine room she discovered frozen soldier on the

ground and his maps of the drill missing.

"It seems like we have some intruders on board" Azula said with an evil smirk on her face "Let's give them a proper welcome"

With Team Avatar

Aang and Katara were cutting through the last drill braces.

"You can do it"

"Put you backs into it"

"WILL YOU SHUT UP ALREADY" Aang and Katara shouted at Sokka who shut up

"Stupid bender I was just trying to help" Sokka muttered as he glared at them until the support beam was cut in half.

"I go to the top and deliver the finishing blow" Aang said when a blue fire-ball suddenly comes hurdling his way.

"Guys get down" Aang shouted as he tackles Katara to the ground

"Are you alright Kat?" Aang asked as she blushes, she could feel his member on her ass.

"I find Aang" Katara replied as Aang got off her only to see Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee standing on an overhead metal beam.

"It nice to see you again Cock-kun" Ty Lee said shooting Aang a flirtatious look as she looks at his lower region as Katana glared at her.

"Enough talking" Azula said as Azula shot lightning at Aang who dodges it and ran but not before Katana shouted

"Aang don't use it" as Mai and Ty Lee attacked her and Sokka as they dodges the attack and ran also

"Follow them, the Avatar is mine!" commanded Azula

"Can't you and Mai chase after them while go after Cock-kun" Ty Lee replied as Azula glared at her.

"Never mind" Ty Lee "Greed Cock loving bitch" she muttered as Azula after chased Aang while Mai and Ty Lee to follow Sokka and Katara.

Top of the Drill

Aang made his way to the outer shell of the drill to finish destroying it. The drill had made its way to the wall and had started penetrating it. Aang dodged some

large stone boulders being thrown by the Terror-Team and General Sung. Aang started slicing the outer shell of the drill

"Look who's here the Avatar?" She asked smiling evilly "It must be my lucky day"

"Azula, stop do you really want to fight me?" Aang replied as he got into a fighting stance

"Yes I do" Azula replied as she quickly took to fingers back and pointed at him. Azula shoots several fireballs at him, all of which Aang manages to avoid. He

blasts a gust of air her way and uses water whips to deter Azula's blasts off-target. Aang attempts to deflect two fierce blasts she conjures up with a water

shield, however, the shield evaporates and he is sent back several feet. Several boulders hurdled down at them. Aang took the opportunity to throw one at

Azula. She ducks in time and shoots another fire-ball. Aang resorts to creating a wall of rubble and repeatedly hurls components of the wall at the Fire Nation

princess, who merely kicks the boulders away and almost strikes Aang with a kick of flames. Azula proceeds to somersault in the air and deliver a powerful fire

blast, destroying the makeshift wall. Aang hurtles into the Outer Wall and falls unconscious onto the surface of the drill.

The drill extends again and Azula walks over to Aang with bitter intentions. She hoists Aang up and holds him against the wall with one hand.

"I can't believe it was easy the legends is bullshit, you're weak as a baby chicken" Azula said

"Okay, okay you win, I quit" Aang as she he woke up.

"Think you are a smart-ass" Azula said as fire-ball form in her hand "Now die"

"Damn this bitch is crazy, I sorry Katara but I have to use the ancient technique of Cock bending is my only hope" Aang as his Cock started to glow and the

bulge in his pants getting bigger until it his burst free, it was about 5 Feet long and 2 feet wide, it hit Azula across her face send her rocking to the ground and

knock her out.

"It knocked her out it seem like it getting stronger every time I used it" Aang as he walk towards her.

"Hmmm I wonder if her body is more develop than Katana, Yue and Suki" Aang said

"No I can't do it" Aang said when he heard another voice "It would be nice to see what under her clothes" as she uses Air bending to cut off her clothes and

saw her. She was tight and tone in all the right places with giant JJ cup breasts her shapely legs that met at her hairless pussy.

"He he I have to give those tits of hers a test drive" Aang said as he got up top of her and put his Cock between them as he held her areoles as he made his

Cock grew to 10 inches and started to work.

Aang was overwhelmed by the softness that smothered his cock right there and then and even Azula was enjoying the feel of Aang's cock between her

breasts because she was moaning in her sleep.

"Oh my god this feels good" Aang said as he goes a little faster as he move her breasts up and down on his cock. Aang wail in pleasure and bliss as the feeling

of Azula's breasts rubbing his cock it was driving him to the brink of Cumming but he held on as he wanted to last as long as possible so he focused on calming

his racing heart and his nerves as they were on fire from the pleasure.

After 5 more minutes of hard pumping Aang finally reached his limits as he came hard from the feel of Azula's breasts

"AZULA!" Aang moaned as he came all over her breasts

"Wow that was amazing" Aang said as when got off her "I wonder if the Pussy is better" as he put the tip at her entrance and insert it.

"MMMMMMMM!" Aang moan then he let his Cock grew even bigger in her pussy.

"What the hell? Azula shouted as her eyes open when she felt something big in her.

"So you finally awake" Aanga said

"Avatar you bastard get you Cock out of me or die" Azula roared

"Nope it feels too good" Aang replied

"Then die" Azula shouted and about to burn off his Cock when Aang push it deeper.

"MMMMMMMMMMMMM" Azula moaned

"Azula ….you feel so good…" Aang shouted out his pleasure at the sensations that flooded his body and Azula heard that and she smiled warmly as she was

also blushing due to the pleasure and sensations that were flooding her own senses.

"Please Cock-kun …" Azula said

Aang needed no further guidance as he was driven purely by instinct at that moment and he began to move his hips slowly….pulling out at first and the

sensations that flowed through him were absolutely delicious and as soon as he was nearly out, he pushed back in…making Azula moan out loudly as he

began to pick up the pace and slowly pushed in and out of Azula's wet and throbbing pussy and Aang was also enjoying the pleasure and sensations that

were flooding her body at this moment and time.

"Yes Avatar that's it faster! Harder! Deeper!" Azula shouted

" Azula you feel so hot and tight" Aang replied

The two enemies were enjoying the pleasure and bliss that was filling their bodies at the moment as Aang began to pick up the pace Aang's actions were quick

to affect Azula as her pleasure centre were now being touched in very powerful and delicious ways at this moment and Azula was more than willing to reveal

how much she was enjoying the sensations as Aang continued to move his cock in and out of her hot, willing, wet, tight and soft and fluffy pussy.

"Oh yes….right there Avatar! This is glorious!" Azula shouted

Azula was further pleasured by Aang as he once more licked and sucked on her large, soft, firm, and well-formed breasts and the nipples further increase the

pleasure being felt by Azula as the two finally reached their release point. Azula came fast and hard….and Aang came at the very same time…making both

enemies scream out in absolute bliss.


" Azula!"

5 minutes later

Azula, still enjoying the sensation of Aang's cum leaking out of her pussy and onto the drill, didn't even realize what Aang was doing. Aang was just about to

destroy the drill as Azula was about to shot a fire-ball at him to stop him but she was too tired so she watch Aang destroy the drill. As the drill came crashing

down Aang too her up and jumped to safety.

"Why did you save me?" Azula asked

"Because I want to play with those big beautiful breast of yours" Aang replied as Azula blushes then she pulls him into a passionate kiss.

"Looking forward to it Aang" Azula replied as Aang puts her down and gives her his shirt then flies away. Azula, still naked, wraps Aang shirt around herself

clothes as she wait for Mai and Ty Lee to find her.

The End

Who should be next




Ty Lee




Can't remember any other name so you can leave suggestions

If you are a Naruto and Naruto/One piece fan then check out my other stories