This story takes place as if the Hero's of Olympus series was never created!


Enjoy :3

Nico di Angelo:

The dining hall was usually fuller with people, but tonight it was almost empty. I stood up with my plate of fresh cooked chicken and ripe fruit. Slowly I made my way over to the large fire to offer food to my father, Hades.

When I was close enough to the fire to feel its flames, I softly murmured the same prayer to my dad as I had been saying for the past two weeks:

"Father please stop me from hurting anybody else. Please" I dropped half of my chicken into the flickering flames.

Walking back to my table I felt a familiar tug in my chest.

Percy Jackson was close.

Over the past couple of weeks every time I got close to Percy a familiar tug would pull in my chest and I hated it.

Around the same time Annabeth and I had learned bad news. Percy's Achilles spot was infected with some kind of slow spreading poison. Nobody knew how it had happened except for me, but everyone knew he was dying.

Still, nobody knew better than me. Anytime Percy was within a twenty foot radius of me I knew. A pull in my gut would tell me a dead man was walking.

And that wasn't the worst part. Because of my curse, because I was son of Hades, I could feel inside of my gut when people were dying. I could sense Percy was dying. But the worst part was that I knew what was killing him, and I couldn't stop it.

I grabbed my food and walked fast to get out of the dining hall. As I passed a trash can, I dumped the rest of my uneaten chicken and fruit. I was suddenly not very hungry. I hurried to leave, but still I was too slow.

Just as my foot was crossing the doorway to the outside, Annabeth called my name. Reluctant to even show that I heard her, I slowly turned around.

And there she was. Her long blonde hair was pulled back in its normal pony tail and she was wearing an orange Camp Half-blood T-shirt. Her jeans had a hole in the knee and she was gripping Percy's hand in hers like she was afraid she would suddenly lose him. Her gray eyes were fierce as she looked me over. Ohmigod. She was cool and everything but Annabeth treated me like a baby sometimes.

"Where have you been? Do you know how worried we were?" she demanded in what I like to call her 'mothering voice.'

Instead of answering her questions I tried to start a new topic. "Hey the chicken tonight is really good." like I would know.

"That's all you have to say? You owe us an excuse." crap. She was using her 'I'm so gonna kick your butt' voice.

I didn't like making Annabeth mad but what she didn't understand was that I couldn't be around her and Percy or anyone for that matter. For the past couple of weeks I have been working my best to ignore everybody. Nobody was safe around me anymore.

I said in a voice that was steel, "Give it a rest Annabeth. I don't owe you anything. Haven't you figured it out that I just want to be alone? So pleaseā€¦Leave. Me. Alone."

I swallowed a thick lump that formed in my throat, and tried for a second time to leave the dining hall. Percy stud up, stopping me from leaving the room once again.

"Don't you dare ever speak to her like that again Di Angelo. Do you understand me? Never."

I turned to see Percy standing beside Annabeth now. Percy's dark hair was messy and flying in every direction. His face was hallowed in and as pale as a ghost. He was wearing cutoff jeans and a camp half-blood shirt. His green eyes that were usually soft and kind and maybe even a little mysterious were now filled with a look of loathing. At the moment he hated me.

It looked like Annabeth was trying really hard not to cry, and the thought of that made me want to punch myself in the stupid mouth. Percy was struggling to stay up, but I knew there was no way he would leave Annabeth undefended, even when he was dying.

Then the worst idea came to me. Without even thinking about how stupid it was, I said "what are you going to do about it Jackson?" and I punched him in his face. I know what you're probably thinking, how could I do that to someone so close to death?

But the truth was I couldn't help myself. Percy had everything. Well, at least he used to. Percy had friends that trusted him and a girl to call his own. In lots of ways I was jealous of him.

But I didn't like Annabeth. She was pretty and nice and very smart, but she wasn't my type.

I was jealous of him mostly because he could be near people and not kill them. He could hang out with friends and not worry about them dropping dead like flies right in front of him. He could go to sleep at night and not see everybody who he was putting in danger every second of everyday behind his eyelids. I was jealous of him most of all because he was lucky, and I was not.

After I had punched Percy, I turned on my heal and left the dining hall. Third times the charm.

Thalia Grace:

I walked into the dining hall to find Percy on the ground with a bloody nose and Annabeth standing over him. She looked angry enough to kill someone as she was trying to help him with all of the blood that was pouring out of his face.

"What happened?" I demanded.

Without missing a beat Annabeth answered, "He just punched him and ran off!"

Annabeth wasn't really ever this blond. It was pretty obvious Percy had been punched, and Annabeth was the only other person in the room besides Percy and me. I was willing to bet my life that Annabeth didn't punch him.

"Were did he go?" I asked not even caring who it was I was about to hunt down. Who had the heart, or rather not the heart, to punch somebody that was dying? Whoever it was I was going to have a darn good time beating their brains out.

Annabeth was silent for a moment and then she whispered "he went into the woods I think. But Thalia please don't..."

I never got the chance to hear what she was saying. Before she had even finished her sentence, I was heading towards the woods with one of my arrows drawn. I walked at an abnormally quick pace as I entered the woods and I was ready to meet the jerk that thought it was ok to punch my friend.

What i wasn't expecting was to find an emo looking boy sitting with his head in his hands near Zeus's fist.

Zeus's fist was a pile of rocks that formed the shape of a closed hand. It was a very popular spot for capture the flag.

Sitting at the base of the natural statue that was devoted to my father, was a guy that looked about my age, maybe even a year or two older. He was wearing black jeans and a white T-shirt with a skull design on it. He had on black low top converse and his hair was dark as night. Even when he was sitting down I could tell he was tall, maybe six feet. His body was well built and muscular, but not overly so. In not so many words, the boy I was looking at was hot.

Scaring me half to death, without even lifting his head from his hands the boy said in a clear voice, "Lower your bow Thalia Grace."

"Not over my dead body." I said with just as much confidence. I didn't care if he was really cute, he had punched Percy. No matter how good looking, that was at the top of the list of things not to do.

"You should really pick your words more carefully. Please don't mention any 'dead bodies' to me. I have seen more than enough."

And then it hit me like a brick wall.

"Nico Di Angelo." I said with utter disbelief. Of all the people to harm Percy, I would have never guessed Nico.

The stranger I thought I knew slowly lifted his head from his hands and looked me in the eyes. He had dark eyes, almost as dark as his hair.

"Why would you do this?" I whispered. I suddenly knew what Annabeth was going to say when I left the dining hall. She was going to say "don't hurt him."

And it was no wonder. Annabeth thinks of Nico as a little brother. How could she not? No matter how much she hated people hurting Percy, she couldn't stand people hurting Nico. When Nico was left alone people had picked on him, and after Nico's sister died, Annabeth and Percy were all the people Nico trusted.

But what had changed that? Why was Nico suddenly running around punching Percy?

"Why I did what I did is none of your business. Get out of here Thalia."

"What do you mean it's none of my business?" I demanded. "I come back to camp Half-blood to visit my dying friend, and I find him on the ground with a bloody nose. Please try to explain to me how that is none of my business." I kept my voice calm as I spoke, careful not to let my temper get too far out of control.

"You don't even know the whole story Thalia so don't start judging." Nico stud up in one fluid movement proving my suspicions about his height. "You have been gone far too long to pretend you know anything about me so don't judge me."

Unfortunately he was right. The only Nico Di Angelo I knew was a small eleven year old boy that played with game cards all day. This was obviously not the same person. This Nico had maybe the same hair and lips, but the eyes were different. The old Nico had bright eyes that were always filled with joy and happiness. The new Nico had the eyes of a person that has seen more sadness and death in the world then I would have thought possible. The new Nico was more alone.

Without even thinking of what I was doing, I lowered my bow and slowly walked over to were Nico was now standing. When I was close enough to touch him, I reached my hand out and placed it on his shoulder. He didn't back away.

I let out a long breath that I hadn't realized I was holding and was surprised when I herd Nico do the same.

"I'm sorry." I admitted. "I didn't mean to judge you. Explain your side of the story and then I will tell you my opinion."

"I don't care about your opinion." Nico said halfheartedly.

But I knew it was a lie as soon as I heard it. "Nico please trust me. You can trust me. I promise not to judge until I hear the full story."

To my utter disbelief, Nico Di Angelo sank to the ground, landing with his legs crossed like a pretzel and his head in his hands. It looked like a practiced position. After taking a few minutes to gather his thoughts, Nico began his story with a sentence that I could swear I hadn't heard correctly.

"I'm the one that has been poisoning Percy."

Oh, how evil of me to stop there! Hope you liked it, please comment any ideas for future chapters! No promises, but go ahead and give me ideas anyway!