When i was a kid the most important thing that existed was my dad's dad. He was a mean dude but the sun may as well have risen and set specifically for me as far as he was concerned. Mean or not, me and him were extremely close. I kind of took a small piece of my own childhood and plopped it right down in this last chapter. Buck and Sophia have the same relationship that I had with my own granddad. I hope you enjoy it.
I could sit and spend the next three hours writing down every person that got me through this story but I ain't got the time. Axelrocks, how about me and you make a vow right now to never indulge in a sequel for the rest of our lives ;) Thanks for sticking with me and not yelling at me when I started updating every 4 weeks! But it would have never gotten finished without you. Englishpoet and Halohunter, you're both sick and twisted and have been awesome as you waited for updates and gave me ideas. Much love, perverts! AffairWithaCrossbow, that Merle fainting crap was awesome so thank you also! There are too many others to even begin to name so big thanks to you all! ;) I hope you all like this chapter and thanks for sticking with this story!
And can we get a hell yeah for Buck Dixon? I am going to miss him! May he live long in other AU's and may other writers do him justice! LOL! Okay. Go on and read.
Buck studied the girl with a frown, even though he wanted to laugh as her face screwed up in an angry scowl. "It's your Birthday, dummy. That's why your mama is makin' ya wear it," Buck mumbled as he tried unsuccessfully to keep the little girl still.
"It's dumb. I look stupid," Sophia complained as she tugged at the color of the dress that Carol had dropped off earlier. "Carl and Luke are gonna kick my ass for sure if I leave the house wearin' this dumb stuff."
"You'll only look stupid for a few hours and if them boys give ya shit what'd I tell ya to do?" He eyed her as he shoved her foot into her shoe. "And don't say ass in front of your mama."
She sighed and squinted down at the front of her dress. "I hate this," she grumbled. "It ain't nobody elses Birthday. It's mine. I should be able to wear whatever the heck I wanna wear. Ain't there nothin' you can do? You're the boss of everybody around here."
He held back a smile at her pleading look. "You know I ain't too lucky when it comes to bossin' your mama around."
"Or Andrea," Sophia's pleading look turned into a grin.
He huffed and stood up, lifting the girl so she was planted on his hip. "Yeah, yeah. Shut it, kid."
She laughed and then buried her face in his neck. "Ya know, me and you ain't gotta stick around. I can change back into my real clothes and then me and you can get Luke and go huntin' or somethin'. Or we can leave Luke home. That's all I want today is to spend it with you. Everbody is gonna stare at me in there."
He chuckled and looked down at the top of her head. "Then we'll all get in trouble. And I'm gonna be there the whole time so you can spend the whole day with me. I ain't got no other plans today, darlin'. This is a damn big day for the both us."
Another sigh escaped her. "Fine then. Did ya grab my good clothes so I can get outta this thing faster?"
He nodded and headed towards the door. They had put him on babysitting duty while they got the church ready for the girl's sixth Birthday party. He didn't mind. She was with him a lot. Her and Luke both were and that was just fine by him. The past six years had been better to him and his family than most people out there. Three years after the outbreak started the walkers dwindled down. Now they were actually a rarity. There were a lot of settlements just like their town but they were pretty spaced out. Woodbury was the closest in proximity and their closest allies. They had learned a few years ago that the living were more likely to kill you than the dead in this world. Everyone was more careful than ever before.
"Can I sleep over tonight?" She asked as Buck stepped off the porch and then sat her down on the sidewalk. He took her small hand in his own and led her down the street.
"You slept over last night," he said as he hid a smile. "The hell ya wanna spend all your time with an old man like me for?"
"Cause you're my best friend," she said, her voice letting him know that that was a very stupid question.
"What about Luke and Carl? Figured they'd be your best friends," he glanced down, his heart swelling a little when she gazed up at him with a scowl that made her look exactly like her daddy.
"Luke and Carl are mean to me sometimes. 'Sides that, you can only have one best friend, Papaw. Sometimes I ain't so sure if you know as much as you let on."
He laughed. "You callin' me stupid?"
She shook her head, her hand tightening in his when they reached the church steps. "You ain't as stupid as this goddamn dress."
He bit his lip to keep from laughing. "No more cussin', girl. You're mama is gonna raise hell if she hears it."
"I know, I know," she muttered.
Before he opened the door he knelt down, still towering over her. She looked up expectantly. "You know this is a Birthday party for ya, right?"
She nodded solemnly.
"And you're gonna have to deal with all them folks fussin' over ya. You ain't like Luke. You don't like all the fussin' but if you deal with it with your chin up I got somethin' for ya."
She grinned. "I'll be alright."
He nodded. "What are ya?"
"A Dixon," She said proudly, lifting her chin.
"And what's that mean?"
"Means I'm a bad ass, no matter if I'm little and no matter if I'm a girl."
"And no matter if you're stuck wearin' that stupid lookin' dress. Now lets get this shit over with. Maybe there's some cake."
"If I'm wearin' this then there best be some damn cake," she grumbled.
"That's my girl." He kissed her forehead and stood up, walking into the large room.
"She's gonna show her ass over all this," Daryl said as he looked around the room at all the people milling about. "Ya know she's more like me when it comes to shit like this."
Carol rolled her eyes and kissed his jaw. "I'm trying to break her of that. She spends all of her time with you, Merle and Buck. She's a little girl. It isn't going to kill her to act like it."
Daryl's eyes shot to the front of the room as the door opened and Sophia and Buck walked in. "I bet she cussed up a storm over them clothes," he chuckled.
Carol leaned into his side and his arm went around her instantly. "I can only imagine. But look how cute she is," Carol waved and Buck and Sophia started making their way towards them. Sophia was wearing a scowl that rivaled Daryl's own and he couldn't help but grin.
"You excited?" Carol asked as she lifted Sophia up and sat her down on the table.
"No. Why the hell...er... heck are ya makin' me wear a dress for?" She looked between Carol and Daryl angrily. Her eyes didn't clear until Buck bent down and whispered something in her ear. She sighed. "Yes, mama. I'm excited."
Daryl laughed out loud at that and two sets of angry blue eyes landed on him. Sophia and Buck glared. He held up his hands in surrender. "Okay, okay. You just remember that this was all your mama's idea. Not mine. I love ya too much to make ya wear a dress." He plucked her from the table and turned her so her back was against his chest, using her as a shield.
"As soon as you put me down mama is gonna kick your a..."
"Girl, what the hell did I tell you?" Buck asked, raising his eyebrows.
"Butt, daddy. She's gonna kick your butt. There, happy now?" Sophia looked at Buck and grinned.
Carol shook her head at them, holding back a smile. "She's right, you coward. Hiding behind a little girl."
"Damn straight woman," He said as he rested his chin on his daughter's shoulder.
Sophia leaned her back into Daryl's chest and sighed. "Ain't we gotta wear silly hats and have balloons and stuff? This ain't lookin' much like a six year old's Birthday party if ya ask me."
Daryl met Carol's eyes over Sophia's head and grinned. "You wanna wear silly hats and have balloons?" He asked into Sophia's ear, purposely tickling her shoulder with the scruff on his chin. "Merle can dress up like one of them creepy ass clowns for ya."
She laughed and tried to wiggle away from him. "Heck no. That's a bunch of dumb girl stuff. I'm not no dumb girl."
Daryl sat her on the floor and knelt down. "No, I don't suppose you are. You're almost a grown woman."
She made a disgusted face. "I don't wanna be a grown woman. What if I grow boobs as big as Andrea's? That'd be awful, daddy..."
Daryl's eyes nearly bugged out of his head and he tried to hold in a laugh but her next words undid him.
"I guess it wouldn't be so bad if they was as small as Aunt Beth's but..."
"Okay, Sophia," Carol interrupted her but not before anyone within' earshot broke out into loud laughter. Daryl rubbed his face and tried to hide it but he failed miserably. He stood up and took her hand to lead her to the cake and maybe stop with all the boob talk.
One thing was for sure. For such a little thing Sophia had more personality than most people knew how to deal with. Some of the stuff she came up with reminded him so much of Merle that it almost wasn't even funny. Almost. She had a quick temper just like any other Dixon but she had compassion that rivaled her mama's. She would stand up to anyone without flinching and Jesus Christ was she smart.
Merle and Beth were sitting at one of the tables they had set up for the party and they both grinned when they saw Sophia approaching. Luke was, as usual, with Carl. They were playing with cars under the table and they, too, grinned when they saw her.
"Happy Birthday, Sophia," Luke cried as he scuttled out from under the table. He was big for his age. Very big, actually. He towered over the other children his own age. Some folks that didn't know the true story of his parentage often thought he was simply taking after his grandpa. With his sandy blond hair and bright blue eyes he resembled Beth and Merle enough that no one would have guessed he wasn't a Dixon by blood.
"Thanks," Sophia responded, her voice guarded.
He grinned. "Dad told me if I gave ya any trouble today then he'd bust me good. Wasn't gonna be mean anyhow with it bein' your Birthday and stuff. What the hell did your mama make ya wear that for?" He grimaced as he took in her appearance and Daryl readied himself to catch her before she laid into the boy.
Sophia scowled and tugged on the color. "She thought it'd be fun to make me look stupid I guess."
"Sophia!" Carol scolded lightly.
Beth stood up, her belly just starting to show a slight bulge. "Sophia, you look beautiful," she grinned at the girl.
Sophia kept the scowl on her face but nodded when Daryl nudged her. "Thanks," she mumbled.
When her eyes landed on Merle she grinned and launched herself into his lap like she usually did. He grunted at the assault. "Well you look just like a princess, darlin'!" Merle winked at her but her grin died.
"Shut up uncle Merle," She squirmed to get away from him but he held onto her and stood up, flipping her so she was draped across his shoulder. She squealed and tried to fight him but she was stuck. Daryl shook his head at their antics. He was pretty sure that the only reason that Beth was pregnant at all was because Merle needed more playmates.
Carol felt sick to her stomach. Large doses of sugar wasn't something any of them were used too anymore and as all the adults filed out of the building, their children in tow, she noticed they all looked like they felt the same way. Daryl was carrying Sophia, who had fallen asleep earlier. Her and the other children had played hard. They were going through a sugar crash. Merle was walking with them, holding on to Luke's hand as he followed his father sleepily.
"Best be droppin' them off at the house," Buck said from behind them.
Carol turned around and smiled as Buck and Andrea made their way towards them, hand in hand. He had a calm look about him that he had never had before Luke and Sophia had come into their lives. He was still Buck. He was still menacing and powerful and, to some, down right scary. But he was more now. Andrea grinned at them.
Merle glanced down at Luke and then back up to Buck. "You know, Andrea ain't much older than me old man. You could make your own damn kids instead of stealing mine and Daryl's all the time."
Andrea's grin faded and she narrowed her eyes on Merle. "I don't think so."
Buck nodded in agreement. "The thing about y'all is, I can give'em back once they start actin' like asses. Can't do that with your own."
With that Andrea took Luke's hand and Buck took Sophia from Daryl. She never even woke up during the exchange. She was used to it by now.
They said their goodbyes and they all went their separate ways. Daryl found her hand as they made their way to their own house. They walked in silence until they reached the porch and he stopped her from going inside, pulling her back until she felt the familiar contours of his chest pressed against her back.
She smiled when she felt his lips near her ear. It had been seven years since she had met him but she hadn't gotten over the thrill he caused every time he touched her. She doubted she ever would.
"Still pretty early," his voice was smooth and his breath warm against her neck.
"Yes it is," she noted as she continued the task of opening the door while he tried to hold her back.
"We could spend a little more time out here. Ya know, since it's dark and all," there was a suggestive note to his tone that had her turning in his arms. She knew exactly what he was talking about and she gave him a dry look.
"That was a one time thing, Daryl Dixon. It isn't happening again. Ever," she said firmly.
A few weeks ago they had been sitting on the porch, having a serious discussion when one thing led to another and they had actually had sex on the porch. It didn't matter that it had been in the middle of the night, she still hadn't been able to believe she had done that. Even if it had been extremely exciting.
With a huff he finally dropped his arms from around her and nodded towards the door. "Alright then. If you insist."
She rolled her eyes and pulled him into the house. Sometimes she felt a little guilty. All of them had so much happiness in their lives and it seemed unfair. There were still people out there struggling to survive in this world but it seemed like everyone she loved was safe and thriving. She wished that everyone that survived in the beginning could have what her and her people had.
"Are we gonna finish talkin' about what we were talkin' about this mornin'?" He asked as she kicked her shoes off and put them in the coat closet by the door.
She turned around, smiling at him coyly. "I'm going to take a shower and then maybe, if you aren't asleep, we can talk about it."
He nodded, growing uncomfortable even though he was the one that brought it up, not her. She kissed his jaw quickly and headed down the hallway, feeling his eyes on her as she went.
He watched her walk away and didn't stop watching until she was behind the closed bathroom door. He sighed heavily and then made his way to the kitchen. He sat down in the kitchen chair and traced the grain pattern in the table top with the tip of his finger as his mind drifted back to the conversation they had had before they had gotten ready for Sophia's party.
She wanted another baby. It had came out of no where while they were eating breakfast. He had just about choked to death. He'd been chewing his food, excited about Sophia's day, wondering how she was going to react to her gifts and then boom. Carol had looked right at him.
"Daryl, Sophia is six years old today. I think we need to talk about having another baby. I want another baby."
And then he had inhaled a chunk of toast, nearly killing himself on his daughter's Birthday. He remembered Sophia's birth like it had happened minutes ago. There was eventually much joy to be had that day. Before the joy, however, there had been mind numbing terror. He loved his daughter. There wasn't a cell in his body that didn't almost worship the kid that he had helped create. But that didn't mean that he ever wanted to go through that terror for another one.
Throughout her whole pregnancy he had dealt with a constant undercurrent of fear. Even when the world was right and there were hospitals and emergency rooms and things like that, there were countless things that could go wrong. And now she wanted to go through it all again? It was insane. He didn't understand it. He wanted to blame Merle but he really couldn't. Carol was too smart to want another kid simply because someone else was having one. No, this was something else.
"Did you hear anything I just said?" She asked with a smile.
He glanced up and leaned back in his chair. He shook his head as he studied her. She was still damp and was wearing nothing but one of his old t-shirts. He shook his head.
"I asked if you thought about what I said. From the look on your face you were thinking about it just now. So what do you think?"
He shrugged.
She sighed in frustration as she pulled out the other chair and scooted it so she was sitting right in front of him. "I know you have an argument for me. Let's hear it."
"I don't think we should." There. He needed to put his cards on the table and explain to her why this wasn't a good idea. It was both of their decision. It may have been her body but she needed a bit of him to make a baby and he wasn't ready to give her what she needed. It was too risky. He wouldn't take a chance on losing her just so she could get her way. They had Sophia. That was enough. It had to be.
"I know," she said softly. "I also know why."
He cocked an eyebrow at her.
"You're scared. And it's okay to be scared," she hurried on before he could argue. "But there isn't anything to be afraid of. The walkers are rare now. We have more medically trained people here than we had before. I'm healthy. Think about the good things, Daryl. Don't just think about he bad."
The good things. He remembered that feeling that had filled him up the first time he held Sophia. The way she had looked at him. The awe inspiring moment when she said her first word and then took her first steps. He thought about all of the hurdles she had gone through and he had been there for every single one of them. They were good parents. Damn good, actually, and they had raised one amazing kid.
And Carol had been just fine. Hershel had even commented that it had been a very smooth delivery that was quicker than most. Buck had been able to deliver Sophia so easily because everything had gone so well. And they did have more people in the town that were medically trained. Many babies had been born there since the community had grown and not one time did they lose a child or a mother.
"You sure this is what you want?" He asked quietly.
She looked at him with wide eyes, unable to believe that he had given in so easily. The truth was, there wasn't much she could ask for that he wouldn't give her. As long as it was safe, maybe another kid wouldn't be so bad. "This is definitely what I want. It's what I've wanted for a while now but I didn't want to say anything. I know how you are," she said quickly. "Do you want to try?"
He shrugged. "Shouldn't take much tryin'. You were on birth control last time. Hell, I bet I could score on the first try this time," he muttered.
He grunted when suddenly she was right there, her lips on his in a greedy kiss that had his breath catching. Her arms went around his neck. When his hands slid up her hips he realized that the t-shirt was the only thing she had on. She was bare under his hands.
"You knew I would end up cavin' on this, didn't ya?" He breathed as her lips moved from his and then went to his throat where she ran her tongue across the sensitive skin.
"I wasn't sure," she whispered against his skin.
He shivered despite how warm the house was. "Why now, though? We coulda done this years ago."
"You weren't ready years ago. You're ready now. Sophia is ready now." She leaned her head back, her eyes locking on his. "I love you."
"I love you too. You know that," he said right before her lips met his lightly.
She pressed her forehead against his as his hands roamed up the back of her shirt. "And just think about how much fun we'll have. No more annoying condoms." She grinned.
He was sold. He stood up quickly, eliciting a shocked squeal from her as her legs locked around his waist. He made it to the bedroom just barely, kissing her deeply. Before he could even make it to the bed she unwound her legs and landed lightly on her feet. When her eyes met his he saw a gleam there that he hadn't seen before. She didn't waste any time either. She nearly ripped her shirt in her haste to get it over her head.
He had never guessed that she had been secretly wanting to have another kid. She had never let on like it was something that had been stewing in her brain. But he could tell that she desperately did. Her hands went to the hem of his own shirt, sliding her hands up his stomach to his chest. He made quick work of stripping it off.
As soon as he tossed the shirt onto the floor she was pulling his face back down while his hands went to his pants. He wasn't quick enough though. She was already yanking the zipper down, her mouth hot and hungry against his own. She wasted no time freeing him from his pants and when her hand wrapped around him firmly he heard himself groan into her mouth. The bed was all the way across the room but the dresser was right behind him. He spun her around quickly and lifted her until she was sitting on the dresser, pulling him closer with her legs.
When his lips finally left hers it was to travel to her ear. "You sure bout this?" He whispered, breathing heavily. His teeth nipped her earlobe lightly.
"Yeah, I'm sure," she breathed.
He kicked his pants the rest of the way off and wrapped one arm around her waist, pulling her a little closer to the edge. He wasn't sure how long this was going to last. It had been six years since he had even considered being with her without the desensitizing cover of latex between them. To actually get to feel her flesh against his own just about had him coming undone before they even really got started.
"Last chance to back out," he whispered against her lips.
She growled and moved her hips forward more, seeking him out.
"Alright then, woman. Your call," He growled right before he moved forward, pushing into her without any more warning than that. The air left his lungs in a rush that matched hers and he stilled for a few moments, reveling in the feel of her.
"Daryl, please," she whispered into his neck, urging him to move.
He chuckled darkly before locking his forearms under her knees and lifting her legs higher. The angle had him holding back another groan as he started moving at an agonizingly slow pace. She was taking every single inch of him and he kept his thrusts calculated and deep. If he quickened his pace he would lose every ounce of control he had.
She gripped his shoulders hard, her nails biting into his skin as her teeth nipped his jaw. He met her eyes with a feverish gaze that had her own eyes growing wide. She bit her lip and leaned back slightly, giving him access to her breasts, which he attacked without a seconds hesitation with teeth and tongue. It didn't take very long before he could feel that familiar heat growing deep inside of her and he almost smiled to himself. He loved the fact that, this many years together, and everything about her still thrilled him. Not only that but she didn't make it a secret that she felt the same way.
Her hand went to his hair, holding him in place as her body shuddered against him. A few seconds later he felt her muscles coil around the length of him, sending waves of sensation shooting up his spine. He lifted his head from her breast in time to see her eyes widen and meet his. His mouth crashed down on hers, drinking in her cries at the exact moment he felt himself let go deep inside of her. He was relived he had even managed to hold on for that long.
He moved his arms so her legs could drop back down. She instantly wound them around his waist as he buried his face into the crook of her neck. It took both of them a few long minutes to catch their breath and when he trusted his legs to actually be able to perform the task he pulled her closer and lifted her up, causing her to laugh and wind her arms around his neck.
Once they were both on the bed he rolled over onto his back and she instantly curled into his side, her arm going around him. He pulled her closer and kissed the top of her head. His body was sated for now and he felt tired. His mind, however, seemed to be racing.
He couldn't help but ask himself over and over if this was the right thing to do. Things were good as far as their life went but anything could happen. It wasn't uncommon for rogue groups of survivors to sweep through settlements much like there own. That was a worry that was always on people's mind. There was always the possibility of people getting sick. They were constantly worried about breaches in their walls. The world was better for them than it was for a lot of people out there but he still had things to worry about. They all did. When they had first found out that she was pregnant with Sophia the world was still right. Or as right as it could have been. Were they being selfish by purposely bringing another life into this unsure place? The kids here all underwent weapons training starting at the age of five. There whole community was like a militia. This world was nothing like the old one.
"Stop it," She said sleepily.
He glanced down and saw that her eyes were closed. There was plenty of moonlight seeping into their room for him to see that clearly. "Stop what?" He asked after she didn't bother to elaborate.
"Stop worrying," she smiled slightly but her eyes stayed closed.
"What makes you think I'm worried about somethin'?" He asked, knowing damn well he sounded guilty.
She finally opened her eyes and sat up on her elbow. "You're all tensed up. I can feel you worry, Daryl. There isn't anything to worry about," she said in a gentle voice.
He snorted and then rolled over so he was facing her, pulling her body further into his. "Are you serious? You went bat shit crazy when you was pregnant the first time. Maybe I'm just worried about the hell I'm gonna catch if this works."
She grinned and then kissed his jaw. "If I thought that was the only thing that you were worried about then I would be glad to let you worry all night. But I know you and I know that was the last thing on your mind.
Actually it was true. He hadn't been thinking about that but he was now. She really had been out of her mind for most of her pregnancy but then again she was pregnant at the end of the world as they knew it. That would mess with any woman's head. This time could very well be different than that. He decided then to be honest. "I just ain't sure if it's right. Bringin' a kid into this on purpose."
The smile she gave him was filled with sympathy and she rested her hand on his cheek. "Into what? Into a family that will love him? Into a town that's safe? Daryl, we're all doing fine. Under Buck's watch we've thrived here. Sophia don't miss things like television or video games or anything of the sort because she was born into this world, not the one we lived in. She's happy and she's safe."
He couldn't argue with her there. The kids here didn't complain about what they didn't have. There were no commercials advertising the newest toys or gadgets so it wasn't like they knew that they were missing out on anything. They were cautious and more accepting of this life than any of their parents were because Carol was right. This was their world. "You ever think that maybe she won't be too happy about any of this?"
She grinned in the dim light. "Actually I talked to her about it first. She likes the idea of having someone smaller than her that she can boss around."
He laughed. That idea would appeal to her and it was then that he realized that that had been one of his biggest fears to begin with. The fear that maybe Sophia would feel like they cared about a new baby more than they cared about her. He felt a little more at ease and started to relax a little. Carol settled back into him and sighed contentedly. Apparently she felt like she had won. It was then he remembered something she had said.
"You said him."
"Hmmm?" She hummed into his shoulder.
"You said him. You still think you got some kinda psychic baby knowin' shit goin' on?"
She laughed sleepily. "It'll be a him, Daryl. You should know not to question it."
He thought about that for a little while, a slow smile creeping over his face. The smile fell when he realized something else. He jerked his head up and glared down at her. He could tell that she was already asleep by her heavy breathing. "Hey!" He said loudly.
She woke with a start, her eyes wide and fearful at his tone. "What's wrong?" She asked quickly.
He narrowed his eyes on her, causing her fear to turn into confusion. She opened her mouth like she was going to say something but he put a finger to her lips, silencing her. He leaned down until their faces were just a few inches apart. "You best not be thinkin on namin' him somethin' all fucked up. No Frances or Leslie or Penelope for no boy of mine, you understand?"
She stared at him, wide eyed, for a few long seconds and then covered her mouth with her hand as she laughed. He watched her suspiciously and waited until she was finished with her fit. "Daryl, I promise I won't name him any sissy name, okay," her eyes were dancing with amusement but he nodded, still not trusting her for some reason.
He laid back down, finally letting himself relax. Until, of course, she opened her mouth again. "I was thinking naming him after Buck and Merle," she said quietly.
He could live with that. It really didn't have much of a ring to it either way. Merle Buck Dixon. Buck Merle Dixon? That last one didn't sound as bad but it still didn't sound quite right.
"And I want his middle name to be Daryl," she said sleepily.
"Daryl? The kid don't need two middle names. All three of them names together sounds stupid," he growled. "Buck Merle Daryl Dixon. Merle Daryl Buck Dixon. hell no, woman. That's too much. It's... ugly."
She raised up with a sigh. "I didn't say I was going to name him their actual names," she gave him a look like he should have known better before she laid her head back down.
"Then how the fuck are you gonna name him after Buck and Merle?" He had a sinking feeling about this.
"I haven't really figured that out yet. I was thinking Burckle or maybe Burle..."
"Are you outta your goddamn mind!" he sat up all the way this time, yanking the blanket off of her naked frame. "No! No fuckin' way, Carol. Those are even stupider than the girl names!"
She couldn't hide another bout of laughter and he was about to shove her ass right out of the bed when she sat up and then crawled right onto his lap, straddling his hips as her arms wound around his neck. "Daryl, I was kidding. You have complete creative control when it comes to naming a boy, okay. Jesus, you're so high strung," she laughed again right before she kissed him.
He was relieved. He thought he was going to have to fight her over it and that was one thing that he would actually fight for. She got her way most of the time but a man had to put his foot down when... He lost his train of thought when suddenly she deepened the kiss. When she pulled back she met his eyes.
"Are you sleepy?" She asked, her voice soft.
He shook his head, his hands already roaming over her. She nodded and started kissing him again. He lost himself, just like he always did. His thoughts never strayed far beyond the walls that surrounded the town. The world had turned upside down and it had taken them a while to get the hang of it but as long as they had each other, and the family that they had created together, nothing else much mattered to him. It wasn't that he didn't care what happened to humanity as a whole. It was just that, his whole world was here and in a place as uncertain as this, a man could only focus on the things that mattered the most.
The End