Hay every one, I hope you all enjoy this revised version of the copy twins
"Talking telepathically"
I don't own Naruto or X-men
"So are you excited to be headed home after eight years?" Naruko asked her twin as she pressed a few buttons on the controls of the black bird as her and Naruto flew back towards the Elemental nations with the rest of their traveling party.
"Yeah, I can't wait, though are you sure we should have left like that, leaving them all there, with everything going on?" Naruto asked glancing back to see their party; Jean and Kitty were playing with Mito and Kyoko, Kimimaro was sleeping in one of the chairs with Guren sleeping in his lap, her head on his chest; Emma was talking to Tsunade, trying to learn all she could about the Elemental nations, while Laura was talking to Shizune, learning about the types of missions they would be sent out on first.
"Don't worry Naruto, everything will turn out for best you'll see, and you just have to have faith in the Professor," Naruto nodded in agreement, smiling at his sisters words as he thought back to everything that had happened before they left.
A week after Mito and Kyoko were born, a mutant calling himself Mesmero, used his powers to control Jean, Kitty, Rouge and Even, having them steal three items that acted as a key when put together; when the twins found him they tried to break his control over the others only to learn that he was being controlled by someone even stronger, though the weird thing was what the other mind said, 'So the nine children of Kaguya are awakening, and the ninth has been split into two, how amusing,' which had really freaked both of them out.
After that Magneto had made an appearance and brought the existence of Mutants to the light of the world when he used the x-men and brotherhood to take down a giant robot that was designed to eliminate mutants; with the secret of mutants out the x-kids were on the run from everyone, though Naruto had the sense to hide Jean, Kitty, Mito, Kyoko and Emma at Tony's house until everything blew over, much to the billionaires displeasure.
Nearly a week after the news about mutant became public, the x-kids proved to the world that not all mutants were evil when they stopped Juggernaut from destroying a dam and flooding the town below, the whole battle being caught on film from a news team that was following Juggernauts movements.
"Hay look, it the village," Naruto glanced out the window and smiled at the village, which really hadn't changed that much in the last eight years.
"We're finally home," with a smirk Naruto flew the blackbird down, landing them outside of the village; once everyone had exited the blackbird, Naruto created a clone, which was going to fly the jet back to the institute, seeing as Tony had built them their own jet. "Alright let's get going," Naruto smirked pulling out a scroll which he sat on the ground before unsealing a red convertible.
"Um isn't that like, Scott's car?" Kitty asked getting a fox like grin from the twins.
"It was, but we figured," "You and Jean would have more use for it here, that way you don't have to walk everywhere while carrying the baby's," Naruto finished Naruko's explanation as to why they had taken Scotts car, which was sure to piss him of.
"Well that was thought full," Emma said getting in the driver seat while Kitty and Jean got into the back seat, and Oro got into the passenger seat. "Though how are you guys going to get to the village?"
"The tree's," Naruto said before hoping onto a branch and rushing towards the village, Naruko, Laura, Tsunade and Shizune following after him while Emma followed in the convertible.
"Man, I can't believe how much this place has changed in the last ten years," Naruko said glancing around as the group of mutants walked through the streets, the trip from where they landed to the gate had only taken about ten minutes.
"Well, a lot of things happened while you were gone, not all of them for the better," Tsunade said as people bowed to her while other's stared at the twins in shock.
"Well it looks like people are starting to recognize us," Naruto smirked getting nods from many of the shinobi they passed, mainly the older ones who actually recognized them.
"Of course people remember you Gaki, who wouldn't remember the two brats that painted the entire Hokage monument while where bright orange track suits, with no one noticing until you were done, then leading over half the ANBU corps around the village before your mom caught you and rewarded you both with ice cream," the twins stopped at the sound of the voice while Tsunade sighed, holding her head in annoyance.
"Hay Anko, long time no see," Naruto smirked as a cut appeared along his cheek, before sealing up.
"Aw what happened, I know I cut you but there's no blood," yelled Anko as she appeared leaning on Naruto's back, causing Naruko to snicker.
"One of our powers is near instant regeneration, so we heal almost instantly from any small cut or injury," Anko pouted at Naruko's explanation, while the four mutants observed Anko; she had purple hair that was tied up in a fanned-ponytail and brown eyes; she was wearing a fitted mesh body suit and a dark orange mini skirt under a long tan trench coat.
"Anyways it's great to see you again Anko," Naruto turned and gave one of the most feared women in Konoha a hug which she eagerly returned, pulling Naruko into it as well.
"You to Gaki, by the way, who are the four chicks?" everyone around facefaulted at Anko's bluntness as she pointed at the four female mutants.
"Anko, I'd like you to meet my family from outside the elemental nation's Jean and Mito," Jean nodded her head while Mito simply stared. "Kitty and Kyoko," Kitty gave a small nod holding Kyoko in front of her and waving her hand, " Laura," Laura nodded her head, "And Emma and Oro," the last two shook Anko's and with a small smile.
"Nice to meet you all," Anko said without a care in the world causing the twins to chuckle at her behavior. "Anyways, I just wanted to say welcome back, so I'll be seeing you guys around," with a wave Anko vanished in a swirl of leaves.
"Well that was interesting," Naruko smirked seeing Tsunade and Shizune had already left. "But I think we should get moving, don't want to keep mom and dad waiting now do we."
"Yeah you're right, but I think it would be faster if we just port," Naruto said wrapping his arms around Jean and Kitty while Laura, Emma and Oro grabbed onto Naruko, before they all vanished in a puff of smoke, Guren and Kimimaro following in a swirl of leaves.
"You know, I'm never going to get use to that," Emma said as the group of mutants appeared in the receptionist office of the Hokage's tower, surprising the receptionist.
"Yes you will, you just need to practice a little," Naruko smirked, kissing Emma and giving her Kurt's porting powers, while Naruto, shaking his head at his twins actions, headed for the door, ignoring the receptionist telling him to stop.
"Hello, is anyone here?" Naruto asked opening the door to the Hokage's office, only to stop as a large number of Jonin turned to stare at them.
"You know, I was really hoping that Kakashi wouldn't have been a bad influence, though I can see now that I was wrong," said Minato, who was sitting behind his desk with a smile on his face while Kakashi huddled in a corner with a raincloud hanging over his head.
"Dad," Naruko and Naruto rushed past all of the Jonin and tackled their dad into a hug, getting chuckles from many of the gathered Jonin.
"What, am I not good enough for a hug?" the twins turned and saw their mom wearing a fake pout on her face.
"Mom," without any hesitation the two tackled their mom in a hug, which she eagerly returned.
"Oh it's so good to see you two again," Kushina said as she hugged her two children for the first time in eight year. "And you even brought me grandbabies to spoil," her and a clone appeared behind Kitty and Jean, each swiping one of the toddlers, before the appearing next to Minato, getting a sweatdrop from everyone. "Oh look Minato, aren't they so cute, they look just like their mother's," she smiled while glancing at Kitty and Jean, who blushed.
"Um Lord Hokage," everyone turned to the speaker, whom the twins knew to be Asuma Sarutobi, the third Hokage's son. "Not to interrupt or anything but shouldn't we finish the meeting?"
"Um, did we like, interrupt something important?" Kitty asked nervously.
"Not really, we were just discussing which Jonin would take teams this year and who they would get on that team," Minato smiled as he took Kyoko from Kushina's clone, getting a giggle out of the infant. "All of you can stay, that way you can tell us about your time out of the elemental nations."
"Cool, we get to sit in on a Jonin meeting," the twins said in unison, they had gone to a number of meeting before going to the institute, but they had never been inside one of them.
"Alright then let's get this over with," Minato smiled at his kid's enthusiasm. "First, is Mikoto," at the name the twins turned to find the matriarch of the Uchiha clan, who gave them both a smile; Mikoto had long black hair and black eyes; she was wearing the standard Jonin uniform with the Uchiha crest on her shoulder.
"I would like to have Naruto and Naruko on my genin team," she said surprising everyone, since they weren't even genin. "I know that they may not be classified as genin yet, but I can tell from their stances that both have more experience than most chunin, and knowing them, they're not going to want to be given any special treatment," Minato nodded at her reasoning, and he knew his kids would be mad if he gave them the rank of chunin or jonin without giving them the chance to prove themselves.
"I see your point, and thank you for reminding me," he reached into his desk drawer and pulled out five headbands, which he tossed to the twins, Laura, Guren and Kimimaro. "You five will need those, and before you say anything, Kakashi and Yamato have given me a full report on the training you two and Laura went through, and Tsunade gave me a full report on Guren and Kimimaro, and all five of you meet the requirement to become genin."
The twins glanced at each other and nodding before placing on the headbands, Laura, Guren and Kimimaro already having put theirs on.
"As for your request Mikoto, Kushina has already asked to be their sensei, though I believe I have an idea that will make it work," the two older women raised an eyebrow at this. "Since we have an un-even number of genin this year, thanks to Laura, Guren and Kimimaro, I have decided to make the five of them a genin team under both Kushina and Mikoto; since the five of them already work well together, from what Professor Xavier has told me, this would be the best course of action."
"I'm alright with that," Kushina said smiling at Mito, who simply drooled in response.
"As am I," Mikoto said after a few minutes of thinking; by following this plan, she could teach the twins things Kushina couldn't and help them develop in areas that Kushina missed, which would help round them both out, turning them into powerful shinobi.
"Alright then, it's decided," Minato said getting a nod from everyone. "Alright, the next to decide is…"
Over the next hour the group of mutants sat and listened as the Jonin who were chosen to be sensei picked member's they wanted for their teams; once all the teams were made, everyone, minus Mikoto and Kakashi left the room, leaving the Namikaze family and the newest members of Konoha.
"Alright, now that everyone is gone, you two can tell us more about your time of off the nations," Kushina smiled having given Mito back to Jean.
"Alright well, I guess we can start after we left the village," Naruto said as everyone got comfortable, seeing as this talk was going to take a while.
Thanks for reading and please Review.
I was going over the story and decided to rewrite it, show a little more of their time at the institute and how they meet some of the other mutants.
this is going to be a harem like DarkbladeNaruto, but their will be a few more girls.
Mutation: both Naruto and Naruko's mutation is that ability to copy any and all mutations they see, including bloodlines from the Elemental Nations, though they will only keep certain one's.
Power's Seen: All of the X-Men, Brotherhood, Morlocks, Acolytes.
Power's kept: There own mutation has grown to the point that they can choose which power's they copy and keep, allowing them to use any power they want, though they still have to train and practice using them.
Harem List: Naruko, Jean, Laura, Kitty, Kura, Storm, Emma
People I have decided to add to the Harem: From the Elemental Nations: Yugito, Fu, Female Haku, Shion, Isaribi, and Hanabi. From Marvels: Scarlet Witch, Mystique, Amara or Magma, Cessily or Mercury, and Death.