The sound of something big hitting the roof yanks Toni from her medically induced sleep. Normally she would just brush it off as a tree branch hitting the top of the house, but seeing as she and her father are in Stark tower in New York, she doesn't think that's the answer. Unless something managed to yank an entire small tree from the sidewalk and throw it on the roof, which is highly unlikely since they haven't heard from Banner since the Avengers. Toni sleepily swings a leg over the size of her queen-sized bed and rubs an eye, deciding to check in case it's Tony working on an experiment.

She wouldn't blame him for the lack of sleep; she's barely been able to sleep without the use of some sleep aids and dream suppressors since the invasion. In fact, if it hadn't been for the meds, she'd probably be curled up beside her dad in his bed by now. The thought still swirls in her head, begging her to brush off the crash and just give into her childish impulses. Her older side, however, is forcing her body to climb the stairs to the roof.

Toni hesitates as she reaches the door, starting to question her sanity on whether or not she actually heard what she did, or was it just in her over active imagination. After all, that's what causes everything else that happened so far. Seeing aliens from the corner of her eyes and instinctively shooting at it has been on top of the list of things she's done wrong so far, followed by hearing things and growling in her sleep. Her hands tightens into a fist, the leather of her finger-less gloves squeaking slightly, activating the nano-machines she implanted in them a while back and making the center of her hand glow a light blue green color. You can do this, she thinks to herself. Come on, you fought aliens for Pete's sake. Then again, if you hadn't you wouldn't be in this situation in the first place. But at least you saved a city. That counts as something right?

She shakes her head furiously to clear the multiple opposing voices in her head and sighs to calm herself. Slowly, her hand lifts from her side and grabs the doorknob, turning it quietly, as not to alert whatever may be up here with her. When a big enough crack forms, the brown haired girl sticks her head out, scanning the area quickly but seeing nothing no matter how many times she goes over the scene.

About three minutes of scanning pass before Toni decides to slide her entire body out and shut the door behind herself. After a few more calming breaths, she starts walking around, bare feet silent on the gravel that covers the concrete rooftop. She doesn't dare call out though; her paranoia won't allow a single sound to escape. Even her necklace, which bounces and jingles every step she takes, lies still on her chest, reassuring her she's safe.

She rounds another corner a bit faster than when she first started walking around due to the sudden confidence surge she had after the first three minutes. Still, she doesn't allow herself to speak, or even breath loudly for that matter, until she knows she's alone. Seemingly out of nowhere, a hand clamps down on her shoulder and Toni jumps violently before instinct kicks in. She grabs the grabber's wrist and reaches behind her to grab their shirt, using whatever strength she can muster to flip the attacker over her shoulder.

The figure hits the ground with a thud and Toni backhand springs away a few yards, her nano-machines springing into action and forming two, light blue Sais in her hands. A grunt of pain comes from the figure as it sits up and rubs what Toni assumes is it's head. "I'll admit, I deserved that," an accented voice says as the mass stands, setting the girl on edge more as she switches from defensive to offensive. "But you could at least wait until you have a valid reason to hurt me before you do."

"What the hell," Toni says, lowering her weapons slightly and pondering where she's heard the voice before. The Sais are raised again and Toni takes a battle stance, glaring at the man the entire time. "Step into the light. Slowly, with your hands up," she orders.

The man raises his arms over his head and takes a few steps forward, now fully under the light of the full moon overhead. A slightly shocked gasp passes through Toni's lips before she has time to process what happened, causing her to drop her guard slightly before regaining it in milliseconds.

"Happy?" Loki asks, hands dropping slightly until they rest on his head. "I know you," he says with a small smirk at Toni's shocked face. "You're the daughter of the man with who owns this building. Stark was it?"

"You have about thirty seconds to explain yourself," Toni growls, appearing in front of him and pressing the side of a kunai knife to his throat. "What the hell are you doing out of Asgard and why the FUCK are you here?"

Loki glances down at the knife pressed to his throat then at the other in Toni's hand before a small grin spreads across his face. "Last time I was here," Loki starts, talking to her like they were having a normal conversation instead of an interrogation. "These…weapons as you call them…weren't working properly were they? Looks like you've had some free time on your hands."

"Ten seconds," the hazel eyed girl informs coldly, pressing the knife tighter to his windpipe, a small line of blood beading from under the nano-generated blade. "Start talking."

"I need help," he suddenly blurts, sighing deeply as if that took a lot of pride swallowing before he could say it. "I…need…help."

Toni falters slightly, the blade slipping from his throat as she takes a few steps back. "What?" she asks, not sure if she's hearing him correctly. "What do you mean you need help?"

It's obviously a trap, half of her says. Why would he come to you for help? He's just here to kill you, then your dad, then whoever else he can get his hands on while he's here. Just end him now and everything will be SO much easier.

Shut up, another part of her says. He could really be in danger. I mean look at him. If he was really here to kill everyone, don't you think he would have killed you when he was behind you?

The brown haired girl shakes her head to clear her thoughts again before turning back to Loki. "Why do you need help?" she says through a sigh of mild defeat.

"The Chitauri," Loki says, standing up and wiping some of the blood from his throat. "They're after me. They said I've betrayed their trust and they want to kill me."

"Then why don't you die?" Toni snaps accidentally, still angry with him for almost getting her dad killed. "Sorry," she says instinctively. "That was rude…" Another inhale for calmness, earning a raised eyebrow from Loki. "What I meant to say was why don't you just stay in the prison in Asgard? I'm sure your parents won't let anything happen to you."

The black haired man scoffs and turns his back to her, taking a few steps in the opposite direction. He stops at the edge, looking down at the people moving on the street with slightly solemn eyes. "It was their idea to send me back to them in the first place," he says softly, making Toni strain her ears to hear him. "I barely had enough time to alter the all seer's course and get me sent here."

He turns his attention back to Toni suddenly, making her tenses and tighten her grip on the knives in her hands. "I fear the Chitauri have heard of my being sent and are searching for me. If they don't find me in their realm, they will search in others, starting with Midgard."

"Before we continue this conversation," Toni says, getting lost in translation. "Would you mind defining Midgard for me?"

"Earth," Loki says quickly, raising an eyebrow again. "Did they not teach this to you in school?"

"We learned about the Solar System," she says with a small nervous shrug, her guard dropping slightly the more she talks to him. It may have been a while but she has talked to him in the past while he was being held in the helicarrier; she even played a few card games with him once she found a way to get them in the glass without him getting out. "Anyway, why did you come here when you know you're a wanted criminal here too?"

"I need you to aid me in hiding," he blurts again, another sigh of swallowed pride falling from his lips as his shoulders slump forward. He turns his attention back to Toni as he straightens slightly. "Please, tiny mortal," he practically begs, sending a small pang of sorrow in the brown haired girl's core. "I came to you because you're the only one who doesn't hate me."

I wouldn't say that, a part of her says. After all, your bastard ass did try to kill you, your father, and your friends. Not to mention he destroyed your house and sent a bunch of alien punks to break everything. You also lost your big stuffed turkey in the fires didn't you?

You can get another turkey, the second half says. You may never get another chance to help him. Plus the fact this may be the time he actually changed, and even if he didn't you know your house better than him. You can totally kick his ass if need be. Either that or you can help him change.

Don't listen to that jackass, the first one says. That man right there is a killer, plain and simple. You should just leave him to his death. He-

Unable to stand the constant bickering of the two sides in her mind, Toni turns and slams her head against the brick of the wall to her left. Stars fill her vision before quickly being wiped clean due to the blackness that follows, blood soon flowing from the gash she made over her right eye. Her balance is affected almost immediately and she falls to her knees, head tucked in so it's touching the cool gravel on the ground. "Damn," she growls with her eyes pressed shut. "That hurt like a bitch!"

"What was the point of that?" Loki asks calmly. "Is it some sort of mortal ritual? I've never seen anyone hit their own head willingly before though…"

"It's not," the brown haired girl mumbles once the thoughts have been silenced. "I'm just strange like this." She pushes herself back to her feet, using the wall to stabilize herself before turning her attention to the raven-haired man again. "Anyway, I don't hate you as much as everyone else does, but I'm still super pissed at you. You did stab me in the shoulder and take over my brother after all."

"Hawkeye is you brother?" Loki says, eyebrows shooting up in confusion. "You two look nothing alike."

"Not by blood," she snaps harshly, pain in her head increasing. "Besides that, you destroyed my home, a fair portion of New York and almost got my dad killed," she lists. "With that in mind, do you really expect me to say yes after that?"

"Please," Loki says again, pulling a face that makes Toni nearly burst into tears. "I promise I won't try anything to harm you or your friends and family."

Something about that face melts all the ice around Toni's heart and she sighs in defeat, not being able to stay that mad at her old friend. "Fine," she grumbles. "But you have to pinkie swear you won't try anything stupid."

"I pinkie-" His sentence is cut short as a thin pinkie is shoved in his face, confusion evident at the sudden action of the dizzy girl. It hits him suddenly and Loki loops his own pinkie around the small girls tightly. "I pinkie promise I won't try anything to hurt you or your family or friends," he says through gritted teeth, mentally slapping himself for crumbling under the will of a small mortal maiden.

"Thank you," Toni says, once again able to stand on her own without help. "Now, all you need to do is stay away from my dad and don't get caught." She wipes some blood from her eye and whistle at the sight. "That's a lot of blood… Anyway, let's get inside and I'll clean up the blood on your neck, then…well…we'll see what happens from there…"

Loki nods in agreement and follows the mortal girl around the roof then to the door to the stairs. "Oh," the hazel-eyed girl says, turning to face him with a raised finger as she opens the door. "My name is Toni, not mortal girl or small human or something stupid like that."

"Right," he says, following her down the stairs. "My apologies. I never got the chance to ask your name during the time in my confinement."

"No problem," Toni says as her voice drops to a whisper. "Anyhow, be quiet around here, my dad's in the lab and who knows what he's doing. You'll have to hang in my room until we can figure something else out, third door on the left. You go first in case we get caught. Don't stop, I'll be there in a second."

Loki creeps ahead of her and has to look around five times before Toni points him in the right direction. He never had this kind of directional issue in his old castle, which is much bigger than the tower any day. It may just be the amount of hallways and stairways all facing the same direction.

"Toni?" her father's voice calls from halfway up the stairs. "Is that you? What are you doing up?"

The brown haired girl shoves Loki forward toward the more shadowed areas of the hallways and stands caught as her father flips on a light. The black haired man barely has time to duck into the bathroom before light floods the entire room and part of the hallway.

"Oh you know," the smaller Stark says through a yawn as her eyes adjust to the sudden surge of light in her eyes. "Couldn't sleep, nightmares, the whole nine yards."

"What were you doing and why is your head bleeding?" Tony asks, lightly touching the area above the gash.

"I went up to the roof," she answers honestly, leaving out the parts about the thud and Loki. "My thoughts started clashing so I hit my head against the wall to shut them up."

"That's not healthy," the older Stark says, following the trail of blood with a raised eyebrow. "Why is there a blood trail going to the bathroom when you were going in that direction?"

Toni mentally slaps herself for forgetting she cut Loki's throat and made him bleed. She should have given him something to stop the bleeding before she sent him off. "Well daddy," she starts, pulling a suitable lie out of thin air. "I went to the bathroom when I first came in, then I went back to the roof cause I thought I dropped something, then I remembered I didn't bring anything, now I'm back again."

Tony taps his chin and nods understandably. "That would explain why there's more than one trail of blood." He turns his full attention back to his daughter, eyeing the gash and brushing a piece of gravel from the blood. "Need help getting this cleaned up?"

The younger Stark shakes her head and waves a hand dismissively. "No, no, I'm fine," she says with a small smile, trying to refocus the world around her. "I hurt myself, I better clean it up."

"If you insist," he says with another nod. The father pats his daughter's head before turning back and going downstairs. "Don't stay up too late. Remember we're going back to Malibu in the morning."

"Right," Toni says, snapping her fingers together in remembrance. "I forgot. I'm gonna clean up and hit the hay. Night daddy." She receives a grunted response as she flips off the light and rushes to the bathroom where Loki stands in the doorway. She jumps harshly at his sudden appearance and sighs. "Let's get you cleaned up first," Toni says through a breath of relief.

Loki nods and looks for a place to sit before Toni, seeing his confusion, motions for him to sit on the edge of the tub. After three failed attempts, he finally balances himself by planting his hands on either side. Toni opens a bottle of a strong smelling clear liquid and pours some on a soft looking white ball.

"This may sting a bit," she informs, stepping in front of him. "Lift your head. I need to see what I'm doing." Loki does as told and Toni examines the damage. "It's not that bad," she mutters under her breath, using her uncovered eye to look over the cut. "It's not even deep, barely even a flesh wound." She lifts the cotton ball and lightly dabs it against the cut.

Loki jerks back and nearly falls into the tub, grabbing his burning throat as to try and stop the stinging. "What the hell was that?" he asks in a near shout. "What did you put on that…. ball of fluff?"

"Ok first of all," Toni says calmly, motioning for him to keep his voice down. "It's called a cotton ball. Second, I put alcohol on it; it keeps germs out of the cut so it doesn't get infected. Now, lift your head so I can finish."

The black haired man glares harshly at the girl in front of him before sighing and uncovering his neck, lifting his chin high to allow full access. After a few more burning dabs, a cloth is set in place and another cloth is wrapped around that and fastened in place. "You, Mr. Loki, are finished," Toni says with as much joy as she can muster. "Again my room is third on the left and I'll be there as soon as I finish."

"Right," Loki says stepping out and following the girl's instructions. He enters a room that's lit only by the moonlight filtering in through the window, but it's enough for him to see by. Careful not to hit anything, Loki picks his way around the messy room and sits on the edge of the bed. After what feels like twenty minutes, Toni opens the door and yawns deeply. "Alright buddy, you're going to have to move to the floor," she informs through the yawn as she opens in one of her dresser drawers and pulls out three pill bottles. "I'll make you a pile but you can't stay up there. Dad comes in and yanks the blankets off at like noon."

"You sleep until noon?" Loki questions, pushing himself to his feet as he watches Toni dry swallow the pills. "Is that even healthy?"

"It is when you stay up all night," she says, adjusting the bandages around her forehead. "Anyway, you can take all the blankets and one pillow with you, I'll keep the sheet and the other one." She yanks the baby blue blankets from the mattress and hands them to the man, who lies down and settles quickly.

"Thank you for doing this," he remember to say once he found a spot that doesn't completely annoy him.

"Hm," Toni says, the doubled amount of medicine taking their toll on her immediately. "Good night Loki," she says groggily.

Loki raises an eyebrow at her sudden declaration of 'Grade right, monkey.' Whatever those pill were he's pretty sure they aren't supposed to work like that. After slowly translating it as it was meant to be said, Loki nods and closes his eyes. "Good night, Toni."

No response from the mortal girl and Loki takes it as an effect of the medicine she took. He tosses for a few more minutes before sighing and deciding to cast a sleeping spell on himself, making him fall asleep instantly despite the extreme uncomfort he feels.