Teen Love

Chapter 1

Kim's POV:

There is a huge blizzard doing on and I was in my car getting ready to go to the Dojo Bobby Wasabi's. The snow was sticking to the windshield and I couldn't see anything. I was starting to get worried and scared. But before I new it my car was sliding on ice and I crashed into the side of a bridge. I was in so much pain and what I didn't tell you is that I am 2 months pregnant with Jacks baby. I was scared that the baby was hurt and that I was okay too! I couldn't move at all and I was passing out. All of a sudden everything went to black.

Jack's POV:

I was working out with Rudy and Jerry then all of a sudden Rudy got a phone call.

Phone Call-

Rudy: "Hello"?

Nurse: "Is this Rudy Gilespie"?

Rudy: "Yeah who is this"?

Nurse: "I am a nurse at the Seaford Hospital, I am calling to tell you that Kim Crawford was in a huge car accident and is here at the hospital with major conditions and I would like for you to come to the hospital to see her"!

Rudy: "We are on our way"!

-Phone Call Ended

I look at Rudy with a concerned look. "Rudy what's going on"! He looks at me with tears in his eyes. "We gotta get to the hospital"! I was suddenly freakin out! "Why"? He walk over to me and stops right in front of me. "Kim was in a huge car accident and we need to get to the hospital right now"! Now I was loosing my mind and freaking out! I love Kim so much and I hope she is okay! "Omg lets go then"! We drive toward the hospital and Rudy drops me and Jerry off and he goes and parks the car. We walk into the hospital and walk up to the lady running the desk. "We are here to see Kim Crawford, can you please tell me what room she is in"? "Aww yes Kim Crawford she is in room 177". I was so thankful that she told me! "Thanks"! Then Jerry asks me a question. "Do you think that Kim and the baby are okay"? I was suddenly crying! "I don't know Jerry' I just don't know"! We go up to the 2nd floor where Kim's room is. We both walk up to it. "Here it is Kim's room lets go in"! We both walk in and see Kim with bruises,cuts,scars, blood, and broken bones all over her. Then I walk over to her and pull up a chair next to her bed and sit down. I take her hand and I give it a gentle squeeze. I was thinking in my head Please Kim wake up but she didn't wake up! Then Jerry walks over to me and pats my back for comfort. "Come on Jack it's gunna be okay". "Thanks man"! "I just am scared as hell and I'm freaking out dude"! "I wouldn't be able to live without Kim and the baby, if anything happened to them I would die inside and out"! Then Jerry sits next to me and looks at me with tears in his eyes too. "I know buddy, I know". I drop my head into my hands and let out a small sob then I heard a familiar voice calling my name. "Jack"?

(I hope you guys liked it and I know that it was small but I'm gunna make the next chapter even longer! Please Review and Follow!)
