AN: Well, here's my new fic. The beginning may seem a bit ordinary (I'm not sure how many, if any, fics have had a similar plot beginning, but I doubt it would be too tough for others to have the same idea). But I promise a twist in future chapters. Iie, I can't tell you what it is cause then it wouldn't be a surprise. ^^;;

NEway, the standard disclaimer: It'd be nice to own all these animes, but obviously I don't, or I wouldn't be righting fanfiction.

"..." is talking, '...' is thought, [...] is AN, (...) is extra info but part of the fic, ... means trailed off, -- means interrupted. Enjoy the fic and please review to let me know how you like it! Arigato!

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When you can cry no more,

When there are no tears left to fall,

You will swallow your woe,

You will harden your heart,

Masking your face, standing tall.

When you can scream no more,

When there are no words left to yell,

You will silence your throat,

You will close up yourself,

Hiding your secret hell.

When you can cry no more,

When there are no tears left to spew,

Don't turn into ice,

And keep open your heart,

And there I will be, with you.

by Callisto Star, 2002


She was running. Running. She couldn't stop. She couldn't go back. She had to keep going. Running.

She quickly turned from a main street on to a side one. Though this street was often unused, and the snow was barely trod on, she knew that her enemies relied on more than footprints to find their prey. She had to get as far away as possible.

She ran and ran. Her legs ached and her chest burned, but she couldn't stop. Not if she valued her life. She had to find somewhere to hide. Somewhere safe. Somewhere far from the palace.


Everyone had thought it safe. No one had expected an attack, especially during a celebration.

And yet, history was bound to repeat itself. All the senshi, even Puu, had been there, laughing gaily and enjoying the party. The music and dancing was almost magical and the banquet was delicious.

In the midst of it all, the great gold and silver doors clanged open. All were silent. There, silhouetted by the moonlight, stood the two figures she had only heard of in fearful whispers through the alleys, in nightmares of children and adults alike: The twin androids, Juuanagou and Juuhachigou. A crowd of youmas stood in the shadows behind them.

The people (regular party guests) backed away as the two smirking monsters approached the throne. Neo Queen Serenity had stood, with Endymion and all the senshi at her side.

"Why do you invade our peace?" she said clearly, but with a dangerous hint.

The one called Seventeen smirked more. "Your protection has fallen, my Lady. All those years of holding your city in a secure bubble has taxed your energy. It has filed, your Majesty. We have invaded. And now your beautiful city will fall, like the rest of the world."

As a finishing touch, he threw an orb of energy to the side, right at where the Lunar cats had been seated. Luna and Artimes managed to dash aside, but the youngest was not so fortunate.

"Diana!" Three voices cried at once. [L, A, CU]

But it was too late for the little kitten.

Serenity's voice was hard. "Why do you attack a peaceful nation, and why do you insist on destruction?"

Eighteen answered this time. "Let's see," she said, rubbing her chin and floating in the air either subconsciously or as a display of power. "For fun. Because we will rule the world. Because we have nothing better to do. And because you have a crystal that would look very nice on my finger," she finished, holding out her hand and admiring it.

"Luna, Artimes," said Serenity under her breath. "Code Eclipse."

Without missing a beat, she spoke again as the cats scampered away. "Is that all?" she said, with a bit of her own smirk. She had stepped slightly in front of her daughter to attempt to conceal her from view.

The androids looked slightly surprised. Slightly.

"Don't you want to rule the universe or anything? That's what my last enemies wanted, and you know very well what happened to them."

"Well, it might not be a bad addition to our list of goals," mused 17.

By now the senshi had caught on. "Then come and get it," called Uranus.


In what they hoped was unknown to the enemies, Luna and Artimes had pulled the 6-year-old princess away and into a small, almost secret room behind the throne. Tears were still running freely from the girl's eyes from the loss of her feline companion.

"How could they do that? How could they be so heartless to kill, just like that?" she sobbed.

"Chibi Usa, you must stop," said Luna sharply. "We are all hurting right now. But when those murderous androids are around, I doubt she will be the last before the night is through. Those androids are deadly and very dangerous. Your mother has been sustaining a shield against them for many years now. But after the whole Nemesis affair, she has been steadily weakening. She was sealed in sleep not only as a protection from the Black Moon family, but also so that she could focus her energies on retaining the shield. The presence of a second Ginzouishou was a great help, but that aid was only temporary. Now the shield has become weak enough that the androids have broken through, and with a host of youmas behind them. Things look grim for Crystal Tokyo. And we won't be able to get help from the past this time. You may be the only hope for the Moon Kingdom, Princess."


"You must protect yourself, Chibi Usa," Artimes continued without answering. "You're going to have to run. Hard. You must find a place far away to hide where you will be safe."

"Demo, what about you and Mommy and Daddy and everyone?"

"We will find you when it's over. And I will fight."

"Kaasan won't like that."

"She doesn't have to like it," said Luna. "I've known Usagi since long before she was Neo-Queen Serenity or even Sailor Moon, and I won't let her stop me from fighting to avenge my kitten."

There was a rumble off in the palace and the ceiling shook.

"You must go, Chibi Usa. You have Luna-P?"

"She's in my subspace pocket., where she's always been since I've been a senshi."

"Good. Go out that door and run. You will come in connection with a main street. Don't stop, especially on the commonly used roads. We don't know who will be about. Keep going, Chibi Usa. You can do this. We will find you when it's over."

She nodded.

"Good. Now go!"

**********End Flashback************

Her legs felt like lead. Her heart pounded in her ears. She couldn't think. Blindly, she chose one street and then the next.

She knew well enough what those two monsters were capable of. She could easily guess what would happen if they caught her. And she didn't care to test her theory. After all, annoying little pink hearts are nothing compared to the ruthless hands of death.

Again and again she turned. Left and right, right and left. Her mind was a blur. She felt at the mercy of the new enviroment, though she had lived there her whole life. Though she dared not think it, for all she knew she might be headed closer to the androids rather than further from them.

She turned onto another street that seemed to gleam in the moonlight. Why did this one seem so familiar? And why was it so wide? Her mind was hazy and she couldn't answer herself these questions. So she simply ran down it.

Someone was coming from the other end of the street. Several someones. She could hear the constant pounding of feet. Suddenly, they stepped out of the shadowed end and into the moonlight.

Youmas! Hundreds of them. They would surely see her and she would be caught and taken to the androids and . . . she abruptly stopped that thought.

She began stepping away cautiously. Then suddenly she threw caution to the wind and ran for dear life. She frantically looked for side streets, but there were none to be seen. The youmas were increasing their pace. She would be caught, then, and all hope would be lost. All would fall. . .

She turned a slight bend in the road. With a speed she could not even see, something reached out and grabbed her . . . .

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AN: Sorry about the cliffie. How did you like chapter 1? The beginning may seem a bit ordinary, but I promise you there will be a very unique twist coming in future chapters.

"Your reviews are the ink for the author's pen." So please drop a review and get me writing.

Until next time, ja ne!


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