A/N: Okay so I freak out and get so scared when I see another review on this story. When my email says I have a new review, I actually dread reading it. I'm not entirely sure why… experiences with flamers I suppose. And my emails just continued to say 'New Review'. *checks reviews* Wow, thirteen! …yeah I have issues. :/


"What did you find out?" Albus Dumbledore asked eagerly. The man in the portrait sat back down in his throne like chair and sighed.


"What?" The elderly headmaster said incredulously.

"They disappeared into the private Room of Requirement."

"How did they find it so quickly? There hasn't even been a week of school yet."

The man shrugged, "The girl with long blonde hair led them."

Dumbledore narrowed his eyes, thinking. The girl must have seen how to find the room in one of her visions. But what was that last vision about? Following the muggle saying, a light bulb lit above Albus' head. Slipping his wand into his hand, he cast a patronus. The phoenix of light flew quickly out of the room, disappearing through a wall.


Ben Potter sat down nervously. Professor Sprout had told him that the headmaster had summoned him. The young Hufflepuff squirmed in the uncomfortable seat when Headmaster Dumbledore sat down in the chair beside him.

"Here, these chairs can be so uncomfortable, hmm?" Dumbledore flicked his wand, transfiguring the chairs into soft, plush chairs that faced each other. "Tea?" Tea suddenly appeared with a small table. Ben shook his head.

"No thank you Headmaster."

Albus nodded. "How are your classes going my boy?"

"Eh, they're okay."

"Having any troubles?"

"Just a bit in potions, its hard to keep track of everything at the same time."

"Yes, yes. Now, how about your brother?"

"What about him, sir?"

"Well, you see, I need your help." Ben raised his eyebrow. "Tell me Ben, do you want your brother to come back home?"

"Of course." Ben didn't even hesitate. He had been dreaming about having his brother back for years. His parents kept all of Harry's pictures on the walls and always wrote Harry's name on the birthday cake. Ben might have been young when he lost his brother, but he never forgot him.

"Ben, I believe your brother is under a curse. He is being forced to be on the dark lord's side. Only you can break the spell." Dumbledore was lying through his teeth, but didn't see another way to make Ben his chess piece.


"Love is a powerful thing. Your love for your brother will break the spell."

"Then shouldn't the spell be broken already?"

"No, the spell has been on him for too long. Your brother might actually believe he is dark. The only way you can bring him home is to remind him that he is light. You must befriend your brother. That friend of his, Hermione LeStrange, is one of the strongest dark influences on him. Luna Lovegood is from a neutral family, and Neville is also good. You just need to convince them that Hermione is lying to them and that they shouldn't trust her. That will be the first step to reminding Harry that he is good."

"But sir, how will I do that?"

"Find a way to join their group. Get Luna Lovegood on your side first, I believe she will be the easiest to persuade. They all seem quite protective of Ms Lovegood, and will probably listen to her. I don't think it will be too difficult in befriending Ms Lovegood. Just remember, the others might be suspicious. If anyone asks, just tell them you want to get to know Harry better."

"So I all I have to do is make friends with them?"

"And convince them Ms LeStrange is untrustworthy."

"And this will convince Harry to come home?"


Ben bit his lip. He knew Harry still loved him as his brother, and… turning his brother against one of his best friends seemed terrible. Well, his parents always said that you could always trust Headmaster Dumbledore. "Okay. I'll try."


Ben made his way down a dimly lit corridor back to Hufflepuff Common Room. As he walked past an old classroom, the door creaked open. Ben turn to the door, wide eyed. "H-hello?"

Silence answered him. Slowly, he pushed the door opened entirely. Nothing jumped out, so far so good. He took a careful step into the room. Bright moonlight poured in through the windows.

Ben looked around. The classroom was empty except for something in the middle of the room. There was a thin sheet over the thing. Ben glanced at the door. Carefully, he made his way to the thing. With a gentle pull, the sheet fell to the ground. The young Hufflepuff blinked in surprise when he didn't just see his reflection in a mirror.

Ben turned his head, according to the mirror, his brother and parents were standing behind him. There was no one there. He turned back to the mirror. Harry smiled at him and hugged his father, James. Ben watched, questioning. Moonlight seemed to shift where it shined, showing an inscription at the top.

Ben looked closely, "Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi"

Loud footsteps came close, quickly. Ben ran behind the mirror, out of view just as four people ran into the room.

"Wow, that was close. Filtch almost caught us." A familiar girl's voice said.

A male laughed, "Yeah, that cat is not normal."

Another male laughed. "Hey, what's that?" That voice Ben recognized, it was Luna. The boy who talked must be Neville, the other girl must be Hermione, and Harry must be the other laugh.

Footsteps came closer to his hiding place, Ben held his breath.

"Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi. Is this what you were talking about Luna?" Harry asked.

"Yes, read it backwards." Luna's dreamy voice filled the air.

Neville slowly read aloud, "I show not your face but your heart's desire?"

"I see my reflection, though." Luna stated simply.

"Why's that?" Hermione asked.

"My heart's desire is to be happy with the people I love." Luna spoke happily.

"Awww, thanks!" Neville proclaimed loudly.

Suddenly she seemed to be short on air, "Ah, Neville. Let. Go."

"Sorry. Hmm, I just see us too."

"Why, what's your heart's desire?" Hermione asked.

"For people not doubt me."

Ben stood silently behind the mirror. Every year the Longbottoms would come over the day Neville and Harry disappeared. Each year Alice Longbottom would cry with Lily over their missing sons. James always had a sad aura around him that day, too. But Frank Longbottom really didn't seem to care. Mr. Longbottom would just sip his tea in the kitchen. Once, Ben had overheard the man muttering to himself. 'Good thing that squib is gone. He was a disgrace to the Longbottom name. Its better now that he's dead, its just a shame that Alice can't have another kid. Eh, no heir is better than a squib heir, anyway.'

Hermione's voice broke through Ben's memory. "I see my father smiling at me. I don't know why, though, I mean I know he's never liked me."

Luna spoke, "It doesn't show what you know, 'Mione. It shows what your heart wants. Every child wants the approval and love of their parents."

Hermione sighed. "I suppose. Harry, what do you see?"

"I- I see my family; Dad, Aunt Bella, Uncle Sev, Uncle Remus, you guys, and Ben. There's no Dumbledore, Longbottoms, or Potters trying to separate us."

"Come on," Hermione said softly, "We should get Luna back to her common room and go to bed."

The responding voice had a feeling of sadness to it, "Yeah, let's go."

Ben listened to their footsteps fade and the door click shut. He peered from behind the mirror before stepping in front of it. Smiling back at him was just his brother, no James or Lily Potter.

Ben sighed and carefully made his way back to the Hufflepuff dorm room.


A/N: Sooooo, I feel like this chapter is really short. I suppose it is compared to my other chapters, though. Sorry this chapter is late, I've been trying to deal with a teacher who can't teach math and doctor appointments all week. That and it's a bit difficult to type so much when you're shaky. :( Until the next update, my few but dear readers.