Don't you remember September~~ a pewdiecry fanfiction
a/n Okay so my first attempt to write a real life fanfiction was a totally fail, like seriously I don't know what I was thinking, so I'm going to try again… maybe I would do better this time than last time, cuz I had very few information from the first story I wrote, so I'll try again, wish me good luck
PG-13 for bad words (maybe)
This is a yaoi story so don't like, then don't read, and I don't not own cryaotic or pewdie.
Cry pov (Ryan)
I was talking to pewdie on Skype but I'm very tired and I can barely keep my eyes open, it was like 2:00 am in my time and I didn't get enough sleep… but I was distracted by pewdie features to have notice much,…. his dirty blond hair that's all over the place, his oh so beautiful eyes and he always wears those green head phones that make his eyes pop and…. No Cry stop thinking about this of your friend... he has a girlfriend and he's happy, just stop….. But how can I stop? How can I forget what happen last September… how can I forget that… I remember it like it was yesterday
(Flash back)
Beep beep beep, I moaned and turned to my side, I looked at my clock, it was blurry, I rub my eyes then it became clear, 5:00am?... why did I put my alarm to set it off at this time?, I slammed on the snooze button, I sat up and stretched, what was so important that I had to wake up this early?
Just like 2 seconds later my phone rang, I reached over to my night stand and grab my phone.
"Um hello?" "Cry what's up" I was confused, why would he be calling at this time? "Pewdie?" "Hey cry ready to pick me up from the airport?"
I remembered why I had to wake up early, I had to pick up pewdie from the airport he was visiting Florida to a game convention and I offered him to stay in my guest room, he accepted but it takes me like 55 minutes to reach the airport, I acted like I knew the whole time. "oh ya ya I'm getting ready" " you forgot didn't you" he spoke to me in a tone like he knew it was going to happen, I got up and went to my closet to change. "No no I remember, what made you think I forget, just changing"
I heard a Pfft in the phone then he said "ya okay whatever you say, just to remind you my plane arrives at 6:15 okay?" I was struggling to put on my pants and I fell but I manage to answer. "6:15 got it" I can tell he was holding in his laughter but then he said in a casual voice. "Ya got to go cry the flight attendant is nagging me to hang up my phone, bye (background) sir I told you. (Pewdie) I know gosh I'm going.
He hang up, I just rolled my eyes, I manage to change when he was talking, I grab my wallet, keys and I put on my mask, I really don't like people seeing my face and well off I went to the airport
I was waiting for pewdie, I keep my head slightly down, man I really don't like to be in public places, even at the airport there a lot of people… I check my watch 6:25, where is his?, I looked up for like the 5th time this minute and I couldn't see him, I put my head back down.
I was slightly leaning against the wall when someone tackled me in a bear hug, I was shocked at first, then I looked who it was I recognized that blond hair and green headphones anywhere, It was Felix, I hugged him back… it took a while when I realized how long we've been hugging so I let go of him and coughed, he let go, his face was slightly pink and well he scratched the back of his neck, but then he turned back into his crazy, fun side. "Cry! Man it's so nice to see you in person… but I didn't expect you to wear that mask in public" "well I don't like showing my face pewdie, it is my number one rule not to show no one my face"
He kept the smile on his face but in his eyes told a different story, but I can't seem to tell what. "Anyway how was your flight?" "fine fine, now let's go before I see that flight attendant again" I just rolled my eyes, grab his bags and told him to follow me to my car
Pewdie pov (Felix)
I hanged up my phone and the flight attendant gave a smug face she walked away I said "dumma tik, tanka ditt eget javla foretag" she heard me and turned around with a fake smile on her face. "What did you say sir?"
I acted like I didn't say anything but the guy next to me around my age who also speak Swedish was holding in his laughter, the flight attendant turned around and continued walking, once she was away from ear shot the guy burst out laughing and so did I, we were shushed by other passengers, later…
I grab my bags and all that shit you have to do, which took longer than I expected, and I went out into Florida, I looked around for cry, which I didn't think threw cuz I've never seen his face, but then I saw that famous cry mask and I knew it was him, his hair was the same to.
I walked up to him and I was write I was him I drop my bags and hugged him, he grew really tensed, but I kept hugging, he finally relaxed he realized who I was, for some reason I felt perfect in his arms, like I belong their…. I hugged him tighter for some reason I didn't want to let go, but he did and coughed, I grew embarrassed I let go.
my face was pink, but I couldn't tell what he was thinking cuz of that stupid mask, he has this amazing voice and personality but I also want to see the face, but I respect his privacy, after I greeted him he said he was never going to show no one his face, I kept a smile in my face but really I was sad.
he won't even show me his face, I'm his best friend, anyway he ask me how was my flight, it was okay until that flight attendant became a bitch and I told him that, he just shook his head and grab my bags. "Come pewdie my car over here, unless you want to walk" "fuck that lets go" he laughed his most famous laugh, I smiled and followed
we drove up to this parking lot in an apartment man this place looks nice, I can't believe cry lives here, he got out of the car and so did I, he grab my bags and off we went, up to the 6th floor.
we entered his apartment man this place is neat, I expect it to be a little messy, cuz well I'm a huge mess maker, but got to be clean, for now, he put my bags ear the sofa and turned to face me. "welcome to me casa, let me give you a tour right here the living room, duh, right there is the kitchen as you can see and right down this hall to your right is my room and to the first door to the left is the guest room and the second door is the bathroom, and well that's my casa (yawn)"
"You know I have jet leg, or however you say that any way you can go back to sleep, I'll just unpack my things." "(Yawn) you sure?" I nodded my head and he waved lazily at me and went to his room, I hear the door close, well better un pack my things, I grab my bags and went to the guest room
Cry pov
I woke up at 11:00am, what? I have a guest and I'm being a lazy host, I got out of bed, eh I am already dressed, got to go brush my teeth and come my hair, from knots, (later) I walked into the living room to see Felix watching adventure time, I was holding my laughter cuz it seems like he's really into it, he was bouncing up and down, singing along, I couldn't hold it in anymore and I burst out into laughing, he saw me and his face grew red, I controlled my laughter and went into the kitchen, his face was still red, Its cute, good thing he can't see my face cuz of my mask, sucker.
(End of flashback)
From that point on, me and Felix just goofed off and played games, it was nice until September 21st, that's when everything became out of order for me, when the little crush I had grew into more, ironic that that's the day the fan girl mad our anniversary, anyway, it was the last day Felix was here in Florida and since we ran out of anything to drink but the 6 pack I had In my fridge, and we grew a little drunk but I didn't think it was enough to make us crazy well crazier
Still cry pov
We spilt the six pack I had in the fridge, for some reason anyway, we were playing amnesia in the middle of the night, and Felix got scared extra easily, good thing my neighbors are out of town, anyway we were a little buzz got to admit that and Felix was about to cry.
I just kept laughing at him, then 3 bros came out of nowhere and he screamed and jumped landed on my lap he squeezed me, but when he jump his hand hit my mask so it would flew all the way to the kitchen, my face grew to shocked, I didn't really care Felix was on my lap I tried to push him off to get my mask but he was grabbing me with all his force cuz that really scared him, but what scared me is that he could see my face.
I turned my head so he wouldn't be able to see my face, he started to loosen but I was still in shock I didn't realize it I can only hear his breathing calm down, I kept looking away from him "sorry man I guess I got really scared I cling on to you….. Cry"
I didn't answer him I kept looking at my mask, I can tell he's moving around to see what I was looking at and he gasp. "C-cry your mask" I didn't reply, I was just so scared of what he would think when he saw my face… he ask the unexpected. "Cry, let me see your face"
I grew tense and he could feel it, he was still on my lap, he grab my chin and forced me to face him, he gasped, I closed my eyes. "I know I know, I'm ugly"
his silence didn't really help, I was about to say something when his lips was on mine, my eyes grew big but slowly closed, I don't remember when I got on my back or when Felix was straddling me but it happen, he forced his tongue into my mouth, then RING RING RING, he separated the kiss and look at his laptop, it was marzia that was calling.
He looked at me then the laptop, he got off of me and went to go answer it, I realize I didn't have my mask, I ran to the kitchen and grab my mask and put it on, but I was still in the kitchen… what just happen, Felix just kissed me, we aren't that drunk…. Are we, no people don't get that drunk from only 3 cheap brand beers, did he do it on purpose?, then what he said really hurt me "okay marzia okay, I love you to" he said it with such meaning, I can't believe I let myself think there was something actually happening, Felix ended the call, he saw me and panic and just went to my room and slammed the door, tears sliding down my face… I just have to pretend I didn't remember anything that just happen (next morning) " hey cry do you remember anything that happen last night, man cuz my head hurts and I can't remember" " no pewdie I can't remember anything either, but probably we messed around like usually." "If you say so cry, well come on the plane leaving"
(End of flashback)
I didn't think the booze was that strong but apparently it was, but from that point on I couldn't forget, it felt like he did it on purpose and with a lot of feeling but it was just the alcohol… the problem is that Felix is coming over again for yet again the gaming convention, and I don't know what came over me so again I invited him, now I have to act like I have nothing against marzia and well him kissing that "never" happen, I don't know if I can hold my feelings anymore, I realized I was still talking to pewdie, or listening, I yawned real load man I am really tired, and I have to clean tomorrow cuz he's coming over. "Hey cry?" "Hum, ya pewdie?" "Get some sleep, talk to you later when you are re-energize, bye" " bye" the screen went black, (sigh) Felix is coming, again, wish me good luck world.
A/n well um I think this is better than my first story, please review on what do you think on this, or PM me, should I continue? Please I need to know if people like this so if I should continue or just give up on this story… im out peace