How could I be so stupid, to let you slip away

Nick sat at a table, staring at his former lover, Ellis.

I want you back but now it's to late

Ever since C.E.D.A had saved their asses, nothing was the same. The one thing they had fought for ever since the goddamn zombie apocalypse had started. The one out of two things Nick could look forward to everyday. Was the thing that he found out he hated the most.

I already said goodbye and now loved turned to hate

Now Nick had nothing to look forward to. No more waking up to see that beautiful face quietly snoring next to him. Or making fun of the hick just to get a good laugh out of it.

I want to go back in time to fix all that went wrong

He knew he could fix it, their relationship. But would Ellis really want to be with him after what he had done? Would Nick even want to be with himself?

Change all of my regrets

No, no he wouldn't.

So we didn't fight as long

Ellis probably didn't even love him anymore. Just the thought of that made Nick hurt. Trying to relive his past, to cover up the pain of his emotional break up with Ellis, Nick drank until he felt nothing or passed out. Flirted with strange women thinking that sex would make him forget about everything.

The regrets are all what fucked it up, and they were all my fault

Everyday he daydreamed of when Ellis would come to him, and Nick would curl up in his arms hoping the hick would never let go.

I was so immature

But if Nick couldn't even confess his feeling to Ellis, then why would Ellis ever want to tell Nick about his?

I should have acted like an adult

He tried blaming his past, his parent, or his childhood. But the only person he could blame was himself, and he knew it.

I broke my own heart when i walked out on you

As soon as they entered C.E.D.A's doors, Nick was a changed man.

Now it's too late, I can't undo it

Maybe Nick took the relationship for granted, like he had always done with any other girl.

I still love you but nobody knows

Even though Ellis's love was stronger than his love for every girl he had ever went out with put together. In fact, his love for Ellis didn't even catch up with any other. He had never felt this love before, had never enjoyed love in the first place. Until that hick came along.

We are no longer together because of the decisions i chose

How could he be so stupid? So dumb. How could he be a complete idiot?

And now I want you here

To let go the most amazing man in the world for some booze?

Never far away, always near

Those three words were all he probably had to say to Ellis. To break the young man and for their love to grow strong again.

So please take me back

Almost everyday that passed, Nick felt as if someone had taken his heart and literally ripped it apart.

And catch me when I fall

He wanted to blow his brains out just thinking about not being with Ellis.

Cause I need you right now

But there was nothing he could do. And it was all his fault.

More than anything at all

I know I said the story was complete, but I'm going to make a few changes.

I'm thinking about starting the story off, just to explain the situation, with these poems and then going back to when the group was on the bridge.

Then I'll bring it back to when they were in military custody, fighting love.

But then again, I may just keep this a poem..

Ehh, i'll think about it. For now I'll just keep the story in-progress.

Thanks for reading! Review, favorite and follow! ;3