A/N: Sorry it took so long to publish this chapter, but I have been helping my folks, and I procrastinate a lot.
Please review. Thank you for the favorites and the follow.

Dean didn't know what to think. Was that guy joking?! They had been talking for half an hour, and then he realizes he is late and just goes away?

It didn't make sense to him… Castiel was saying that he hardly connects with people, and when he talked so much with Dean, he doesn't even leave his number, anything. He tried not to think about it.

Dean stayed at The Bar for a few more minutes. When he thought that he was never going to see the other man, the door opened and Castiel came through it. He got a pen out and wrote his number in a napkin.

Without saying anything else, he just went away again.

Dean smiled at the napkin. He got a new friend. A special one. Dean thought still smiling.

At 10 am, Dean was at the police station, sitting in front of his desk. He wanted to go out, but he needed to fill a report. He should have filled it once he got it, but Dean decided to be lazy (again) and fill it when it was near the deadline. So here he was, filling the report, which was due to, Dean looked at his watch to see how much time he had left, twenty minutes.

He was staring at the page. He wrote everything he remembered, searched for any misspelled words. There were none, so he went to hand it over.

When he got to his boss' office, he knocked.

"Come on in." he heard the rough voice saying.

Dean opened the door and got inside.

"Hey, I just wanted to hand this over."

His boss looked at him.

"You look like shit! What happened to you?"

Despite their relationship at work, his boss was also kind of a father to Dean.

"I decided it was a good idea to go to a bar and stay there 'till 4 a.m." he simply replied.

"One of this days those visits will kill you, idjit." Bobby said to him.

"Nah…" Dean replied with a smile, looking at the window. "I don't realy regret going there last night."

Bobby frowned at him.

"What do ya mean? You met a girl or something?" he asked.

Dean's face turned to Bobby.

"Something like that… But here you go. Here's the report. See ya later, Bobby."

"Hey. We're still up for this Saturday?" Bobby asked when Dean was reaching the door.

"Of course, man. I think the word weekly means something." Dean told him.

It was already Tuesday, and usually Bobby confirmed their weekly dinner then. He thought that there would be a day, Dean would ask him to reschedule their lunch. But they have been meeting together with Sam every damn Saturday for the last five years. Not even once Dean said he couldn't go. Sam had missed some when he was with his girlfriend, Jess. But despite Sam not going, Dean was always there. Bobby was sad that he was alone for such a long time. Not that he could speak much, since his wife died Bobby had been alone, except for the two boys and Mary who would always come and join them. But she died three years ago, in a car accident. Since then he hadn't want to be with anyone.

Bobby got up and started following the path Dean had taken, and went to his desk.

"Dean 'Something like that' is not going to talk to you if you don't call her." Bobby said quietly.

Dean looked up. The man knew that he had gotten the number from Castiel, and by the look of the situation he also knew that Dean hadn't called him yet.

"I don't know man. What if he won't answer?" Dean asked. He was really scared. He liked Castiel, and he didn't want to mess it up.

"He? Well, ask him to come and join us this Saturday, as if you want to hang out with him, make some excuse."

Dean knew that Bobby never had any problem with his sexuality, but still he felt a bit awkward talking to him about boys.

"He said he doesn't have many friends. For god's sake, he said his best friend is his brother. I don't think he wants to come over to lunch with a bunch of people that he doesn't know, I know we talked, but it only for half an hour or so." Dean said, worried. How would he call Castiel?!

When it was stuff about girls/boys, he was a coward.

Bobby knew too well that Dean was a coward.

"That's the perfect excuse! You ask him to come meet new people. And if he says he doesn't want to come, you say he can bring his brother."

Dean looked into Bobby's eyes.

"You make miracles man, but I don't know. What if he doesn't remember me?! He was pretty drunk last night and…"

"If you don't call him you'll never know."

"…he didn't give me his number at first."

Dean thought about Bobby's words. He was right. How would he know if he didn't call. But that still scared him.

As if reading Dean's anxiety, Bobby placed his hand in the boy's shoulder.

"You should leave the world of 'ifs' and start to live."

"I know that." He knew that but that didn't mean that he was less scared of all those possible endings.

"You're making me do this… If you don't call him, I won't talk to you for a week. Not even work related stuff. I will ignore you."

Dean didn't want that. Bobby was one of his favorite people ever. He loved to talk to Bobby because he had always been there for him in his youth, when his father wasn't… He used to think that Bobby was the wisest person he had ever met. And to bear a week without having the wise words of Bobby… He couldn't do it.

He went straight for his left pocket, and took the napkin from last night. He dialed the number and waited for a response.

After a few rings Castiel picked up.


"Hmm.. Hi. This is Dean." Dean said. "I'm not sure if you member me… But we met last night… Well, actually it was today… at the Bar."

"Oh. Right… Dean. How are you?"

"I'm good. You?" Dean asked him, feeling a little better with himself, after knowing that Castiel remembered him.

"Hangover… So not so well. Any way, you called… Do you want something?"

Bobby looked at Dean. He was talking with Dean, his lips said "Ask him."

"Actually, yeah. I was wondering if you wanted to meet some new people. My uncle, my brother and I are going to have lunch on Saturday. Would you like to come?" Dean finally said, happy that he managed not to stutter.

"I don't know, Dean… I told you, people don't usually like me…" Castiel started, but his words were cut off by Dean.

"Yeah, I heard you, these are my people and if they don't like you, then I will be the first to say that they're stupid."

"Watch it!" Bobby was not liking where the conversation was heading.

Once Dean realized Castiel hadn't replied yet, Dean decided to invite also his brother.

"If you don't want to come alone, feel free to bring your brother. Gabriel, right?"

"Yeah, Gabriel. You mean it? Won't we be disturbing?"

"Of course not. I'm the one asking you, right?"


"So don't worry. If you disturbed us, would I invite you?"

"I suppose you're right."

Happy that he got Castiel to agree, he started asking some important stuff.

"Is Saturday okay with you?"

"Yes. But we can't go lunch."

"Alright… Would dinner be better?"

"It would. Sorry to be disturbing you already. But my brother will only be around after lunch."

"Is he out of town?" Dean asked, wanting to know more.

"Yes. But he can make it to dinner. He's coming back from a business trip."

"Ok. I'll text you the address."


"And, Cas…" Dean started a bit shy.


"You can call me any time."

They said good-bye and hang up.

"Was it that difficult?" Bobby asked smiling.

"Not really, but now I know he remembers me, that he wasn't that drunk, and that he will come have dinner with us… So you're invited to eat dinner at our place too."

Bobby smiled.

"I wouldn't miss it for anything."

Bobby was proud of Dean, despite being a coward he was still the one that talked to that Cas kid. So he wasn't that much of a coward… He just had a difficult time gaining courage. And Bobby usually tried to be the one making him gather the courage he needed.

"So lunch and dinner. Now I have to talk to Sam."

"Actually… Now you need to work." Bobby said… He might be like family, but he didn't just run from work when he had made plans for lunch… He would finish his job first, and then he would do the necessary stuff for the said lunch.

"Yeah. Of course Bobby." Dean replied blushing a little, he completely forgot he was still at work.

He went to grab his coat, and went to his car. He was on patrol, so he was going to go around town and stop teenagers' fights, and he was going to catch a burglar. He would not attempt to do it. He would succeed, so that on Saturday he could talk about those deeds.