Neko Heichou

Chapter 4

He finally found Levi in, of all places his dungeon bedroom. "Heichou... why are you in my room?"

"It was the only place that damn dog wouldn't follow me." Levi's voice was muffled since his head was buried in Eren's pillow. When Eren sat on the bed, he lifted fear-filled eyes to look at the younger male.

Eren sighed, reaching out a hand to touch his Captain's cat ears.

Levi was so upset he didn't even notice when Eren touched him. "I don't like this." He muttered. "This really isn't like me." He paused again as he noticed Eren's hand rubbing one ear, but he didn't move to stop it. "What do you think of me like this, Eren?"

"I think you're cute." Eren blurted without thinking, caught off guard when Levi had called him by his first name.
"Cute?!" Levi sat up, glaring at Eren. His tail twitched angrily. Then he sighed, all fight going out of him. "I don't like being 'cute.'" He yawned and lay down, placing his head in Eren's lap. "'Cute' doesn't accomplish anything."

Eren absently ran his hands through Levi's hair, then returned to rubbing the black ears, smiling when a faint purr sounded in the Captain's throat. Some things about this situation were nice, Eren decided. His Captain didn't usually seek out attention like this, wasn't so open with his feelings. It would be nice if he stayed a cat. Eren would protect him from dogs. And Erwin. And Hanji. And...

"What are you doing sleeping so late, Yeager?!" A loud voice yelled, startling Eren into wakefulness. "We have an expedition today!"

Eren looked up at Levi, who loomed over his bed. He was a bit sad to notice the cat ears and tail were gone. "Heichou, that was supposed to be yesterday. You cancelled it."

"I have no idea what you are talking about. Get ready to go already!"

Eren was confused. Had it all been a dream? He almost thought it must have been, but as Levi turned away, Eren saw the color staining his Captain's face. Fine, Eren decided with a devilish smile. He'd let Levi pretend it hadn't happened. At least, until he could convince Hanji to give him the mixture to slip into Levi's drink again.

And that's a wrap. Hope y'all enjoyed reading. If there is enough of an interest, I might do a side story/ sequel, but we shall see. Ja ne!