Disclaimer: I do not own Grey's Anatomy, wish i worked on it though..

Hey y'all ! So, the thing is I had free time this morning, clearly. And as it is very rare for me to have nothing to do. I decided to write something that's been on my mind for quite a while. I loved season 9! all of it. But there were various episodes, especially after the winter hiatus where i wish we had more MerDer scenes regarding the new baby, Zola and them. So I'm writing some one-shots to make that feeling go away.

This one-shot is because, as lovely as the 26 MerDer seconds we got on Bailey's wedding episode, I was never content with the fast forward to a month later they made for the next episode. I felt it would have been nice to see Meredith and Lizzie interact some more and some very needed talks between her and Derek as well. So this is what this is about. It's a one-shot right after episode 9x10. Hope you like it!

Family Is All That Matters

Meredith came back from the wedding reception crying. She felt so helpless knowing that even though the surgery had been completely successful; Adele's heart wasn't strong enough to keep beating. She thought of her mother, she died exactly the same way. She thought of the Chief, he was completely broken, both women he loved had been victims of Alzheimer's, none of them could be saved.

And then she thought of Derek and her kids. What if she ever got Alzheimer's? It would be the most distressing misfortune, not knowing who her husband or her kids are was an idea that terrified her. It was her biggest fear, she wasn't even that scared about dying on an accident or having a heart attack. She was scared of dying while being alive, forgetting everything and everyone. T

ears were streaming nonstop down her cheeks, she then realized she was getting closer to the hospital. Derek and Zola were there, she had to pull herself together so they wouldn't be worried. And the baby, she knew it wouldn't do the baby any good to share her feelings of fear and sadness.

Meredith arrived, mechanically parked the car and quickly got changed to jeans and a sweater before heading to Derek's room, checking on Lizzie first, who was fast asleep.

Derek was awake, cuddling with Zola, who was peacefully sleeping.

"Hey.. Did i tell you how gorgeous you look on that dress?" Derek smiled.

"Hey, I think you kind of implied it with a previous coment. How long has she been here?" Meredith asked pointing Zola with her sight.

"Alex brought her here about an hour ago, I red to her and she fell asleep. She was missing you and asked for you."

"I missed her too, both of you." Meredith sighed.

Derek looked at her in the eyes and he knew. "You've been crying, a lot. Sweety what happened? Is something wrong?"

Meredith let a single tear escape from her left eye. "Adele, she passed away while we were on the wedding." Meredith said softly.

"Oh no. But, the surgery went perfect" he sighed.

"It did, but her heart couldn't resist any longer."

"How's Richard coping? I mean.."

"He… i think he'll be fine. He knew this day would come, but, I don't think he realized how hard it would be. And, i think he feels guilty for leaving her in a home and not being around more." Meredith said sadly.

"Yeah. I can't imagine how he must feel. We'll help him get through it. I'll talk to him tomorrow." Derek said. He shifted Zola closer to him, making space for Meredith to lie on the bed. "Mer, what else is bothering you? I know you…"

"I'm scared" she admitted. "I was thinking about you and Zola, and the baby. What if everything goes fine and suddenly i get Alzheimer's and forget all of you. I can't.."

"Mer, we don't know what will happen." He said holding her hand. "But i promise you I'll never stop looking for a cure for Alzheimer's. And no matter what, we'll get through everything. We won't leave you, ever. And you won't leave us either." He said.

Meredith soothed and a smile formed on her face. "I'll fix up a bed for Zola in this sofa." She said getting up and reclining the sofá, putting some pillows on the side and making it comfortable for Zola to sleep in for a while. She carried Zola and lay her down covering her with a blanket she had on the baby bag.

After she was done, she made sure the sofá was facing the bed so she could check on Zola and then she lay down beside Derek, who was smiling, enchanted by the sweet scene. "You're such an amazing mom" he said. Meredith grinned at the remark. Then she remembered she had something to let Derek know.

"I told Lizzie." She said smiling.

"You did? So you told Cristina and Alex too?" Derek asked smiling.

"No, Lizzie is the only one who knows besides you and me." She took a deep breath before continuing. "She has been so nice to me. She wants me to see her as a sister. We talked, and… Derek i realized i want to have a closer relationship with your family. I lost the only family member i had a good relationship with. Lexie will never know and.. Lizzie being here, i felt it like a second chance. So i told her." Meredith said.

Derek kissed her and hugged her tighter. Meredith had been through so much her entire life. But losing Lexie was something that deeply affected her, she had been so strong but it was very evident it hurt so much every time she thought about it. "I'm so glad you did." He said. "I miss her too Mer, but I'm sure she's happy for us, wherever she is."

"Me too. I asked her not to blab it to the entire family before we were more assured and told her to do so."

"That's okay. It's all going to be fine Mer. We'll take all the preventive measures and caring to make sure of it. This baby is a miracle, we'll protect him or her and it will all be alright."

"We'll take it one day at a time and hope it all goes well." Meredith said.

They stayed cuddling for a while more and then Meredith left home with Zola.

The next day, both Lizzie and Derek would be discharged. Lizzie would stay with Meredith and Derek for three days before going home.

"Thank you for having me here. I hope I'm not too much of a pain in the ass for you." Lizzie said giggling.

"Not at all, feel at home. I have today off to take care of Derek and you. So just ask me if you need anything." Meredith offered.

"You don't really have to do all of this. Thank you." Lizzie said.

"You're family. That's what sisters do." Meredith stated quoting Lizzie's words.

"Yeah, that's true." Lizzie smiled. "Hey, how is morning sickness?"

"It's… there." Meredith laughed. "Some days it's awuful, but these last days it's been better."

"My first pregnancy was the same. Some days were terrible, but then it got better. Have you had any cravings yet?" Lizzie asked.

"Granola bars and fruit milkshakes. I get them pretty mucho n a daily basis, at least." Meredith giggled.

"Awe, healthy food. Well, with my brother, it was hard to think your kid would make you crave junk food. I was all about chocolate muffins." Lizze said.

"I'm actually so thankful for these cravings, because if this baby would have my food preferences, i'd probably be weighting 20 pounds more by now." Meredith laughed.

"What were you two talking about?" Derek asked joining them in the living room.

"About you being responsible of me craving healthy food." Meredith smirked.

"What can I say, I'm that awesome." He teased.

"I'll get dinner ready in a minute." Meredith said heading toward the kitchen.

"I thought you said she didn't know how to cook." Lizzie said to Derek.

"You told her that?!" Meredith pouted.

"Come on Mer, you've learned to cook this year, only because you know Zola can't live on Microwave grilled cheese and pizza." Derek winked and laughed.

"Fine, I'll admit it's true. But now i know how to cook, so don't worry Lizzie. Dinned will be decent."

"It really was delilcious, thank you Mer." Lizzie said.

"You're welcome, glad you liked it. I'm gonna get the plates to the dishwasher and go give Zola a bath before we put her down to sleep." Meredith said.

"Sorry I can't help today." Derek said.

"It's fine. You just need to focus on getting better so you can go back to the OR soon." Meredith smiled.

After getting everything done, Derek joined Meredith to tuck Zola in. Lizzie went as well, she was fascinated by how beautifully decorated the Little girl's room was.

"This is so precious." Lizzie remarked.

"Thank you. Mer picked everything. I just painted and moved the furniture around." Derek said.

"We both did it." Meredith smiled.

"I love it. The entire house, it's so tastefully decorated."

The next two days passed smoothly. Meredith managed to balance everything. Derek was slowly able to make a couple of simple movements with his hand and Lizzie was walking almost regularly.

"Thank you for taking care of me and welcoming into your house. It's been really great to spend time with you." Lizzie said.

"Anytime you want. You know we're always here. I'm sorry we've been so out of touch. But we promise to keep you updated on everything." Derek said.

"Yeah please. Thank you Mer, for letting me in. I know it wasn't easy for you and i appreciate it so much. Keep me updated with everything about Zola and the baby. I'l be happy to help or give you advice if you need it." Lizzie offered.

"I'm so glad we got to meet each other. Thank you for everything Lizzie. I promise, I'll keep you updated with everything." Meredith said.

After saying goodbye, Lizzie went into the pre-boarding room and Meredith and Derek headed back home. Feeling more hopeful and ready to face whatever came on their way together. As they always did and as it always seemed to make things turn out just fine.

Well, what did you think about it? please REVIEW! :) I'll post some more one-shots related to season 9, to compliment those scenes i think we all wished were shown. Thank you for reading!