Danny's POV
The wind whisked through my hair as I flew over Amity. I was out on a patrol but my ghost sense hadn't gone off all night, so I decided to just fly around for a bit. I only stopped flying when I heard Sams voice through my Fenton Headphone.
"Danny? Did you find anything yet?"
"Not yet Sam. Why don't you and Tuck head home? I haven't found anything yet and even if I did I'm pretty sure I can handle it."
"Sam, head home. We have that huge history test tomorrow and you still have yet to study."
"Fine, but he carful?"
"Alright Sam. Goodnight"
"Night Danny." Tucker and Sam responded before driving home on their scooters.
Once they were gone I flew around a bit more before heading home myself. I was just about to fly off towards my house when my ghost sense went off.
"Great..." I mumbled to myself scanning my surroundings. Nothing was anywhere around me. Spoke too soon. I felt an impact right between my shoulder blades and screamed. The next thing I knew I was falling towards the earth at about eighty miles per hour, hitting the earth with a sickening thud. Pain shot through every muscle, every limb, in my body. I painfully jumped into the air to see who my attacker was.
"Vlad." I growl.
"Why hello Daniel, I just thought I would pay you a little visit." And with that, he flew away. I raced after him at my fastest speed (one hundred twelve MPH). Anger courses through every vein in my body. Why now?! It was late, I was tired, and I had a test to study for!
Out of nowhere Vlad turned around, now flying backwards, and started firing his extremely manly, pink ecto blasts at me. Luckily I was able to dodge every single one. The blasts flew past me and destroyed some side walk and a few parts of the street behind us.
"What, no witty banter?" Vlad taunted still flying backwards.
"Not in the mood Vlad. Can we just get this over with?" I glared at him. All he did was tsk, turn around, and continued flying, which only made me angrier. Boosting my speed, I noticed a green portal up ahead, and we were heading straight towards it. I tried stopping but it was no use, I was going too fast. The next thing I knew, I was being blinded by sunlight. I watched as Vlad flew away.
"He got away!" I growled as I slammed my fist into my palm. Hearing voices below me I looked down and gasped slightly at what I saw. There were men and in black and white uniforms below me, aiming strange looking guns up at me.
I heard a slightly muffled voice come from one of the people's communicators. It was a man. Due to my enhanced hearing I was able to make out what the man said.
"What happened?" He demanded.
One of the men lifted a hand and pressed two fingers up to their ear and responded to the voice.
"Two EVOs came out of it. They appear to be more human than EVO though. One got away but we've cornered the other."
I could only make out one word of what the guy on the other end said, "Testing".
My eyes grew as wide as dinner plates. Testing?! And by that I know he means painful experiments. I wasn't going to let them take me to some lab and experiment on me. I just wasn't. I had to get away from here, but how if I flew off they would shoot at me!
The agent(?) must've noticed that I'd heard what the man said through the earphone 'cause right away the agent that was talking into the earphone talked into it again. He said "Fire." And I froze.
Suddenly I heard a noise that sounded like a gun being fired. I felt a small prick in my back right between my shoulder blades. I reached to retrieve what had lodged itself into my back. I let out a small yelp when I saw it was a tranquilizer dart. I quickly dropped it and, panic-stricken, started spinning around to look at my surroundings. There were a few more agents piling put of some huge white trucks. Two of them in particular really caught my eye. One was a teenager, looked about fifteen, with black hair, black pants, a white shirt, and a red and orange jacket. The other agent, who was quite pale, was wearing black sunglasses, and a green suit with a black tie. After a few seconds of scanning my surroundings my senses began to dull. I put my hand up to my head in a feeble attempt to stop the drowsiness that was now too overwhelming to bear. I felt myself falling towards the earth from where I was floating about seven feet above the ground. I landed on the pavement with a soft thud. All I could see before my vision went black, was the agents closing in.