Buttons were pressed, levers were pulled, and bow ties were fixed.
The doctor couldn't help but sigh, he had been looking for the Impossible girl for so long now. It was hard of the 1000 year-old Time Lord not to feel discouraged.
He fiddled around with the controls a little bit, not really paying Attention to what he was doing. Sure it was fun to finally have something to do, but without anyone to Impress the whole control panel just seamed to be a lot of "Boring-ers"!
If only Amy and- no, it was still to hard to think about. He pulled down a lever and stood at the controls, feeling hopeless. It was time he admitted that he had no idea how to find the girl. Maybe if he just set the controls for random (again) he would have some luck. His mind quickly tried to figure out the odds of that working but he quickly shot down the Thought.
And with a Loud, undescribable noise that kind of sounded like a car braking down in slow motion he was off.
His hands griped the TARDIS counsel more then normal. Maybe he was just stressed but he thought he herd music. He stranded his ears to try and hear more but the music that may or may not have existed was drowned out by the TARDIS groaning.
More buttons were pressed and more levers were pulled. although he had spent a lot of time in this new TARDIS he hadn't Actually flow it that much; so most of what he was doing was guess and check work. The time Machine was sent flying though all of space and time, throwing the one man inside around.
The doctor slowly opened his eyes, the TARDIS had gone wibbly wobbly again. As he stood up he fixed his bow tie making it strait, or well strait enough.
He walked to the door when a sudden thought came into his head: was that music?
He slowly opened the doors to relive... Space.
Nothing but boring old space. It was dull and dark, but what was worse was that the girl, Clara want there either.
He was about to close the doors and get some much needed sleep when his eyes saw something... Strange. There in front of him was what looked like a rainbow planet, compleat with its own sparkles. The doctor rubbed his eye, there in front of him was a planet he had never heard of. And where was that music coming from?!
He could hear it clearly now, it sounded, well like a robotic cat. It was strange, it was other worldly, it was fast, it was addicting.
The doctor couldn't help but feel crazy as out of nowhere in Particular a platform made of Sausage? Appeared out of thin space. What was going on? He asked himself over and over again.
He ran to the screen: Earth, 2011 April 2. Then he ran to the door. Then he ran back to the screen. It was Impossible! It was utterly and completely impossible! He ran his fingers though his hair and wished he had bought a fez.
As he looked back Through the doors he saw the most impossible thing yet, FOOD! There was food floating on a sausage platform right above earth!
The doctor got out his sonic screwdriver and started fiddling around with the space in front of him. Was this some kind of trick? What was going on? And would someone please turn off that music! It had Noticeably gotten louder and more annoying.
Just as things couldn't get any Weirder, they did. A lot weirder.
The doctor was fiddling around with the screwdriver when, much to his amazement a "cat" (if you could call it that) came along jumping on the platforms with a rainbow tail following it.
The doctor, without breathing a word. Closed the doors, put the sonic screwdriver in his pocket, and walked off into the TARDIS, hoping to find a room. He needed to sleep.