Author's Notes
Hello ! once again, i have made a random comeback + with a semi-serious chapter. i haven't written comedy in so long haha. alas, i re-watched death note the other day and my feelings for this series returned ! i cannot promise continuous chapters, though i can promise there may be random chapters from time to time. i hope you've all enoyed so far, and thank you so much for the feedback!
feel free to suggest anything for future scenarios !
Disclaimer: I do not own Death Note, nor its amazing cast & characters.
"Greetings, L," Near's quiet voice was almost… irritable. He did not look up from his puzzle, nor did he even offer to help carry the numerous suitcases past the threshold. "I didn't think you be joining us again, lest you up and died in Japan. Or perhaps I was waiting for the day I got bored enough to make a puppet that looked just like you."
If there had been a sense of malice in the air, L had not noticed it – at least, he pretended he had not noticed. "No, I just speculated you would all need me here. You're getting older now and, if your exams keep up, I would expect you and the others to come to Japan with me to explore this new case."
Near said nothing. He said nothing, not just because he did not feel like it, but because the heavy sounds of BB's footsteps came down the hallway and the older boy's wailing cried were enough to stop every noise and sound from being noticed.
"L!" BB jumped, scampering towards L's crooked posture.
In his mind, he had envisioned this moment to be enjoyed with a dramatic hug followed by a sweet soundtrack of music while roses flowed around them. Naturally, this did not happen for two reasons. One, they were in England and such great fantasies never rolled out the way one would plan, and two… well, he more or less fell first face when Near's arm reached out to pick up another puzzle piece and BB's foot tripped.
Perhaps the movement had been unintentional, but a visible smirk could be seen on Near's face as BB burst into tears.
"BB missed you so much!" Struggling across the floorboards, BB circled his arms around L's leg. "Please don't leave! BB doesn't like maths but BB thinks L's maths are running low!"
"Why ever would we be discussing maths all of a sudden?" L muttered, pressing his thumb to his lip.
"He failed his maths test the day before last," Near said. He slapped a piece into his puzzle, completing it. "A lot of the others have been failing their tests, too." Shifting back, Near stood. It was a strange thing to see. An even stranger fact to remember Near did have legs and was not the short hallway object everyone associated him to be. "Well, I should get going."
L watched his potential successor climb onto his little bicycle. He simply stared as Near rode away, ringing his bell as children began running up the halls to meet L. This time, L could not ignore the sense of malice hanging in the air.
The flash of yellow and red caught L's attention. He turned his head, noting the familiar faces of Mello and Matt standing in the doorway of the dining hall. Mello's face was a mixture of emotions, and L was sure tears could be noticed. Matt, however, had not seemed to pay L much notification before Mello shook his head and began dragging him away by the collar.
L swayed, feeling his lower body being clung to and cried on by the remainder of the orphanage. His thumb slowly fell away from his lips, eyes wide and unreadable. Paying little mind to the crying orphans, he looked down to BB.
"What happened while I was away, BB?"
Sniffling loudly, BB raised his head and squeezed L's leg. "Everyone started growing up."