Part five

Morality separates heroes from villains.

"Are ya gonna sit there all day moping or are you gonna order something?" a deep voice challenged harshly, "You're scaring away my customers!"

"I would have thought your food usually did a rather good job at that."

Laugher erupted from the figure, all faux seriousness gone in an instant. "Hello Dex," said Obi-Wan grinning, and he started to rise to greet his friend.

"Obi-Wan, always a pleasure my friend!" Dex boomed, "No, don't get up, get stuck in!"

Dex's arms were laden with a veritable feast. Obi-Wan watched as plate after plate was laid out on the table and Flo appeared bearing a slightly battered teapot.

"Here you go, get this down ya. I'm not having anyone wasting away in my diner. You must have worked up an appetite with that serious Jedi brooding." Dex reached over to give him friendly pat on shoulder then squeezed himself into the booth, a remarkable feat given his ample girth.

"Dex thank you, but you shouldn't have gone to all this trouble." Obi-Wan tried to protest, "I'm really not that hungry..."

"Ah come now, Obi-Wan I know nothing they serve you at the Temple is ever gonna beat one of my breakfasts!"

His friend's good humor was infectious, Obi-Wan laughed as he deftly caught the napkin Dex tossed to him.

"Dex, all the food in the Temple is perfectly calculated to be nutritious and sufficient to every Jedi's needs. No one has any complaints." That wasn't exactly true, but Obi-Wan wasn't going to admit that he knew Anakin and a handful of others were frequently absent from the refectory.

"Sufficient? Pah!" Dex was appalled, and gestured passionately with all four of his hands, "Bet they don't have anything like this!"

Now that was certainly true Obi-Wan thought as he cast his eyes over the loaded plates before him. With some relief he noted that it was slightly better faire than that which the usual diner patrons got. Nerf sausages, protato fritters, scrambled gartro eggs, and on a side plate something couldn't remember having seen on Coruscant in years, not since the war had begun to impact trade routes.

"Is that gugil fruit…?"

"Uh huh, I know a guy down the docks, we have an arrangement," replied Dex as he began to tuck in to his food with gusto.

Obi-Wan felt his resolve weakening and any further protests he had was quelled by the embarrassingly loud growling of his stomach. He genuinely couldn't remember the last time he had eaten, let alone had a hot meal. "Well it would be rude of me to let you eat alone," he said smiling, and straightening out the napkin he laid it neatly on his lap.

They ate companionably, the conversation very much one sided but Dex didn't mind. He was genuinely delighted to see his friend alive and in his diner, but Dex could see his friend was tired. The kind of tired that a decent meal and a good nights sleep wouldn't even come close to shifting. He had his suspicions that it was something more than the usual battle fatigue.

After a final mouthful of eggs even Dex's formidable appetite was sated and with a happy belch he leaned back a little, giving his belly a contented rub. Obi-Wan poured himself the last of the tea.

"Bad bit of business on Mandalore I hear," said Dex seemingly casually.

Obi-Wan finished stirring his tea, carefully setting his teaspoon down on its saucer. When he looked up Dex saw that his eyes had lost some of their warmth. He noticed too an almost imperceptible tensing of his body – only because he was looking for it.

Bingo thought Dex.

"You were there." It was a statement, not a question.

Obi-Wan wasn't at all surprised that Dex knew about his secret and unofficial mission to Mandalore. His friend had eyes and ears everywhere. Whose they were Obi-Wan always knew better than to ask. But experience had repeatedly shown him that Dex and his unorthodox network could always be relied upon.

"Yes." He confirmed a slight hint of sadness in his voice even in that single word.

Dex took a moment to consider what to say next. The whole of Coruscant by now knew that Duchess Satine had been killed in the fight over Mandalore, the exact circumstances weren't all that clear but Dex was in no doubt that Obi-Wan had been mixed up in it all somehow. Dex was also one of the very few individuals who knew the Jedi in front of him and the ruler of Mandalore had been a more than just passing acquaintances. He felt the need to tread carefully, despite their friendship Obi-Wan was always a little guarded.

"Crime families thought they were on to a winner getting together to take a prize like Mandalore. But that changed pretty quickly after you sorted out those brothers. They're running around like a flock of headless Reeho birds"

Obi-Wan blinked. "Sorted out? Are you saying they're dead?"

"I thought you were there?" replied Dex, a little surprised at Obi-Wan's confusion.

"I was, but unfortunately they were very much alive the last I saw them."

"Well that Savage certainly isn't anymore, two holes in him to prove it. As for the red guy, not a sign of him."

"Tell me everything you've heard Dex, everything," said Obi-Wan firmly.

For a brief moment Dex appreciated what it must be like to be a clone trooper at receiving end of the general's orders. If he didn't know Obi-Wan so well he might have felt a little intimidated by the piercing gaze that was now focussed solely on him. Still, as Obi-Wan listened intently, he obligingly relayed every snippet of information his contact had provided him.

Even though he knew the answer Obi-Wan still needed to ask, "Your source is accurate, you trust his information?"

Dex feigned insult, "Obi-Wan, this is Dex you're talking to."

Obi-Wan nodded, contrite. "Sorry Dex."

"Your name wasn't mentioned," Dex added in case Obi-Wan was worried word of his involvement would get out. "I kinda thought with your, erm, history, you'd be in the thick of it. Put two and two together, guess I didn't get it completely right. Explains the red lightsabers then, never did quite understand that color code thing you guys have going on."

Obi-Wan was quiet, he had brought a hand up and was stroking his chin, smoothing his fingers over his beard which Dex knew was an obvious tell for some deep thinking as his friend turned over in his mind this new information.

"Do you think Maul turned on his brother and ran?"

Obi-Wan knew better than anyone that with Maul anything was possible, but to kill his brother, his only ally? "Maul is capable of anything," he replied, "but something about this doesn't quite ring true."

"Then if it wasn't you, who else do ya think was there?"

Obi-Wan mentally ran through the list of those he thought powerful enough or foolish enough to go against them. He seriously doubted Death Watch or any of the crime families could have rallied so quickly. Then the most obvious and worrying answer lay with the Sith.

He was sure Asajj Ventress's sense of self preservation would be too strong for her to take on the brothers again. To attack in the chaos of a war was too brutal and direct for it to be Count Dooku's style. As for General Grievous he doubted the cyborg had the intelligence to do anything so proactive. Obi-Wan felt a prickle of excitement, perhaps then this unseen Darth Sidious was showing their hand at last? Was there something he could be missing?

"I don't know Dex, I really don't."

Did the information Dex had told him change anything? Obi-Wan was surprised at how much satisfaction the thought of Maul no longer on Satine's throne gave him, but it was subdued by the unknown reason behind it. He couldn't allow himself even the slightest hope that Maul was dead, but knowing that Mandalore was free of his taint was a slight consolation. And without Pre Viszlar perhaps Death Watch could finally put its warrior mentally to a true cause, that of liberating Mandalore from the crime families.

"Mandalore will survive, we always survive." He remembered how Bo-Katan - his rescuer andSatine's unexpected sister had implored him to get the Republic to intervene. He knew Master Yoda was attending an emergency session at the Senate discussing the situation on Mandalore at that very moment. Perhaps when the Senate learned of the new developments there would be no need for Republic to launch a full scale invasion. There was still the possibility of keeping Mandalore neutral, the slightest hope of keeping Satine's firmest ambition alive.

It was time to leave, there were things he needed to do.

"Thank you Dex," said Obi-Wan sincerely, "for the breakfast and your company."

"Any time Obi-Wan, you know that, any time."

Dex hoped Obi-Wan had got what he'd needed, he certainly looked more like his usual self than when he'd first entered the diner that morning. He walked his friend to the door, one arm wrapped across the Jedi's shoulders. Before he let go he gave Obi-Wan a firm squeeze. "And don't forget to tell your pals at the Temple about my breakfasts, I'm thinking of introducing a Jedi special on weekends."

"I will Dex," replied Obi-Wan with a chuckle, "I promise."

Obi-Wan stepped out into a new day. He a felt a curious sense of relief mixed with anticipation. The war had been dragging on for years now, longer than anyone had imagined. Now he could feel a shift in momentum, a change of pace that he could only hope was for the better.

He climbed onto his speeder and started the engine. First he needed to go to the Senate building to pass on what he had learned to Master Yoda, and then back to the Temple to find Anakin. He wanted to reassure the younger man that all was well before they were assigned separate missions.

Once the speeder had reached the correct altitude Obi-Wan headed for the nearest transport lane that would take him on the most direct route to the Senate. It was time for Master Obi-Wan Kenobi to return to the war.

~~~~the end~~~~

Took a little longer to finish than I'd intended, but it's done! Thanks to all who read, commented and even favourited my story, it's very much appreciated. Apologies for being such a slow writer, I now have a much greater appreciation of the amazing work of others.

Shame on for not having a Dexter Jettster tag in its character selection – where's the Dex love? I think I've worked through my Obi-Angst. Having to watch 'The Lawless' too many times to write this fic must have cured me! Should I ever get round to writing (and finishing!) another fic it's going to be light-hearted and fluff, pure and simple!

May the force be with you. VonB