Dream Lover

Review: Madoc is One of the last of the original Oneroi and he hates Zeus with a passion. He wants to get back at Zeus and takes Zeus's favorite daughter, Athena. But when he holds her, Athena and Madoc fall in love and its forbidden. Will their love continue and what will happen when Zeus finds out about it? You'll have to read and find out.

AN: I love Dark Hunters series and this is my third in all my stories with more to come. I hope you like it. Enjoy.

Chapter 1.

The Plan in Motion

Madoc walked around his mansion home on Vanishing Isle. He was pacing the floor. He wanted to get back at Zeus for banishing him and his other fellow Dream Gods from Olympus to the Vanishing Isles and taking away their emotions, but he didn't care now that he had his emotions back, he just wanted to get back at Zeus somehow, but how.

"Madoc." A familiar voice said. Madoc turned and saw a good friend of his.

"Hello Jericho. Glad you could come." Madoc said.

"What is it that you had to take me away from my wife and new baby?" Jericho asked.

"How is Kristoff?" Madoc asked.

"A handful, but a joy to have around. Quick changing the subject and tell me why I'm here." Jericho said, crossing his arms.

"I want to get back at Zeus." Madoc said.

"What? How?" Jericho asked.

"By taking someone that he cares most about." Madoc said.

"Who? Hera?" Jericho asked.

"No. His favorite daughter, Athena." Madoc said.

"Your looking to cause war." Jericho said.

"Its what he gets. Now go be with your family. No word to anyone else." Madoc said.

"Alright. But don't say I told you so when it does." Jericho said and then he disappears. Madoc knew that he was going to do it, he just had to figure out when and how he was going to go and grab Athena.

On Olympus.

"I don't care what you think, Ares. You need to learn to control your temper." Athena yelled, as she headed to the door of the thrown room and opened it. She slammed it pretty hard as she left.

'Great another fight and I'm heading to my temple pissed off.' Athena thought. She headed towards her temple on Olypus and entered. She fell on her bed and took off her sandals and flashed on some regular clothes as she heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." Athena said, sensing who it was before the person entered and she was right. It was Artemis, her favorite sister coming to visit and check on her Athena.

"You alright?" Artmeis asked.

"I'm fine now that I am away from our brother. Some days I'm just ready to send his ass to Tartaraus." Athena said.

"I think some of us would agree with you, but then father has no one to replace him if we loose him." Artemis said, sitting like a proper lady in one of her chairs that was near Athena's library.

"Yeah your right." Athena said.

"He's a hard head anyways." Artemis said.

"I know. I just want to leave Olympus for awhile and see a new life. Away from meetings and Poseidon and Ares. Maybe discover something new for once." Athena said.

"Maybe you'll get the chance one of these days." Artemis said.

"I don't know. Whatever the fates have plans for me in the future, we'll have to wait and find out." Athena said.

"We will. I should get going." Artemis said.

"Alright. Catch you later, sister." Athena said. Athena watched as Artemis left. Athena looked at the time and relized it was late. Athena headed towards the baths that were connected to her temple. Something hit her hard in the head and the world seemed to go black on her all of the sudden. Athena woke up in a unfamiliar room to her.
She sat up and looked around.

"Looks like someone finally woke up." A almost familiar voice that she hadn't heard in a long awhile came from her other side. Athena turned around and saw a man that was her father's worst enemy and who hated her father more then ever.

"Madoc." Athena said.

"Welcome to Vanishing Isles, Athena." Madoc said, with a grin on his face.

AN: Cliff hanger. Hope you liked. Reviews are much appreciated.