My Boyfriend Is A Drug Lord

Kagome is a perfect girl, or so everyone thinks. What they don't know is that Kagome is the blackmailed girlfriend of the tattooed half demon Inuyasha, who so happens to be a drug lord. lots of unnecessary sex and killing and

This story is dedicated to my ex-boyfriend. You were the best I ever had.


If Kagome Higurashi (that's me) could be described in one word, what word would that be? I'll answer that for you. Perfect.
If Inuyasha Takahashi could be described in one word, what word would that be? I'll answer that as well. Imperfect.
Now what will happen if you brought imperfect and perfect together?
Disaster, that's what. Disaster and a whole bunch of loving.

Inuyasha P.O.V.

"Miroku get your ass over here before I shoot your dick!"
My best friend walked through the door, wincing. "Oh yeah, about that-"
"You brought your damn whores and fucked them in my bed?!"
He gave a nervous chuckle, noticing the sharp canines that shone from my mouth. That damn idiot. He couldn't just stop banging chicks for five seconds to get his work done.
"I swear, I don't even know why I keep you around." I muttered, rubbing my forehead and pushing off needy sluts that were grabbing at my ears.
"Don't fucking touch my ears," I snarled, stepping away from them.
Miroku ushered them out before coming back. "Sorry about that-"
"Sorry? I have to bleach my bed-hell I might as well bleach everything in this goddamn room!"
He raised his hands, "Alright, alright, you can take my room."
"The hell I will, you've probably fucked more chicks in there than you have any other place."
A lecherous grin came on his face. "You can't blame me. They're all so willing."
I hit the back of his head. "Shut up and get your work done."
I walked past him and into the basement where several men were tied and hung upside down by their feet. Pulling out my silver Beretta M9, I shoved it in one of the guys' jaws. "Now which one of you is going to tell me where my load is?"
No of then said anything.
I chuckled darkly. They thought I was bluffing.
I pulled the trigger.

Kagome P.O.V.

"Late, late, late, I'M GOING TO BE LATE!" I screamed, tugging on a blue pencil skirt and a sleeveless white button up with frills along the buttons. I quickly tied my hair up with a blue scrunchy and grabbed my heels in my hand, running out to my blue prius.
The engine shrieked and I slammed on the gas pedal, rushing to work.

Since I came late, Ayumi made me stay overtime.
I saved everything and took my car keys from my desk, slipping into my heels.
"Bye, Marley." I waved good-bye to the janitor.
He nodded and closed the door behind me, locking it.
I scanned the lot for my car. There it was... all the way in the back.
I heaved a sigh and made my way to the car. I was exhausted. For once, shipping was hard to do. I contacted the freight forwarder and they said they didn't get the approval and held back the shipment by 4 hours.
"Why must this happen?" I mumbled, thunking my head against the car door.
I got into the car and drove off.
"Turn right-"
"Shut up." I muttered, turning off the GPS. It was telling me to turn right for the past half hour. It was already nine. How was I supposed to find a way home? Let me elaborate on something. I recently moved into a very complex city called Tokyo, which also has very complex streets and neighborhoods. And thus, I need a GPS.
I think I was lost. This looked like the bad part of town. Broken buildings and such. There was one hotel up ahead, with the lights on. I just had to ask for directions there.
I parked across the street and walked into the lobby. There was no one there. CNN was on the TV's.
I tapped the bell that was on the counter.
Suddenly a gunshot sounded.
I shrieked, turning around sharply. There was a heavy footsteps and then a guy with a red wife beater and ripped black jeans. He had dog tags around his neck and a pair of worn out red and white sneakers on his feet. I could faintly see black tattoos curving along the right side of his chest and out on his arm. His face was splattered with a little bit of blood, but his hand and arm was doused with it.
My eyes widened and my hands flew to my mouth. Oh my god. This person killed someone. His white dog ears twitched and his golden eyes narrowed.
"Who the hell are you?"
I didn't answer.
He raised the gun and shot at me, or actually above me.
"KYA!" I ducked down, removing my heels and holding them up as a weapon.
"Bitch, you're going to try and defend yourself with blue pumps?"
I snapped. "My name is Kagome. KUH-GO-MAY!"
He came in front of me. "I should kill you."
"Letting me go is another option."
The guy's ears twitched and I couldn't help it. I reached out and rubbed his ears gently. The soft appendages were fluffy and slightly cold.
He froze, not moving. Then he growled and pulled my hands away, gripping my wrists tightly. "Don't touch my ears, wench."
"What's your name."
He blinked, glaring at me. "What?"
"What. Is. Your. Name." I said slowly.
"Keh, why should I tell and ignorant bitch like you-"
I read his name out loud. "Inuyasha."
"How did you know-"
"Dog tags."
"Damn bitch, quit cutting me off."
I couldn't help but smile. I felt kind of scared, but I felt more calm. That is, until he held a gun to my head.
"Take off your clothes."
I shook, not moving. Was he seriously going to shoot me?
He growled and grabbed my button up, yanking it off me. His eyes landed on my breasts and I moved to cover them, but he pulled apart my hands and brought out his phone. I stood there in horror as he took pictures of me. "Great."
Inuyasha pulled back and threw my button up over his shoulder. "Now unless you want the world to see those wonderful boobs of yours, I suggest you agree to what I'm about to say."
I bit my lip, "What?"
"Be my girlfriend."
I gawked at him. "Are you serious? Be your girlfriend? I thought you were going to kill me! I'd rather have that than date you!"
Inuyasha shrugged and wiped the blood splattered gun on my pencil skirt before lifting the gun and placing it between my breasts. "That's an option I'm considering as well. Don't worry, I'll give you some time-"
"Oh thank you-"
"Three seconds."
"Wait no, give me more time, this is a big decision!"
"Oh my god, come on, you can't do this!"
The gunshot ran loud and clear, but there was not blood. I was pushed back a bit from the force though.
Inuyasha frowned. "Oh. That sucks. I ran out of bullets."
Then he pulled a magazine from his back pocket.
I grabbed his arm and pulled his hand down. "No, no!"
He raised and eyebrow, looping his arm around my waist before tugging me flush against him. "And that would mean..."
I took a deep breath, meeting his golden eyes. "Yes, I'll be your girlfriend."
A grin came on his face and he dipped his head down, kissing me deeply. "Good."
I could already see my future lost in his eyes.