Hey everyone! Been a while since you've seen an update on this story hasn't it?

Well I'm going to get right to the point. I've decided to make a remake of this story. Some of you have probably seen a reboot that I started like a year ago, well you can just ignore that now.

There are going to be some changes, like it taking place only a month after the original game instead of three years, and Sonic's friends won't be joining until maybe after the Knights of the underworld are dealt with.

Something to note is that this remake will still be a crossover with My Little Pony, but the characters will be introduced better instead of just being thrown in there, in fact the party scene is changed to include Sonic meeting Celestia and Luna for the first time and is instead Sonic's Coronation.

Currently I've already finished the beginning scene and am remaking the scene in the thrown room. Hopefully I'll be able to get this chapter out in the next month or so, maybe less.

I hope you'll give this remake a chance! I'll see you all then!