Sonic & the Black Knight: The After Years

Chapter 1: Three years later

It has been three years since I beat Merlina, and saved the world of King Arthur. Since then I've been proclaimed as the new King Arthur and have been ruling as King ever since. It hasn't been as bad as I originally thought it would be. The first important thing I did was govern Merlina's Trial. It went well; she was forgiven for her acts since I was convinced that she was through tampering with the underworld. Merlina continued being the royal wizard.

Also though I may have beaten Merlina, who was the one responsible for summoning the knights of the underworld, the knights that remained continued to exist in our world, and caused havoc around the world. So it has been my duty, as well as the Knights of the Round Table's to exterminate the remaining knights of the underworld. It has been this way for three years, and thing's just seem to never calm down.

There then was a knock at the door. 'Who could that be?' Sonic thought to himself, he set down the quill he was using to write and got up from his desk to answer the door.

The door creaked as he open it slowly, and found his most trusted knight, Lancelot, in the door way. "Lancelot, do you have any idea what time it is?" Sonic asked his knight tiredly.

Lancelot bowed respectively. "I am sorry to disturb you this night my King." Lancelot Apologised. "But I have heard reports that Knights of the underworld have been setting up a small encampment near Misty Lake, and ask if I have your permission to pursue them." Lancelot explained.

Sonic thought for a moment before answering. "Don't you think you should take Gawain or Percival with you?" Sonic asked curiously.

Lancelot shook his head in disagreement. "They only just returned from their last mission, so they need their rest." Lancelot claimed. "Besides it's just a small encampment, I've taken on bigger by myself before."

Sonic looked at his knight in concern, and answered. "Well if you're sure, you have my permission." Sonic claimed.

Lancelot bowed again. "Thank you my lord. I will not fail you." Lancelot then turned away and headed back towards his quarter's to ready himself.

Sonic closed the door and sighed tiredly. "It's well past midnight by now." Sonic yawned. "Better get to bed." Then Sonic climbed into his king sized bed and fell quickly asleep.

-9:30 the next morning-

Sonic yawn tiredly as he sat on his throne. "Lancelot should have been back by now." Sonic said to himself in worry.

"Perhaps something has gone wrong." Merlina suggested. She was standing next to him. "It would be wise to send one of the others to assist him."

Sonic thought for a moment. "Yeah I guess so." Sonic answered. "Could you get Sir Galahad for me?" Sonic asked Merlina.

"Of course Sir Sonic." Merlina then hurried out of the room to find Sir Galahad.

Percival entered through the doors to the throne room a moment after, and proceeded towards Sonic. "My king, may I ask a question?" Percival asked Sonic as she bowed.

"You just did." Sonic and Percival laughed for a moment. "Yes you may." He answered after recovering.

"I am confused as to why you're sending sir Galahad instead of Sir Gawain, Sir Lamorack, or myself." Percival explained. "Anyone of us could find Sir Lancelot faster than Sir Galahad."

Sonic smirked and explained bluntly. "Let's just call this a father and Son bonding mission."

Percival sighed as she was actually bored and just wanted something to do. "I see. Is there anything I can do in the meantime?" Percival asked.

Sonic thought for a minute, thinking if there were any errands they could run, but couldn't think of any. "Sorry Percival, but there isn't really anything I can think of." Sonic Shrugged.

Percival sigh again and turned towards the doors. "Very well, I shall just patrol the town then." Percival looked back towards Sonic slightly. "If that's ok with you of course?"

Sonic nodded happily, and at the same time Sir Galahad stepped through the doors slowly and walked up to Sonic. The two of them took no notice of each other and continued to walk up to Sonic. "You called you highness?" Galahad asked as he got down on his knee.

Sonic nodded and his smile faded. "Last night, your father was tasked to engage a KOTU (Knight of the Underworld) encampment. So far he hasn't returned, or even communicated with us at all, and it's been well over nine hours." Sonic explained.

"Let me guess. You want me to go and find him?" Galahad asked.

Sonic nodded and continued. "We believe that something may have gone wrong, and if possible, do not continue to engage the enemy." Sonic said firmly. "Just get the two of you out of there before the situation gets any worse."

Galahad stood back up and nodded respectively. "Yes Sir. Do not worry, I will find him." He reassured Sonic by lifting up his helmet and smiled. Sonic returned the smile and Galahad turned towards the doors. "I will leave immediately. Wish me luck Sire." Sonic nodded as Galahad exited through the doors, and left on his journey.

After an hour of absolutely nothing Sonic decided to go out and have a walk around the castle, taking in the beautiful scenery that the gardens gave. As he turned a corner, he found himself in a larger garden than all the rest. There were beautiful plants of all kinds here. "One thing that I love about this place is its beautiful scenery." Sonic said out loud. As he was passing a semi large tree he noticed a young rabbit girl kneeling in front of a patch of roses, and decided to approach her. As he reach the girl he noticed that she was planting some new seeds in a patch of dirt that was between the patch of roses, and a patch of daisies. "What cha planting Cream?" Sonic asked the rabbit curiously.

The rabbit stopped what she was doing and looked up to Sonic who was standing next to her. "Oh King Sonic!" Cream cried in surprise. "I was just planting some Violet flower seeds. I just thought that this empty patch of dirt would better if it had some flowers planted in it." Cream explained. "Is that ok?"

Sonic smiled and rustled his right hand through her hair which caused her to smile. "Of cause." Sonic said happily.

Cream giggled happily as Sonic kneeled beside her and began to help plant the seeds. After they were done, Cream and Sonic talked for a while, but Cream then brought up the subject about Lancelot. "Sonic."

Sonic looked at her happily and replied. "Yes?"

"Where is Sir Lancelot?" Cream asked worriedly. "I haven't seen him all morning."

Sonic was taken back from the question and scratched the back of his head nervously. "Well he sort of went on an assignment last night, and we fear that he might be in trouble since we hadn't heard from him." Sonic explained. Cream covered her mouth with her hands in surprise. "But we sent Sir Galahad to go and retrieve him. Hopefully they should be back by this afternoon, but if not then the rest of the Knights of the Round Table, as well as myself will go and search for the two of them. But let's hope it doesn't have to come to that." Sonic Smiled nervously.

Cream sighed in relief knowing that Galahad is searching for him. "Well let's hope the two of them will return alright." Cream smiled happily. She then remembered that she had to go somewhere now. "Oh my goodness, I forgot I had to meet my farther at the market once I was done here!" Cream cried in realisation and began to run towards the castle. "Sorry Sonic, but I have to go right now! We'll talk some other time!" Cream exclaimed as she turned a corner.

"Ok! See you later!" Sonic cried as he waved goodbye to her.

He then sighed as he was now alone again, but not even minute later he heard rustling in the nearby bushes behind him. "HAAAAAA!" yelled a voice from behind as a dark figure jumped out from the bushes and lunged at him, but Sonic easily dodged it by simply bowing forward, which caused the figure to fly right over him. "Heh pretty good!" The figure commented as he landed.

Sonic then stood back up properly, and faced his attacker. "Lamorack just face it. You're not faster than me." Sonic said to the figure.

The figure walked in to the light to reveal a Green bird. "Heh, says you." Lamorack countered bluntly, and throw a punch at Sonic's face, but Sonic just easily caught his fist in his right hand. Lamorack than throw a second punch with his left hand, but that was also caught in Sonic's other hand. He then smirked and started to sweep his left leg towards Sonic, but Sonic just parried it with his, and tripped Lamorack with his other leg since he was now unbalanced, and easily fell for Sonic's sweep. He laid there in defeat for a moment before Sonic extended his hand towards him and smiled at him. Lamorack took his hand and stood up correctly.

Sonic then started to walk away from Lamorack and wave at him with his back turned, and could hear Lamorack mumble something. "I'll beat you soon Sonic. One of these days." With that Lamorack headed towards the castle as well.

Hours passed and still no sign of Lancelot or Galahad, but Sonic still had faith in them, and decided he would wait until midnight, and if they weren't back by then, they all will start a search for them. "Sire you should not worry yourself." Percival told Sonic.

Sonic was pacing in front of his desk in his room while Percival was standing next to the door no longer wearing her armour, but instead she was wearing a plain purple dress. "But how can I not worry?" He asked her as he stopped pacing. "Lancelot and Galahad haven't returned yet and it's almost been a full day!"

Percival walked up to him and put her hand on his shoulder. "You should have more faith in them like I do." She suggested. "Besides it's your birthday, and I think it's time we joined every for your party." Sonic nodded and the two of them left the room.

At the party

The room was filled with people of all kinds, Royal's, citizens, even Gawain was hanging out with an Orange echidna. "Whoa. The place is packed." Sonic said in a low voice.

"Well you did invite almost everyone in the kingdom sire." Percival reminded him.

Sonic chuckled nervously in embarrassment. "Is the great Sir Sonic scared of a harmless crowd?" Came a familiar voice. Sonic's sword Caliburn hopped out from to them.

"What are yea talking about Caliburn? I'm not scared." Sonic claimed confidently.

"If you say so My Liege." Caliburn said as he hopped down the steps towards the party and joined Gawain.

"Come on Sire. Everyone's waiting." Percival said as she grabbed on to Sonic's hand and pulled him towards the party. As they were walking down the steps everyone turned to them and cheered while Sonic nervously waved at them. "See that wasn't so bad now was it?" She asked him as they reached the bottom and everyone went back to what they were previously doing.

Sonic sighed. "I guess not."

As the party went on Sonic started to push his worries to the back of his mind, at least until he had to dance. "Alright everyone! As tradition the king will be the one to dance first with the person of his choosing!" The party announcer explained.

A sweat dropped from his face as everyone turned to him and Percival. "Uh P-Percival, would you care t-to dance with m-me?" Sonic stuttered.

Percival blushed and chuckled slightly at Sonic's shyness. "Of course your highness." She agreed. Sonic and Percival both walked onto the dance floor with everyone else silent, but just as they were about to start the doors were suddenly kicked open by… "Galahad! Lancelot!" Sonic cried at the hedgehog's at the door.

Galahad limped into the room with his father unconscious in his arms. "S-sire…" he struggled. "T-there's big… trouble… Please… help…" Galahad then fell to the floor and fell into unconsciousness.

To be continued…

Next time:

"Flashback! The KOTU's new weapon and Lancelot's pride shattered!"