A new one shot for my fave fandom!
I looked at my mother in the mirror. She was cutting my hair, carefully measuring the lengths of hair and snipping the blonde strands away. Today was the day. The day I chose. I was dressed in my last clean outfit, a long grey coat, grey pants that were so big that I held them up with a belt. Grey t- shirt under a grey sweater. She caught me glancing in the mirror.
Instead of scolding me, she placed her hands on my shoulders and smiled at our reflection. Her wavy blonde hair, instead of being pinned up, was laying across her shoulders. "Whatever choice you make, I support you." She patted my cheek and set down the scissors. "Think for a bit, Beatrice."
I nodded and stood up, brushing blonde bits of hair off of my shoulders. I knew my decision. I always have. Haven't I?
I looked at the bowls in the center of the room. My father kissed my head and hugged my brother. "I'll see you later." He sounded so sure. "For dinner." He added on. So sure.
My mother kissed my brother and smiled at me, a knowing look in her eye. She kissed my forehead. "I'll see you." She told me. And Caleb.
We were called in reverse- alphabetical order. Caleb would go before me.
In one bowl, there was a bar of soap, and a bristle brush. In another, some organic cleaner. In one, bleach. In a fourth, a white bottle with thick black writing. In the last, a mixture of different washers, colors, and soaps.
A boy from my faction walked up, sliced his hand, and held it over the organic. Susan, she sliced hers over the soap and brush. I didn't pay much attention. Before I knew it, my brother squeezed my hand and walked away. Sliced his hand. Held it... over the bleach... I frowned. That wasn't supposed to happen. He was supposed to stay.
I heard my name called out and stepped forward. I shuffled forward and picked up the knife. I glanced around. What to choose... I glanced at the soap. I shifted my shoulders in my stiff (heh nickname) and it stunk a bit. I glanced around. The organic cleaner looked nasty. The white bottle gave off a sharp smell. The bleach was sickening. The last concoction gave off a sweet and spicy mixture, like peppers and chocolate. It was great. I glanced at my parents. I glanced at the black clothes.
Closing my eyes tightly I slit my palm. Both on the left, one in front, one in back. I held out my hand. The blood dropped. Onto the intoxicating smell of chocolate and jalapeno. I walked over. A boy with shiny hair and dark eyes, a snake tattoo curling under his ear, pounded my shoulder.
"Beatrice." I said.
"Uriah. I'm going to call you Tris." He laughed. He slung his arm over my shoulder. He smelled like chocolate. I glanced over and there was a tall boy, with deep blue eyes and short hair, glaring at his arm on my shoulder. Not glaring. Just... looking. With... interest.
This would be more interesting then my old faction.
Lol so not as good as I could have written it but get the whole spice and sweet thing?! And I'm so upset about no Uri that he's in like every fanfic I'm going to write. One Directions new video came out. City of Bones is coming out, who's excited?! AND OMG STILES IS GOING TO BE THOMAS FROM MAZE RUNNER! AGH! STILESSSSSSS!
Anyway, PEACE DAWG...no okay... no.