Ryan stepped out of the doorway onto the sidewalk. He'd been doing a lot of thinking and finally, he'd begun to put those thoughts into action. Despite the fact that the entire world was scheduled to start going crazy soon, he wasn't thinking about that at all. Instead, he was focusing his thoughts on the woman who had completely captured his heart. He reached up to wipe the beads of sweat rolling down his forehead. So hot! he thought.

Two steps forward took him to the edge of another sidewalk. As his shoes clomped on the pavement, he glanced at the crowd of passer-bys strolling, striding down the sidewalk alongside him. Jerusalem was really not much different than any other large city he'd been in, and that made it extremely easy for him to handle himself. Glancing both ways, he waited until a taxi was close by. Briefly standing on tiptoe, he threw his arm into the air to flag down the cab, waving at it quickly. As he did so, his cellular phone rang.

The taxi pulled up to the curb, and Ryan flung open the door and climbed inside. A quick mutter of "Ben-Gurion Airport, please," to the cab driver set him driving, and Ryan answered his cell phone.

"Ryan Whittaker," Ryan said, holding the phone against his ear.

"Hey, sweetheart," came a familiar voice. Ryan just about melted. For less than a second he was unable to say a word...but he came to himself so quickly he doubted it was noticeable. He rested his left hand on his lap and leaned back against the passenger seat. The air conditioner hummed, blowing cool air on his sunburned face. How good it felt!

"Kristen!" he exclaimed. "Good to hear from you, honey." Ryan barely hesitated on that last word, and when he said it, it sounded natural. Ryan couldn't help but grin. The awkward stage in their relationship was definitely over. "How are you?"

"Pretty good," she said. "Going crazy with you over there, though." Ryan could hear a slight laugh in her voice, so he chuckled.

"I miss you too," he said, still grinning. "And don't go too crazy...it's my job to be the nutty one, you know." Kristen burst into laughter.

"Not that kind of crazy," Kristen said. "Crazy as in 'can't-concentrate-or-do-my-job-right-because-I-mi ss-you-too-much' kind of crazy."

"Well," Ryan said, still teasing. "As sweet as that is, don't go that kind of crazy either. I don't want you to be too frustrated when I get back."

Kristen giggled again. "You're still being silly."

"Yeah." Ryan chuckled. "But seriously, I should be back in a few more hours. Hang in there." The joking mood hadn't vanished completely...yet there was something else present. Ryan felt the same overwhelming feeling of belonging as he talked to her.

"I'll try," she said softly. She felt it, too.

"Me, too," he said.

They sat in silence for several minutes. No words needed to be exchanged. Ryan felt comforted just knowing that she was on the other end of that open line.

Suddenly, he felt the car jolt to a stop. As Ryan looked up, he saw the airport looming around him. "I'm at the airport now," Ryan said into the phone, even as he pulled his wallet out of his pocket with his free hand. He struggled to open it as quickly as possible.

"That's good," Kristen said, her voice laden with emotion. Ryan had trouble concentrating on anything but Kristen, as he opened the wallet and yanked out a large bill.

"I can't wait to see you. I'll head straight to your place when I get back." As he spoke, Ryan handed the bill to the driver. He was amazed at his ability to do that despite how distracted he was. Ryan climbed out of the taxi.

As Ryan strode through the crowded airport, he realized he wouldn't be able to take the open phone with him into the cockpit. "Uh, Kristen," he said, softly, regretfully. "I...uh...well...I'm afraid I've gotta go."

"Oh," Kristen said, flatly. Ryan could tell she didn't want to hang up either.

"I should be back in a couple hours," he promised. "And, when I get there, I have a question I want to ask you."

"All right," Kristen said. Ryan couldn't help but wonder why she wasn't acting curious about the question. Oh well...that only meant it would come as more of a surprise to her. He forced a smile on his face and a cheerful tone into his voice. "I'll see you in a few hours."

"See you, then," Ryan said. Then, after a second, he added, "I love you."

Kristen's voice sounded choked. "I love you, too."

"Bye," Ryan said regretfully.

He could barely hear Kristen's whispered "bye," followed by the click of her hanging up. Ryan clicked his own phone shut and shoved it into his pocket. While his hand was in his pocket...it bumped against a little cardboard box. A smile crossing his face, Ryan reached deeper into his pocket and grabbed it.

Pulling the box out, Ryan opened it. For a long moment, he gazed down at the diamond ring he'd bought at the jewelry store he had just visited a half-hour before. So much for waiting till I get home, he thought wryly. I took one look at that jewelry store, and decided I couldn't wait another minute!

A broad smile snaked across his face. He had a question for Kristen, all right, and he could only pray that her answer would be yes. Outside the terminal, a dove cooed softly as it flew toward the sun.


©2002 by Robin Day and KathyG.