Disclaimer: I own nothing. Nothing. Except for plot line. Last time I'm going to say this. NOTHING. Credit belongs to J.K. Rowling.

That was so not a week, and I'm a bad person for making you wait so long. School started and I've been in over my head with stuff to do. I can never apologize enough and as always, I thank my readers so much for having patience and all that with me. This is the chapter I'm doing the "adoption talk" with Harry and Severus. I had so much to write last chapter and didn't leave enough space to write it out the way I wanted it. I didn't want it to be quick, I wanted there to be a bond, so here it is. Not sure what else will be in the chapter, so the talk will have as much space as it needs. Hope you like! Review!

Severus watched as his soon-to-be son and his godson talking and playing with the building blocks Draco had brought. Draco was telling Harry all about Hogwarts and the different houses while Harry helped build what looked to be a castle of it's own. He smiled to himself, imagining how much more comfortable the boy would be if given more time. He was so painfully shy, but he was getting better.

Poppy had said he was clear to go to Severus' quarters but the house elves weren't done adding Harry's room to it yet, so he could go home tomorrow. Home. It was nice to think that with the boy. He was so nervous the boy wouldn't accept his offer, he almost didn't give it.


Severus waited until everyone was busy before talking to Harry by himself. He walked over to the bed, and Harry looked up from the book Poppy had given him and gave Severus a weak smile. The sight made Severus happier than he had been in years. He was starting to trust him. Not completely, but it was a start.

"Hey Harry." Severus said as he took a seat next to his bed. "I'd like to ask you something."

"Yes sir?" Harry asked.

Severus smiled at his formality. We'll work on that. He thought. "You remember how I told about the guardianship?" Harry nodded. "Well, I want to talk to you about something along those lines." He couldn't yet bring himself to say the word yet.

"You're not sending me back, are you? Did I do something wrong? Please don't send me away, I'll be good I promise!" Harry rushed to say.

Severus looked at him in shock. He thought he did something wrong? He hasn't even been awake for 10 hours, what could he have done?

"No Harry, I will never send you away. You have done nothing wrong, and even if you did, I will never, ever send you away." Severus soothed. It was true, every word.

"Really?" Harry asked hopefully. Severus nodded. Harry visibly relaxed and listened to Severus.

"Yes, really. I would never make you go back there. I care about you. That's why... I'd like to adopt you." Severus said cautiously. If the boy refused, he had a list of people who could take over the position of his guardian, he would never force his company on the boy.

Harry looked at him confused. "Why would you want me? I'm a freak. I always will be."

Severus moved closer to the boy. "Listen to me, Harry, and listen well." He waited as Harry nodded. "Good. You are not a freak. You are a gifted young boy who deserves love. What those people did to you was wrong. You didn't deserve that and you will never be subject to that treatment again. As for why I want to dopt you, why wouldn't I? You are a kind hearted boy who cares for others and is very smart for his age. Isn't this the fifth book Poppy has brought to you?" Harry showed a

rare smile. "So, what do you say? would you be okay with being my son?"

Harry hesitated for few moments before answering. "Do you like books?"

Severus chuckled. "I love books, actually. Probably just as much as you do. I have a very large collection in my rooms downstairs." He left out the dungeons part, might as well cross that bridge when they got to it.

Harry's eyes lit up. "Really?" Severus nodded. "Does that mean I can see them sometime?"

"Of course, they'd be your quarters, too, after all." Severus said soothingly.

"I think I'd like that." Harry said.

Severus let out a breath he hadn't known he was holding. He nodded. He went to sit on the edge of the bed. "Are you sure? This is rather permanent. You can't change your mind."

Harry smiled. Two smiles in less than five minutes, this is new! Severus thought. "I'm sure."

Severus was surprised. "Thank you, Harry. I'm a very proud father." He opened his arms to the boy. He sucked in a surprised breath as he found himself with arms full of a little boy. He had a death grip and didn't look to loosening it. His arms wrapped around the small child. His son. He reminded himself. He looked over Harry's shoulder at the book he was reading. His eyebrows raised. It was a third year potions textbook.

When Harry pulled back (which wasn't right away), he looked at the boy.

Severus gestured toward the book. "Do you understand that book?"

Harry's eyes lit up as he nodded. "Do you really teach this?"

Severus nodded. "Indeed I do. Did you like the other books?"

Harry nodded. "It sounds a lot like cooking! That was my favorite chore at the Dursley's! Do you think you could show me some stuff?"

Severus looked up and down at the boy in front of him. "If you wish. We can start working on it after you get out of here. So, what potion would you want to make with me?" He was going through a list in his mind of things he could go over with the boy and ingredients he would be okay working with, but he wondered what the boy would want to do.

Harry's eyes lit up like emerald stars as he explained what he thought of the books and potions. He was so excited by the topic. Maybe this can work. Severus thought.


He smiled at the thought. He walked over and sat on a chair so he was close enough if they needed him but far enough to give them their privacy.

On the floor by Harry's hospital bed, the brothers were having their own conversation. Draco was rather curious about his brother's behavior. He wasn't stupid, he knew there was something, but he didn't push it because his mother told him she'd tell him soon. He rather enjoyed his brother's company. He didn't talk much, but he did help as much as he could with the castle.

They were playing with dragon figures pretending the castle was there lair. It was plainly obvious Draco was protective of his brother. He wouldn't let any adult that wasn't his parents or godfather get too close to him without sticking to his side.

Dumbledore wasn't very fond of how close the two were, but decided to hold his tongue. He would discuss Harry's relationship with the Malfoys' with Severus at a later date. Harry still flinched back a lot, but he was getting better.

He continued to warm up to the family, but slowly, Draco was the fastest to warm up to. Harry and Draco were acting like they had grown up together. One of them was rarely seen without the other. They played together, ate together and they had even started tutoring together.

Everyone was surprised how well Harry was doing in his classes. After he realised he wouldn't get in trouble for doing well, he was very good. His math wasn't very

good, but that was to be expected.

Harry looked at his brother. "Hey Draco?"

Draco looked up. "Yeah?"

"What's gonna happen when Sev adopts me?" Harry asked concerned.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, we won't be brothers anymore."

Draco walked over to sit next to Harry. He put his hand on his shoulder and looked him in the eye. "Doesn't matter. You were my brother first, and you always will be. Only now, you'll be my cousin, too. That means I'll get to be twice as protective." Draco smirked. He laughed when Harry groaned.

In seriousness, though, he was glad he had his brother. He was scared Draco wouldn't want a brother if it wasn't his actual brother. When he figured out they would be cousins, he was scared that Draco would turn into Dudley. He couldn't picture any other kind of cousin.

"So don't worry . I'll protect you when you need it. Do you remember healing my arm?" Harry nodded. "Think you could do it again if I needed it?" Draco smirked.

His plan worked, because Harry gave a genuine laugh. He nodded. "Well then, there you go." They continued to build. They finished building the castle as they looked proudly at one another.

"So what house do you want to be in when you come here?"

Draco beamed. "Most of my family has been in Slytherin! I'm sure that's where I'm gonna go. My parents said they don't care where I go, but I think my dad wants me there, too."

Harry considered what he said for a minute. "If we are in different houses-"

"Nope." Draco interrupted without looking up.

"What?" Harry asked confused.

"It's not going to happen. I'll make sure it doesn't." Draco said.

"Why?" Harry asked.

"I don't wanna be in different houses." Draco pouted. "No, I can't be positive but I'm sure we'll be in the same house." Draco leaned forward and lowered his voice. "I don't trust the headmaster."

Harry looked very puzzled am leaned forward, imitating Draco. "Why?"

Just as Draco was going to speak again, he saw his parents and godfather coming over.

"Hey, guys!" Narcissa said cheerfully.

"Hello, Mother! Hello, Father! I didn't know you were coming today!" Draco said to his parents.

Harry gave a small smile to them. "Hi Nana, hi Uncle Luc. Do you like the castle we built?"

Narcissa bent down to get a better look at the castle. She was very impressed by it. It had a striking resembling to Hogwarts, except with taller walls. She looked at her nephew and son with admiration. "That's very impressive, boys."

"Thank you, Nana." Harry said quietly and blushed at the praise.

"So boys, I wanted to ask you two a question." Lucius said, stepping beside his wife.

Draco looked at his father thoughtfully. "What is it?"

Lucius bent down to look them both in the eye.

"Well ,Sev has some errands to attend to tomorrow, so I'll be watching you guys. I thought we could go to Diagon Alley for a while. Harry doesn't have many clothes or thing, and then maybe get ice cream afterward. What do you guys think?" Lucius asked.

Harry looked at his guardian, soon-to-be father with a knowing look. "You're going to visit them, aren't you?" He asked.

Severus sighed. He was hoping Harry wouldn't know what he was doing. "Among other things, sure."

Harry nodded, with an expressionless face. Severus briefly wondered if this was the thing to tell him. "I will never lie to you, Harry. At least, I will do my best not to. If I

do, I want you to know I will do it for your own good."

"Yes, sir." Harry said, nodding. Then he looked over at his brother and his parents. "Is Nana coming, too?" Harry asked, excitedly.

Narcissa smiled as she crouched down and held open her arms. After a brief hesitation, she found herself with an armful of Harry. "Of course I'll come, sweetie. If you want me to." She smiled as he nodded into her shoulder.

Severus cleared his throat loudly as Draco stepped over to his brother and mother as well. After the three were done with a small group hug, they looked up at him.

"So, Draco can stay here again tonight, then you can get them in the morning." He said, watching as they all nodded. Alright, then. Shall we have dinner, then?"

And as they all settled in, talked, conversed and most importantly ate, the pending family had it's first real peace in days of worry.

I could get used to this. Harry thought. Unbeknownst to him, his brother was thinking the same thing.

This isn't my favorite chapter, but it could have been worse. Next chapter, The Dursleys' finally get the punishment they've been asking for! I have a pretty good idea of what I'm going to do, but I'm open to suggestions, as always! I love how patient you guys are and can never thnk you enough! I promise to get the next chapter out as soon as I can! If you guys have things that you do, or don't like, let me know! Love you guys!