
Leader: Bramblestar- Dark brown tabby tom

Deputy: Squirrelflight- Dark ginger she-cat

Medicine Cat: Jayfeather- Gray tabby tom with blind blue eyes.


Brackenfur- Golden brown tabby tom

Sorreltail- Tortoiseshell and white she-cat

Cloudtail- White tom

Thornclaw- Golden brown tabby tom

Brightheart- White she-cat with ginger patches, one missing eye

Spiderleg- Long-limbed black tom with a brown underbelly

Apprentice: Dewpaw

Leafpool- Light brown tabby she-cat

Apprentice: Snowpaw

Whitewing- White she-cat

Apprentice: Lilypaw

Birchfall- Light brown tabby tom

Berrynose- Cream tom

Apprentice: Amberpaw

Hazeltail- Small gray and white she-cat

Apprentice: Seedpaw

Mousewhisker- Gray and white tom

Poppyfrost- Tortoiseshell she-cat

Lionblaze- Golden tabby tom

Foxleap- Reddish tabby tom

Toadstep- Black and white tom

Rosepetal- Dark cream she-cat

Briarlight- Dark brown she-cat, crippled back legs

Bumblestripe- Very pale gray tom with black stripes

Dovewing- Pale gray she-cat

Ivypool- White and silver tabby she-cat

Cherrypelt- Ginger she-cat

Molenose- Brown and cream tom


Seedpaw- Very pale ginger she-cat

Lilypaw- Dark tabby she-cat with white patches

Snowpaw- White tom, amber eyes.

Amberpaw- Pale gray she-cat with white paws, muzzle, and right ear, amber eyes

Dewpaw- Gray tom, amber eyes


Cinderheart- Gray she-cat, mother of Lionblaze's kits

Blossomfall- Tortoiseshell she-cat, mother of Toadstep's kits

Icecloud- White she-cat, mother of Mousewhisker's kit


Spottedkit- Tortoiseshell and white she-kit with blue eyes

Honeykit- Golden she-kit with amber eyes

Hollykit- Black she-kit with white paws and blue eyes

Petalkit- White she-kit with black flecks and paws, blue eyes

Birdkit- Black and ginger tom with amber eyes

Finchkit- Gray and white she-kit with blue eyes


Millie- Striped gray tabby she-cat

Graystripe- Long-furred gray tom

Dustpelt- Dark brown tabby tom

Sandstorm- Pale ginger she-cat

Purdy- Plump tabby tom with a gray muzzle, former loner.

(A/N: The other Clans will come later, but for now...)

Lionblaze was crouching down, ready to spring and catch the thrush he was stalking when a voice rang out, scaring it away.

"Lionblaze! Come quick! Cinderheart's started her kitting!" Poppyfrost shouted. Lionblaze jumped, then paused, processing her words. Then he raced towards camp. Cinderheart wasn't due for another moon!

Hi! I'm Joy of Joys, but you can call me Joy. I hope you enjoy my story. I know, there are a lot of other "After The Last Hope" stories out there. I'm not saying mine is going to be any different, or andy better. I just hope it makes me a better writer. Reviews are greatly appreciated, especially constructive criticism.
